FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

The infiltration includes, potentialy, all corporate positions, but particuarly media, all media. Print, radio, music recording, film production.
A basic rule exists at the top. No one who will expose any critical secrets, or even test the fringes of them, will be given any power to share with a larger segment of the population.
Power in publishing and journalism is only given to those that will support the interests of the power, for the sake of the power. A dynamic of power corrupting absolutely. Fear based decision making as implimented since that dude was nailed up to the cross for speaking a truth that exposed secret methods of power mongering in society.

Thats bullshit. Why won't they publish something that will make them untold millions of dollars?

You are so predictable to them that you assume as they think you would assume and believe that a few million is enough for them to relinquish absolute power. You think it's about money. What a tool.
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Since I support the Consitution by demanding lawful performance or logical and reasonable due process and I use independently verified evidence, your words can be deemed facietious and the terrorism was caused by the infiltrators/perpetrators you protect.

You have no independely verified evidence for the steel core columns and FEMA, not created under the Constitution has deceived NIST, proven by the evidence I post, rendering the analysis of collapse invalid which is supposed to be the cause of death.

Clearly you support the demise of the US Constitution and the secret means of mass murder which is essentially terrorism.

Typical culprit, accusing others of what they themselves are doing.
which is what you are doing'
you were the one that stated that bullshit
and you don't like it when it is used back against you
fuck off asswipe

I post evidence and reason, you post crude insults. Meaning that you are unreasonable BECAUSE you have no evidence. Actually your mentality reminds me of rumsfeld.

My evidence includes conclusive evidence from 9-11 showing massive concrete walls 400 feet off the ground,


Something that is absolutely NOT a part of what FEMA describes with the single official depiction of the core from an official source.

Note, the core is empty. The single column on the other side is an interior box column which is outside the concrete core wall. A fact well established in this thread.

thats why Chris I keep tellinng you,Ditzcon is a stupid kid not even worth bothering with.EVERYBODY here should put this guy on their ignore list like I did several months ago.With Toto,I can tolerate HIS laughable posts cause he stays aways from childish insults and name calling at least and at least gives me laughs with his desperate attempts to defend the official version.:lol:Ditzcon never even attempts to try and debunk anything.the kid just comes back with childish insults and name calling and NOTHING else to offer.the kid is afraid of ANY government conspiracy,why bother with him? Toto is as well but his posts are at least amusing though.
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All I am saying is the journalist should have been asking questions and should be asking questions.

But it seems to me every time someone starts to simply question the events or the official story, they are attacked. This seems to be the status quo in the media and on these boards. People seem to insult more than engage in decent logical reasoning and discourse. That is why sometimes I question the very integrity of these boards.

There is a psyops using the overinformation highway just as DARPA intended where an unconstitutional division is created and those disabled from critical thinking are areguing for the end of the Consitution and do not even know it.

They come from a a fear they cannot articulate.

I come here to learn about difference of opinion not about who has the best insults. Simple, If you disagree you have a discourse.

Thomas Jefferson said, "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism."

If you do not question your country, your country may deceive you.

Noah Webster said, "GOD commands you to choose for yourself rulers, JUST men who rule in the fear of GOD. If the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupt."

That is where I stand as a Critical Thinker first and an American second.

Good words. I would say that only a critical thinker can be an American. It takes critical thinking to understand the Constitution.
All I am saying is the journalist should have been asking questions and should be asking questions.

But it seems to me every time someone starts to simply question the events or the official story, they are attacked. This seems to be the status quo in the media and on these boards. People seem to insult more than engage in decent logical reasoning and discourse. That is why sometimes I question the very integrity of these boards. I come here to learn about difference of opinion not about who has the best insults. Simple, If you disagree you have a discourse.

Thomas Jefferson said, "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism."

If you do not question your country, your country may deceive you.

Noah Webster said, "GOD commands you to choose for yourself rulers, JUST men who rule in the fear of GOD. If the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupt."

That is where I stand as a Critical Thinker first and an American second.

Some of us have brought up evidence to squash Chris' theory, but he refuses to address it in any way, shape, or form.

Of course after you completely fail to produce any evidence of the supposed steel core columns, you invent some false test and claim I've failed it.

Your evidence is not evidence. It is misinformation because the source for your dimensions of the elevators comes from the silverstein plans which have been proven wrong and such proof is here in this thread.

You support the secret methods of mass murder and the demise of the US Constitution.
You say that without evidence which renders it insubstancial when confronted with evidence.

Recall, I've posted a great deal of other independent evidence that corroborates the images you refuse to use.

There is the September 13, 2001 Newsweek article of Robertson Newsweek article (not reasonable to suggest that when 3,000 are murdered in what is called a collapse that Newsweek would make sure the information was good) It is not reasonable that Robertson and his company would not demand, and recieve an immediate correction if Newsweek was in error.

You are trying to support the infiltration of the US government, the secret means of mass murder on 9-11, AND the demise of the US Constitution and you are trying to do it with no evidence.


To my understanding, in this Newsweek article, with the lack of demanding a correction by Leslie E. Robertson directly contradicts what the Federal Emergency Management Agency alleges to be the composition of the central core of the twin towers with this quotation; "Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners."

Is this correct?

Also in jan 01,Frank Demartini,the on site construction manager,was intereviewed by the history channel called Modern Marvels where he is on that video saying that the towers were designed to remain standing that you could have MULTIPLE airliners slamming into it and it would do absolutely nothing to the towers.That doing that had about as much affect us poking your pencil through a screen door grid.That it has absolutley no effect on the sreen netting,just like the screen netting remains harmless from the pencil puntures,same thing with the towers.

I'm quite certain the Frank Demartini was told not to directly describe the concrete core and so he invented the anology of the screen netting.

If one does some critical thinking, they will realize that no part of the FEMA structure resembles a "screen netting". What resembles the "screen netting" is the high tensile steel rebar grid inside the concrete walls of the core.
This post shows how agent gamits test of the concrete core facts are bogus.

Examine the core wall at its base. A 3x7 hallway has daylight shining through it.

Examine a zoomed screen shot of the silverstein plans 3rd floor core plan which can be the only source of agent gamits dimensions.

ORIGINAL PLAN LINKED BELOW: (note it is on the first 9-11 conspiracy site server which does NOT have the only image of an intact core on the wtc7.net site. Why?)


If he can read those dimensions, it is probably off of the blueprints before they were scanned.

The silverstein plan shows an steamshaft, an airshaft, a janitors closet, or an elevator where the concrete base wall is.

The agent atempts to manipulate with the false information provided by his master silverstein in support of the false authority FEMA.

The agent seeks to keep the means of mass murder secret and assist the demise of the US Constitution. FEMA was not created under the Constitution.
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According to these two images and my understanding of them, the Federal Emergency Management Agency's diagram and an actual photograph of the failure of the structure of the World Trade Center number two are somewhat contrasting. The Federal Emergency Management Agency's diagram depicts several columns in the core. While the actual photograph from the failure the structure of World Trade Center number two show what appears to be central core (one solid structure). Therefore one can conclude that the Federal Emergency Management Agency must redo their diagram or some other entity outside of this agency must do a diagram to more accurately represent the actual structure. Again, basing any further analysis on the findings of the Federal Emergency Management Agency is redundant.

Is this a correct analysis?

Absolutely correct. Any analysis of events utilizing FEMA's design data is a continued waste of time and can only produce completely inaccurate results.

This was very basic analysis.

Knowing all of this, there should be tons of journalists all over America inquiring about these same topics to government officials.

Why American journalists do not seem to be doing their jobs?

So my question is, Who else out there is willing to confront this issue?

What can be done as a solution?

Whatever the solution may be, who is responsible for implementing the said solution?

the answer to that question Joe is obvious to anyone who knows the facts about how the government and mainstream media operate.These infiltrater psych op agents who have penetrated this board and the Bush dupes in denial about ANY government conspiracy like TOTO AND DITZCON for instance,they always ignore these facts everytime I bring them up and come back with all kinds of nonsense to try and get around it to no avail,but the REASON american journalists are not doing their jobs is because congress discovered in the 1970's that through the freedom of information act,documents that the CIA has plants everywhere.

They got them in post offices,government buildings,activist groups such as human rights,and ESPECIALLY the mainstream media.So the mainstream media people are only going to print and talk about what they WANT you to hear.If a journalist went to their boss and said they wanted to broadcast a special on how explosives brought the towers down,well they would be lucky if they ONLY lost their job.If thats all that happened to them,they would be very fortunate indeed.anytime the mainstream media DOES have someone on to talk about it,its only to attack them and not let them present their evidence which is all they have ever done when bringing these people on that have evidence.The Bush dupes and infiltraters here,always ignore this little fact though about how congress discovered how the CIA has plants everywhere.:rolleyes:
All I am saying is the journalist should have been asking questions and should be asking questions.

But it seems to me every time someone starts to simply question the events or the official story, they are attacked. This seems to be the status quo in the media and on these boards. People seem to insult more than engage in decent logical reasoning and discourse. That is why sometimes I question the very integrity of these boards.

There is a psyops using the overinformation highway just as DARPA intended where an unconstitutional division is created and those disabled from critical thinking are areguing for the end of the Consitution and do not even know it.

They come from a a fear they cannot articulate.

I come here to learn about difference of opinion not about who has the best insults. Simple, If you disagree you have a discourse.

Thomas Jefferson said, "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism."

If you do not question your country, your country may deceive you.

Noah Webster said, "GOD commands you to choose for yourself rulers, JUST men who rule in the fear of GOD. If the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupt."

That is where I stand as a Critical Thinker first and an American second.

Good words. I would say that only a critical thinker can be an American. It takes critical thinking to understand the Constitution.

Yes welcome to the wonderful world of Us message boards Joe.as you are finding out,the 9/11 apologists here when they cant refute facts and they only have baseless wild ass theorys to support their disillusions they have that muslins were behind it all and that the planes brought down the towers,they engage in childish insults and name calling when they know they have nothing to back up their facts as has been demonstrated by Elvis recently and Ditzcon hundreds of times.thats why i try not to bother with them anymore.
Absolutely correct. Any analysis of events utilizing FEMA's design data is a continued waste of time and can only produce completely inaccurate results.

This was very basic analysis.

Knowing all of this, there should be tons of journalists all over America inquiring about these same topics to government officials.

Why American journalists do not seem to be doing their jobs?

So my question is, Who else out there is willing to confront this issue?

What can be done as a solution?

Whatever the solution may be, who is responsible for implementing the said solution?

the answer to that question Joe is obvious to anyone who knows the facts about how the government and mainstream media operate.These infiltrater psych op agents who have penetrated this board and the Bush dupes in denial about ANY government conspiracy like TOTO AND DITZCON for instance,they always ignore these facts everytime I bring them up and come back with all kinds of nonsense to try and get around it to no avail,but the REASON american journalists are not doing their jobs is because congress discovered in the 1970's that through the freedom of information act,documents that the CIA has plants everywhere.

They got them in post offices,government buildings,activist groups such as human rights,and ESPECIALLY the mainstream media.So the mainstream media people are only going to print and talk about what they WANT you to hear.If a journalist went to their boss and said they wanted to broadcast a special on how explosives brought the towers down,well they would be lucky if they ONLY lost their job.If thats all that happened to them,they would be very fortunate indeed.anytime the mainstream media DOES have someone on to talk about it,its only to attack them and not let them present their evidence which is all they have ever done when bringing these people on that have evidence.The Bush dupes and infiltraters here,always ignore this little fact though about how congress discovered how the CIA has plants everywhere.:rolleyes:


Accordingly, the only real American standing for the Constitution uses evidence and reason. Until the Constitution is secured, it shall be very harsh socially on anyone presenting that they support the Constitution who will not use evidence to control/limit their actions, to those obviously in support of lawful performance by government.

If Americans, who are people using critical thinking, are to protect their Constitution and continue to live under it, this must be as the law of the land requires evidence and reason.
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which is what you are doing'
you were the one that stated that bullshit
and you don't like it when it is used back against you
fuck off asswipe

I post evidence and reason, you post crude insults. Meaning that you are unreasonable BECAUSE you have no evidence. Actually your mentality reminds me of rumsfeld.

My evidence includes conclusive evidence from 9-11 showing massive concrete walls 400 feet off the ground,


Something that is absolutely NOT a part of what FEMA describes with the single official depiction of the core from an official source.

Note, the core is empty. The single column on the other side is an interior box column which is outside the concrete core wall. A fact well established in this thread.

thats why Chris I keep tellinng you,Ditzcon is a stupid kid not even worth bothering with.EVERYBODY here should put this guy on their ignore list like I did several months ago.With Toto,I can tolerate HIS laughable posts cause he stays aways from childish insults and name calling at least and at least gives me laughs with his desperate attempts to defend the official version.:lol:Ditzcon never even attempts to try and debunk anything.the kid just comes back with childish insults and name calling and NOTHING else to offer.the kid is afraid of ANY government conspiracy,why bother with him? Toto is as well but his posts are at least amusing though.
and you are a fucking moron
even if i was a kid, i've kicked your ass so bad you had to put me on ignore
This was very basic analysis.

Knowing all of this, there should be tons of journalists all over America inquiring about these same topics to government officials.

Why American journalists do not seem to be doing their jobs?

So my question is, Who else out there is willing to confront this issue?

What can be done as a solution?

Whatever the solution may be, who is responsible for implementing the said solution?

the answer to that question Joe is obvious to anyone who knows the facts about how the government and mainstream media operate.These infiltrater psych op agents who have penetrated this board and the Bush dupes in denial about ANY government conspiracy like TOTO AND DITZCON for instance,they always ignore these facts everytime I bring them up and come back with all kinds of nonsense to try and get around it to no avail,but the REASON american journalists are not doing their jobs is because congress discovered in the 1970's that through the freedom of information act,documents that the CIA has plants everywhere.

They got them in post offices,government buildings,activist groups such as human rights,and ESPECIALLY the mainstream media.So the mainstream media people are only going to print and talk about what they WANT you to hear.If a journalist went to their boss and said they wanted to broadcast a special on how explosives brought the towers down,well they would be lucky if they ONLY lost their job.If thats all that happened to them,they would be very fortunate indeed.anytime the mainstream media DOES have someone on to talk about it,its only to attack them and not let them present their evidence which is all they have ever done when bringing these people on that have evidence.The Bush dupes and infiltraters here,always ignore this little fact though about how congress discovered how the CIA has plants everywhere.:rolleyes:


Accordingly, the only real American standing for the Constitution uses evidence and reason. Until the Constitution is secured, it shall be very harsh socially on anyone presenting that they support the Constitution who will not use evidence to control/limit their actions, to those obviously in support of lawful performance by government.

If Americans, who are people using critical thinking, are to protect their Constitution and continue to live under it, this must be as the law of the land requires evidence and reason.
which YOU lack
the answer to that question Joe is obvious to anyone who knows the facts about how the government and mainstream media operate.These infiltrater psych op agents who have penetrated this board and the Bush dupes in denial about ANY government conspiracy like TOTO AND DITZCON for instance,they always ignore these facts everytime I bring them up and come back with all kinds of nonsense to try and get around it to no avail,but the REASON american journalists are not doing their jobs is because congress discovered in the 1970's that through the freedom of information act,documents that the CIA has plants everywhere.

They got them in post offices,government buildings,activist groups such as human rights,and ESPECIALLY the mainstream media.So the mainstream media people are only going to print and talk about what they WANT you to hear.If a journalist went to their boss and said they wanted to broadcast a special on how explosives brought the towers down,well they would be lucky if they ONLY lost their job.If thats all that happened to them,they would be very fortunate indeed.anytime the mainstream media DOES have someone on to talk about it,its only to attack them and not let them present their evidence which is all they have ever done when bringing these people on that have evidence.The Bush dupes and infiltraters here,always ignore this little fact though about how congress discovered how the CIA has plants everywhere.:rolleyes:


Accordingly, the only real American standing for the Constitution uses evidence and reason. Until the Constitution is secured, it shall be very harsh socially on anyone presenting that they support the Constitution who will not use evidence to control/limit their actions, to those obviously in support of lawful performance by government.

If Americans, who are people using critical thinking, are to protect their Constitution and continue to live under it, this must be as the law of the land requires evidence and reason.
which YOU lack

Such a statement after the quantity of evidence in this thread makes you un American. Here is some of that evidence and it is reasonably irrefutable that it shows a massive concrete wall falling inot an empty core.


Accordingly, the only real American standing for the Constitution uses evidence and reason. Until the Constitution is secured, it shall be very harsh socially on anyone presenting that they support the Constitution who will not use evidence to control/limit their actions, to those obviously in support of lawful performance by government.

If Americans, who are people using critical thinking, are to protect their Constitution and continue to live under it, this must be as the law of the land requires evidence and reason.
which YOU lack

Such a statement after the quantity of evidence in this thread makes you un American. Here is some of that evidence and it is reasonably irrefutable that it shows a massive concrete wall falling inot an empty core.
except that gif doesnt show what you claim it does
Such a statement after the quantity of evidence in this thread makes you un American. Here is some of that evidence and it is reasonably irrefutable that it shows a massive concrete wall falling inot an empty core.
except that gif doesnt show what you claim it does

Since you have no evidence, ........ you have no argument.

The Concrete core of WTC 2.
and that image doesn't show what you claim
you are a liar and you want to see things there that AREN'T
To my understanding, in this Newsweek article, with the lack of demanding a correction by Leslie E. Robertson directly contradicts what the Federal Emergency Management Agency alleges to be the composition of the central core of the twin towers with this quotation; "Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners."

Is this correct?

Also in jan 01,Frank Demartini,the on site construction manager,was intereviewed by the history channel called Modern Marvels where he is on that video saying that the towers were designed to remain standing that you could have MULTIPLE airliners slamming into it and it would do absolutely nothing to the towers.That doing that had about as much affect us poking your pencil through a screen door grid.That it has absolutley no effect on the sreen netting,just like the screen netting remains harmless from the pencil puntures,same thing with the towers.

I'm quite certain the Frank Demartini was told not to directly describe the concrete core and so he invented the anology of the screen netting.

If one does some critical thinking, they will realize that no part of the FEMA structure resembles a "screen netting". What resembles the "screen netting" is the high tensile steel rebar grid inside the concrete walls of the core.

Brilliant anology he gave in his comparisons I would say.

Accordingly, the only real American standing for the Constitution uses evidence and reason. Until the Constitution is secured, it shall be very harsh socially on anyone presenting that they support the Constitution who will not use evidence to control/limit their actions, to those obviously in support of lawful performance by government.

If Americans, who are people using critical thinking, are to protect their Constitution and continue to live under it, this must be as the law of the land requires evidence and reason.
which YOU lack

Such a statement after the quantity of evidence in this thread makes you un American. Here is some of that evidence and it is reasonably irrefutable that it shows a massive concrete wall falling inot an empty core.


It also makes him a traitor to those 3000 americans who lost their lives and no better of a person than the people in the Bush administration who pulled this off.It also makes him a coward for being afraid to look at the evidence in ANY government conspiracy.In the ned,he will be horrified by what he has done and pay for it dearly with his negative karma he continues to bring on himself.
which YOU lack

Such a statement after the quantity of evidence in this thread makes you un American. Here is some of that evidence and it is reasonably irrefutable that it shows a massive concrete wall falling inot an empty core.

It also makes him a traitor to those 3000 americans who lost their lives and no better of a person than the people in the Bush administration who pulled this off.It also makes him a coward for being afraid to look at the evidence in ANY government conspiracy.In the ned,he will be horrified by what he has done and pay for it dearly with his negative karma he continues to bring on himself.
says another fucking idiot moron troofer
Such a statement after the quantity of evidence in this thread makes you un American. Here is some of that evidence and it is reasonably irrefutable that it shows a massive concrete wall falling into an empty core.

It also makes him a traitor to those 3000 americans who lost their lives and no better of a person than the people in the Bush administration who pulled this off.It also makes him a coward for being afraid to look at the evidence in ANY government conspiracy.In the ned,he will be horrified by what he has done and pay for it dearly with his negative karma he continues to bring on himself.
says another fucking idiot moron troofer

thats why Chris I keep tellinng you,Ditzcon is a stupid kid not even worth bothering with.EVERYBODY here should put this guy on their ignore list like I did several months ago.With Toto,I can tolerate HIS laughable posts cause he stays aways from childish insults and name calling at least and at least gives me laughs with his desperate attempts to defend the official version.:lol:Ditzcon never even attempts to try and debunk anything.the kid just comes back with childish insults and name calling and NOTHING else to offer.the kid is afraid of ANY government conspiracy,why bother with him? Toto is as well but his posts are at least amusing though.
and you are a fucking moron
even if i was a kid, i've kicked your ass so bad you had to put me on ignore

What a vocabulary:lol:

It matches his evidence.

Sadly his act proves he seeks to keep the methods of mass murder secret and deprive of us Constitutional government.

And as 9/11 inside job states, very immature. Certainly controlled by attitudes not evidence and reason.
It also makes him a traitor to those 3000 americans who lost their lives and no better of a person than the people in the Bush administration who pulled this off.It also makes him a coward for being afraid to look at the evidence in ANY government conspiracy.In the ned,he will be horrified by what he has done and pay for it dearly with his negative karma he continues to bring on himself.
says another fucking idiot moron troofer

thats why Chris I keep tellinng you,Ditzcon is a stupid kid not even worth bothering with.EVERYBODY here should put this guy on their ignore list like I did several months ago.With Toto,I can tolerate HIS laughable posts cause he stays aways from childish insults and name calling at least and at least gives me laughs with his desperate attempts to defend the official version.:lol:Ditzcon never even attempts to try and debunk anything.the kid just comes back with childish insults and name calling and NOTHING else to offer.the kid is afraid of ANY government conspiracy,why bother with him? Toto is as well but his posts are at least amusing though.
and you are a fucking moron
even if i was a kid, i've kicked your ass so bad you had to put me on ignore

What a vocabulary:lol:

It matches his evidence.

Sadly his act proves he seeks to keep the methods of mass murder secret and deprive of us Constitutional government.

And as 9/11 inside job states, very immature. Certainly controlled by attitudes not evidence and reason.
grow the fuck up asswipe

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