FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

I recommend that you watch the video. If you actually did, and still posted this...hmmmmm.

Actually I didn't. The information of this thread pre empts anything the AQ might put out. It is independently verified fact.
Then I can just LMAO at you.

Since you can't say how that relates to the information of this thread, you may wish to utilize this dress style to prevent any medical difficulty.

again, that is NOT meant to be an exact diagram of the core, all it was was to be a simplified diagram of the "TUBE WITHIN A TUBE" construction

and the bottom pic does not show any concrete

Where is the simplified diagram showing the needed bracing between the columns?

Are you going to try and say that you can not only find any images of the core columns on 9-11 but you cannot find a simplified FEMA diagram showing the supposed bracing required in a core structure of that type?

Apparently you have almost no evidence whatsoever.
again, that is NOT meant to be an exact diagram of the core, all it was was to be a simplified diagram of the "TUBE WITHIN A TUBE" construction

and the bottom pic does not show any concrete

Where is the simplified diagram showing the needed bracing between the columns?

Are you going to try and say that you can not only find any images of the core columns on 9-11 but you cannot find a simplified FEMA diagram showing the supposed bracing required in a core structure of that type?

Apparently you have almost no evidence whatsoever.
it wasnt needed for a simplified drawing to explain the tube within a tube
again, that is NOT meant to be an exact diagram of the core, all it was was to be a simplified diagram of the "TUBE WITHIN A TUBE" construction

and the bottom pic does not show any concrete

Where is the simplified diagram showing the needed bracing between the columns?

Are you going to try and say that you can not only find any images of the core columns on 9-11 but you cannot find a simplified FEMA diagram showing the supposed bracing required in a core structure of that type?

Apparently you have almost no evidence whatsoever.
it wasnt needed for a simplified drawing to explain the tube within a tube

If you read the text of the graphic you will see that "tube within a tube" is not mentioned.

IF it was for those purposes, the inner tube would need explaination relating to its ability to resist lateral loads or sway. It does not have that.

Same deception and manipulation in support of the secret methods of mass murder that you've always displayed.

Where is the simplified diagram showing the needed bracing between the columns?

Are you going to try and say that you can not only find any images of the core columns on 9-11 but you cannot find a simplified FEMA diagram showing the supposed bracing required in a core structure of that type?

Apparently you have almost no evidence whatsoever.
it wasnt needed for a simplified drawing to explain the tube within a tube

If you read the text of the graphic you will see that "tube within a tube" is not mentioned.

IF it was for those purposes, the inner tube would need explaination relating to its ability to resist lateral loads or sway. It does not have that.

Same deception and manipulation in support of the secret methods of mass murder that you've always displayed.
thus proving you a fucking idiot
it wasnt needed for a simplified drawing to explain the tube within a tube

If you read the text of the graphic you will see that "tube within a tube" is not mentioned.

IF it was for those purposes, the inner tube would need explaination relating to its ability to resist lateral loads or sway. It does not have that.

Same deception and manipulation in support of the secret methods of mass murder that you've always displayed.
thus proving you a fucking idiot

The only thing proven here besides the FEMA deception is that you are capable of gross misrepresentation and evasion. And, such behavior can reasonably be seen as supporting the demise of the US Constitution as well as the secret methods of mass murder on 9-11.
Maybe you can detect a difference in appearances between what FEMA says the core is.


and what is seen as the core of WTC 2 on 9-11.


If you cannot do that, then you cannot protect the US Constitution. All you can do is find an immigrant who has worked in construction to help you. They take an oath to protect the Constitution.

"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."

Maybe you don't care enough.

According to these two images and my understanding of them, the Federal Emergency Management Agency's diagram and an actual photograph of the failure of the structure of the World Trade Center number two are somewhat contrasting. The Federal Emergency Management Agency's diagram depicts several columns in the core. While the actual photograph from the failure the structure of World Trade Center number two show what appears to be central core (one solid structure). Therefore one can conclude that the Federal Emergency Management Agency must redo their diagram or some other entity outside of this agency must do a diagram to more accurately represent the actual structure. Again, basing any further analysis on the findings of the Federal Emergency Management Agency is redundant.

Is this a correct analysis?

Absolutely correct. Any analysis of events utilizing FEMA's design data is a continued waste of time and can only produce completely inaccurate results.

This was very basic analysis.

Knowing all of this, there should be tons of journalists all over America inquiring about these same topics to government officials.

Why American journalists do not seem to be doing their jobs?

So my question is, Who else out there is willing to confront this issue?

What can be done as a solution?

Whatever the solution may be, who is responsible for implementing the said solution?
According to these two images and my understanding of them, the Federal Emergency Management Agency's diagram and an actual photograph of the failure of the structure of the World Trade Center number two are somewhat contrasting. The Federal Emergency Management Agency's diagram depicts several columns in the core. While the actual photograph from the failure the structure of World Trade Center number two show what appears to be central core (one solid structure). Therefore one can conclude that the Federal Emergency Management Agency must redo their diagram or some other entity outside of this agency must do a diagram to more accurately represent the actual structure. Again, basing any further analysis on the findings of the Federal Emergency Management Agency is redundant.

Is this a correct analysis?

Absolutely correct. Any analysis of events utilizing FEMA's design data is a continued waste of time and can only produce completely inaccurate results.

This was very basic analysis.

Knowing all of this, there should be tons of journalists all over America inquiring about these same topics to government officials.

True, but that is evident since 9-11. They never engaged private, professionals to provide independant analysis. They were a conduit for "shock and awe" information in a ritualistic conditioning of the populations.

I still think some body ordered about a billion little American flags BEFORE 9-11 so that the populations primed to respond with warlike retaliation would have the standard patriotic sybol while joining and bonding with others.

Why American journalists do not seem to be doing their jobs?

The infiltration includes, potentialy, all corporate positions, but particuarly media, all media. Print, radio, music recording, film production.
A basic rule exists at the top. No one who will expose any critical secrets, or even test the fringes of them, will be given any power to share with a larger segment of the population.
Power in publishing and journalism is only given to those that will support the interests of the power, for the sake of the power. A dynamic of power corrupting absolutely. Fear based decision making as implimented since that dude was nailed up to the cross for speaking a truth that exposed secret methods of power mongering in society.

So my question is, Who else out there is willing to confront this issue?

Man, ................ can't you ask another question?

No, ......... I can respond with a question and explanation.

"Do you mean says they are willing, or are actually willing" if they state generally they seek the truth?

Consider many seek this kind of truth. Then when they learn about it they decide they don't want to know. An aspect voiced simply here.

"Do you still want to know the truth after you learn it is something that you do not want to know?"

The situtation we address is a factor of the psyops, or "the big lie". We are near the crux where either people question the lie and expose it, or fearfully react in acceptence seeking what is presented as comfort and security. The fear in the psyops is social fear.
Social fear is something we are far more sensitive and reactive to than many can believe. Media for the last 40 years has been working to artificially escalate this to maximize corporate profits through advertising and tv for children.

A group of people using reason and common knowledge; and what ever resource of evidence supporting it, if needed, and it shouldn't be unless the social situation is artificially directed through infiltrations; upon forming in a face to face situation draw attention. If they are passionate and developed as leaders they speak in support of the common interests of the people who might listen and how the particular issue the initial group formed, then found concencus adequate for further sharing and concencus building.

After a certain amonut of that, another, larger group forms with what is well known as common knowledge replete with details and the facts begin to echo through the conscious state of the people of the society.

In this case the fears are unconscious and have nothing to do with 9-11. They are religious but societally assimilated unconsciously by social members as an invisible conditioning going back 2,000 years and more.

What can be done as a solution?

I've been doing it, now we are doing it. Others are reading, they may do it, yet others may hear them doing it and start up.

We can also remember something that is very justified because of the long record of many improprieties politically of the last 20 years that have compromised the US Constitution as the rule of law. Anyone that knows how title 42 §1988 is used has an idea.

Remember this is about exposing a simple deception about the design of a building that was supposed to have collapsed killing a lot of people. Those telling the "big lie" and supporting it would like us to always add to the fear they have created by us alleging very scary things that can only relate to the 2,000 year old conditioning we struggle with.

Remember, this is about the Constitution and as citizens doing our duty and forbidding any official governmental lapses regarding the highest point of Constitutional due process as it is associated with "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness". Remember this is about reason and evidence not social acceptence which is easily steeped in the psychological elements of the "big lie" that extend back in time to an uncomfortable degree. No need to talk about demolition nor question anything except the cause of death based on the fact FEMA misrepresented the structures to NIST who produced the official cause of death seen on nearly all 3,000 death certificates.

The goal is 20 affidavits addressing the evidence; by persons who have worked for 15 years in construction who affirm what they see and what they do not see; that are served with a petition signed by as many NY state voters as can be found integrating the affidavits and evidence into a demand upon the attorney general of that state.

Whatever the solution may be, who is responsible for implementing the said solution?

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The infiltration includes, potentialy, all corporate positions, but particuarly media, all media. Print, radio, music recording, film production.
A basic rule exists at the top. No one who will expose any critical secrets, or even test the fringes of them, will be given any power to share with a larger segment of the population.
Power in publishing and journalism is only given to those that will support the interests of the power, for the sake of the power. A dynamic of power corrupting absolutely. Fear based decision making as implimented since that dude was nailed up to the cross for speaking a truth that exposed secret methods of power mongering in society.

Thats bullshit. Why won't they publish something that will make them untold millions of dollars?

Hell, 40 years after the fact, Woodward and Bernstein are burned into the lexicon of America. And you're saying that no reporters today would report a story that is sure to give them the same cache. Not buying it asswipe!

Oh yeah, newspapers are dying; news reporters who work at the papers are losing their jobs left and right; readership in all media is on the wane; network viewership is dwindling. And you're expecting us to believe that with faced with the sure calamity in some cases and the probable extinction in others; that "all media"--including such gems as Inside Edition and Howard Stern--are ignoring the biggest story of any of our lifetimes because 'THE MAN' told them to. Sure dumbass. Whatever you say. :cuckoo:

Are you as fucked in the god damned head as you sound? Because you sound as if you were dropped at birth; hard!
All I am saying is the journalist should have been asking questions and should be asking questions.

But it seems to me every time someone starts to simply question the events or the official story, they are attacked. This seems to be the status quo in the media and on these boards. People seem to insult more than engage in decent logical reasoning and discourse. That is why sometimes I question the very integrity of these boards. I come here to learn about difference of opinion not about who has the best insults. Simple, If you disagree you have a discourse.

Thomas Jefferson said, "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism."

If you do not question your country, your country may deceive you.

Noah Webster said, "GOD commands you to choose for yourself rulers, JUST men who rule in the fear of GOD. If the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupt."

That is where I stand as a Critical Thinker first and an American second.
All I am saying is the journalist should have been asking questions and should be asking questions.

But it seems to me every time someone starts to simply question the events or the official story, they are attacked. This seems to be the status quo in the media and on these boards. People seem to insult more than engage in decent logical reasoning and discourse. That is why sometimes I question the very integrity of these boards. I come here to learn about difference of opinion not about who has the best insults. Simple, If you disagree you have a discourse.

Thomas Jefferson said, "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism."

If you do not question your country, your country may deceive you.

Noah Webster said, "GOD commands you to choose for yourself rulers, JUST men who rule in the fear of GOD. If the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupt."

That is where I stand as a Critical Thinker first and an American second.

Some of us have brought up evidence to squash Chris' theory, but he refuses to address it in any way, shape, or form.


Because he KNOWS it will be the downfall of his theory. He's been parroting his evidence and his so-called "professional" knowledge for so long that if he were to admit he was wrong at this point, it would be the end of his "internet career" and he'd be a laughing stock.

He has no interest in the truth, for if he did, he would work WITH is opponents to answer the tough questions.

I have asked him to present a scaled lobby drawing (which he admitted he could easily do) and show his core and how all the elevators and everything in it could possibly fit, yet he refuses.

His reason for refusal? Because I am a "wimp" and he won't do it.

I have pointed out NUMEROUS contradictions and mistakes in his theory and he refuses to correct them or address them.

Thats bullshit. Why won't they publish something that will make them untold millions of dollars?

Hell, 40 years after the fact, Woodward and Bernstein are burned into the lexicon of America. And you're saying that no reporters today would report a story that is sure to give them the same cache. Not buying it asswipe!

Oh yeah, newspapers are dying; news reporters who work at the papers are losing their jobs left and right; readership in all media is on the wane; network viewership is dwindling. And you're expecting us to believe that with faced with the sure calamity in some cases and the probable extinction in others; that "all media"--including such gems as Inside Edition and Howard Stern--are ignoring the biggest story of any of our lifetimes because 'THE MAN' told them to. Sure dumbass. Whatever you say. :cuckoo:

Are you as fucked in the god damned head as you sound? Because you sound as if you were dropped at birth; hard!


As partners of the perpetrators they can be seen as enabling whatever the perps would like people to see and think.
I recommend that you watch the video. If you actually did, and still posted this...hmmmmm.

your trying to be funny right?:lol:that laughable video doesnt prove jack shit.That video is right about one thing,it proves the 9/11 conspiracy theories of the government that 19 muslims were behind it all is a ridiculous conspiracy theory.:lol:
again, as you have been told repeatedly
you see core columns and no concrete
yet another massive fail by you

I never claimed that image shows concrete. I explain, very logically that the connections seen left and right of the center crane on top of the elevator guide rail support steel are called butt plates and are too weak for core columns.

In this image here, on 9-11, is concrete.


another. The west concrete wall of WTC 1 core left of the spire.


Your selectivity exposes your unreasonable efforts to keep that dirty secret of the methods of mass murder used on 9-11 to kill 3,000 people.

fuck off, shitstain.

ah the same old Elvis routine when he cant counter facts.
fuck off, shitstain.

Since you have no evidence what I said must reasonably taken as true. One can only conclude that you intend to prevent people being aware of how 3,000 were murdered, because the cause of death is inaccurate and I've rpoven that over and over.

We already know how they were murdered, you pathetic little cumstain. Go jerk off to your Alex jones videos, you stupid fuckhead.

same old pathetic Elvis.Instead of presenting evidence or trying to refute what Chris says,he throws childish insults and goes into name calling.what a sad life this kid must have.
Since you have no evidence what I said must reasonably taken as true. One can only conclude that you intend to prevent people being aware of how 3,000 were murdered, because the cause of death is inaccurate and I've rpoven that over and over.

We already know how they were murdered, you pathetic little cumstain. Go jerk off to your Alex jones videos, you stupid fuckhead.

same old pathetic Elvis.Instead of presenting evidence or trying to refute what Chris says,he throws childish insults and goes into name calling.what a sad life this kid must have.

It HAS been refuted. Chris refuses to go toe to toe with me. Care to try? You seem to think Chris' theory is correct. Why don't you prove me wrong by trying to fit everything that was present in the core of the towers into Chris' core.

He's too much of a coward to do it because he knows I'm right. What about you? Care to take the challenge? Show me a scaled drawing of the lobby level with Chris' core and fit everything in there with proper clearances and I'll leave this forum if it stands scrutiny.

What have you OR Chris' got to lose?
All I am saying is the journalist should have been asking questions and should be asking questions.

But it seems to me every time someone starts to simply question the events or the official story, they are attacked. This seems to be the status quo in the media and on these boards. People seem to insult more than engage in decent logical reasoning and discourse. That is why sometimes I question the very integrity of these boards. I come here to learn about difference of opinion not about who has the best insults. Simple, If you disagree you have a discourse.

Thomas Jefferson said, "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism."

If you do not question your country, your country may deceive you.

Noah Webster said, "GOD commands you to choose for yourself rulers, JUST men who rule in the fear of GOD. If the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupt."

That is where I stand as a Critical Thinker first and an American second.

Some of us have brought up evidence to squash Chris' theory, but he refuses to address it in any way, shape, or form.


Because he KNOWS it will be the downfall of his theory. He's been parroting his evidence and his so-called "professional" knowledge for so long that if he were to admit he was wrong at this point, it would be the end of his "internet career" and he'd be a laughing stock.

He has no interest in the truth, for if he did, he would work WITH is opponents to answer the tough questions.

I have asked him to present a scaled lobby drawing (which he admitted he could easily do) and show his core and how all the elevators and everything in it could possibly fit, yet he refuses.

His reason for refusal? Because I am a "wimp" and he won't do it.

I have pointed out NUMEROUS contradictions and mistakes in his theory and he refuses to correct them or address them.

you mean he isnt already?
As partners of the perpetrators they can be seen as enabling whatever the perps would like people to see and think.
I recommend that you watch the video. If you actually did, and still posted this...hmmmmm.

your trying to be funny right?:lol:that laughable video doesnt prove jack shit.That video is right about one thing,it proves the 9/11 conspiracy theories of the government that 19 muslims were behind it all is a ridiculous conspiracy theory.:lol:
you dumbfuck, that's a satire thing, its what "the Onion" is known for
you take it as anything serious shows how fucked in the head you are
We already know how they were murdered, you pathetic little cumstain. Go jerk off to your Alex jones videos, you stupid fuckhead.

same old pathetic Elvis.Instead of presenting evidence or trying to refute what Chris says,he throws childish insults and goes into name calling.what a sad life this kid must have.

It HAS been refuted. Chris refuses to go toe to toe with me. Care to try? You seem to think Chris' theory is correct. Why don't you prove me wrong by trying to fit everything that was present in the core of the towers into Chris' core.

He's too much of a coward to do it because he knows I'm right. What about you? Care to take the challenge? Show me a scaled drawing of the lobby level with Chris' core and fit everything in there with proper clearances and I'll leave this forum if it stands scrutiny.

What have you OR Chris' got to lose?
naw, he'll just put you on ignore like he does anyone that he can't parrot the 9/11 troofer nonsense from
again, no concrete wall in the core
since there was none when it was built

You say that without evidence which renders it insubstancial when confronted with evidence.

Recall, I've posted a great deal of other independent evidence that corroborates the images you refuse to use.

There is the September 13, 2001 Newsweek article of Robertson Newsweek article (not reasonable to suggest that when 3,000 are murdered in what is called a collapse that Newsweek would make sure the information was good) It is not reasonable that Robertson and his company would not demand, and recieve an immediate correction if Newsweek was in error.

You are trying to support the infiltration of the US government, the secret means of mass murder on 9-11, AND the demise of the US Constitution and you are trying to do it with no evidence.


To my understanding, in this Newsweek article, with the lack of demanding a correction by Leslie E. Robertson directly contradicts what the Federal Emergency Management Agency alleges to be the composition of the central core of the twin towers with this quotation; "Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners."

Is this correct?

Thats correct Joe.Robertson said that.They obviously got to Robertson cause as everybody knows,Robertson was a junior partner in the firm that constructed the towers so he wasnt the lead engineer.The lead engineer of the firm and senior partner was John Skilling who was quoted in many newspapers back in 93 when they had the first bombing,when asked what would happen if an airliner slammed into the tower,if the towers would remain standing or if the fires would damage them,he replied being quoted saying-There would be a great loss of life due to the fires but the structures themselves would remain standing.

Also in jan 01,Frank Demartini,the on site construction manager,was intereviewed by the history channel called Modern Marvels where he is on that video saying that the towers were designed to remain standing that you could have MULTIPLE airliners slamming into it and it would do absolutely nothing to the towers.That doing that had about as much affect us poking your pencil through a screen door grid.That it has absolutley no effect on the sreen netting,just like the screen netting remains harmless from the pencil puntures,same thing with the towers. These were all comments BEFORE sept 11th happened.All of Robertsons comments are quoted AFTER sept 11th.Its pretty obvious that they got to Robertson.Its hilarious watching what all these disinfo agents come back in their desperate attempts to defend the official version when I bring up these points.anything that doesnt fit THEIR version of events,they try and get around on.:lol:

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