FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

witnesses reported to clouds to be extremely hot...actually...

Upwards of 1500F hot? I don't think so. Please do some research instead of bringing your garbage evidence and tactics to the table. You're embarrassing yourself.
witnesses reported to clouds to be extremely hot...actually...

I read this again. "Witnesses reported".... Meaning they survived. How can a human survive a "pyroclastic flow" when temperatures of a "pyroclastic flow" can reach 1500F?

witnesses reported to clouds to be extremely hot...actually...

I read this again. "Witnesses reported".... Meaning they survived. How can a human survive a "pyroclastic flow" when temperatures of a "pyroclastic flow" can reach 1500F?


can reach......and the term is widely used in describing the effects of certain man made explosions
witnesses reported to clouds to be extremely hot...actually...

Upwards of 1500F hot? I don't think so. Please do some research instead of bringing your garbage evidence and tactics to the table. You're embarrassing yourself.

agent gam has been directed to conduct discussion leading away from the fact that FEMA decieved NIST about the towers structure. The cause of dath analysis cannot possibly be correct because collapse cannot be competently be analysed without knowing the exact structure.

The ex mayor took the NYC WTC documents to enable the deception and the disclaimer tries to separate them from the liability of providing a false cause of death.

There is no way that the structure NIST identifies with this, which BTW is the only official depiction of the towers.


And on 9-11 the structure described by the lead engineer of the twins construction identifies a concrete core.


Agents seeking to conceal the means of mass murder working for the perpetrators will always lie, misinform, collude and try to change the subject.

The description of "pyroclastic" is about the appearance. The cloud only requires very small heated particles to form visually. The many tiny particles rising can rise with their own heat, meaning they will not rise very far, or be driven by another source of heat, which will take them much higher.

On 9-11 the particles did not rise to relatively very high elevations. They came back down before that happened. However, the initial event was a pyroclastic cloud of highly heated particles, not driven by heat as a vlocano.
Were these the special kind of high explosives that set people on fire and sever columns in basements one hour and 42 or more minutes before a building collapses from the top down, are so quiet that no one on a different floor or outside heard them, and don't leave any cut column ends in the debris, or could ol' 9/11 profiteer Willie have heard either debris falling down a shaft right after AA11 hit, or a transformer or two blowing up because their secondaries were shorted? Is someone in a basement of a hi-rise a better judge of what just happened on the 96th floor than observers who could actually see it? Is this an example of what's in those "truth" videos of yours? My GOD you people are stupid!

thanks for doing what I predicted,refusing to look at the videos.He talks about how he hears the explosions in the "basement" BEFORE the plane struck above.thanks for exposing the psche op agent you are.thats what you agents always do make shit up that he is doing this for money.theres a HUGE disinformation campaine going against him and you exposed yourself as being one with your lies about him like you agents always do.
He was in one of the basements, Bozo, so how the hell did ol' Willie KNOW when the plane hit? Why didn't others report hearing explosions down there before it hit? Do you have the slightest idea how loud shaped charges are? Did you know that some of the steel down there was 7" thick? What kept the North Tower up for at least 1 hour and 42 minutes if these loud noises were demolition charges? Why did the building fall from the top down if the bottom was demolished? Do you have a f*cking brain in your head?
Your videos are nothing more than rehashed truther bullsh*t that's been thoroughly debunked a million times. Willie's lawsuit was tossed out of court WITH PREJUDICE. Do you know what that legal term means? Do you think a high-powered microwave weapon brought down UA93? Willie does, and he sued the whole US government for bombing the WTC and downing UA 93, among other ludicrous claims. Why do you nuts have to keep lying? Willie does it for the money. What's your excuse?

they did idiot.you obviously have never read David Ray Griffiths book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING.unlike NIST and popular mechanics Griffith DID research.Willie was also on like the 24th floor Bozo.of course I do,thats why you HEAR the explosions going off Bozo.I already answered it for you,they were mistimed charges doofus that were not suppoe to go off.:cuckoo: yeah thats what you disinfo agents ALWAYS come back with when you cant counter the facts,instead of addressing what the videos TALK about you just go off on ramblings like this.the only thing thats been debunked as we both know is the NIST report and the 9/11 coverup commission dis in fo agent.of course it was tossed out,the government is corrupt idiot.lies as always dis in fo agent.your funny.:lol:
Ok Mr. Bullshit. Let's put your money where your mouth is. Let's see your proof that steel will only weaken at temps of 2700F. Got a link or a manual that supports your claim? You're full of shit. This is completely wrong. Steel loses 50% of it's strength at 540C (1004F) after 10 minutes. It loses 90% of it's strength after 30 minutes at a temperature of 749C (1380F).

Visit these sites for various discussion of when steel STARTS TO WEAKEN and when steel MELTS. Maybe you'll learn something, but I doubt it. You seem incapable of learning.

New Covenant: History is made: Fire melts steel...
Structural steel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fire resistance of steel framed buildings - Fire damage assessment of hot rolled structural steel

Here are a few links just to get you going. Now, where is your proof that steel oinly starts to weaken at temps of 2700F? I bet you don't have any.

ha ha.thats hysterical that you use WIKIPEDIA as a source.its a known fact that they have a history of being untruthful.they can type in ANYTHING they want to dis in fo agent.:lol::lol:No reason to believe your other links arent disinformation as well.
Why don't you Google it then, chucklehead? You're fos about when steel begins weakening.

ah still avoiding the point how Wiki has a huge history of outright lies I see.
thanks for doing what I predicted,refusing to look at the videos.He talks about how he hears the explosions in the "basement" BEFORE the plane struck above.thanks for exposing the psche op agent you are.thats what you agents always do make shit up that he is doing this for money.theres a HUGE disinformation campaine going against him and you exposed yourself as being one with your lies about him like you agents always do.
He was in one of the basements, Bozo, so how the hell did ol' Willie KNOW when the plane hit?

others did..

controled demolitin takes out the central colums first


it has been thourgly debunked...by whom...not the 9/11 commision...not NIST...WHO ?

Willie's lawsuit was tossed out of court WITH PREJUDICE. Do you know what that legal term means? Do you think a high-powered microwave weapon brought down UA93? Willie does, and he sued the whole US government for bombing the WTC and downing UA 93, among other ludicrous claims. Why do you nuts have to keep lying? Willie does it for the money. What's your excuse?

yeah really.It sure hasnt been debunked by the 9/11 COVERUP commission, NIST or popular mechanics.:lol::lol:
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You hit the nail on the head.

Also, in William's first accounts of what happened, way back before he started to get "famous", he said described the initials noises not as "explosions", but as loud "rumblings". As if someone was moving large pieces of furniture across the floor.

Why did this account description change?

I wonder.
Here's why:
He takes PayPal and credit cards.

you are mixing two different statements from two different people on two different issues

typical of disinformation agents.
You hit the nail on the head.

Also, in William's first accounts of what happened, way back before he started to get "famous", he said described the initials noises not as "explosions", but as loud "rumblings". As if someone was moving large pieces of furniture across the floor.

Why did this account description change?

I wonder.
Here's why:
He takes PayPal and credit cards.

you are mixing two different statements from two different people on two different issues

typical ploy of disinformation agents.
can reach......and the term is widely used in describing the effects of certain man made explosions


Glossary of Terms ASH - fine pyroclastic fragments equal to or less than 4 millimeters in diameter. ... ash and other pyroclastic fragments that is formed by volcanic explosion. ... by sudden breaking of rocks either by natural or man-made causes. ...
Ok Mr. Bullshit. Let's put your money where your mouth is. Let's see your proof that steel will only weaken at temps of 2700F. Got a link or a manual that supports your claim? You're full of shit. This is completely wrong. Steel loses 50% of it's strength at 540C (1004F) after 10 minutes. It loses 90% of it's strength after 30 minutes at a temperature of 749C (1380F).

Visit these sites for various discussion of when steel STARTS TO WEAKEN and when steel MELTS. Maybe you'll learn something, but I doubt it. You seem incapable of learning.

New Covenant: History is made: Fire melts steel...
Structural steel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fire resistance of steel framed buildings - Fire damage assessment of hot rolled structural steel

Here are a few links just to get you going. Now, where is your proof that steel oinly starts to weaken at temps of 2700F? I bet you don't have any.

ha ha.thats hysterical that you use WIKIPEDIA as a source.its a known fact that they have a history of being untruthful.they can type in ANYTHING they want to dis in fo agent.:lol::lol:No reason to believe your other links arent disinformation as well.

Is this the "smoke at the base of the tower" you are talking about?

No Mr Bullshit,THATS not the smoke I am referring to.I am referring to the smoke rising from the towers SEEN by many witnesses.:lol:
I just posted the proof.. you ignored it

just like they didnt watch ONE of my videos like i asked them to.9/11 apologists only see what they want to see of course and they never do watch the vidoes and talk about them when i ask them to.
what happens to the columns that are supporting the upper third of the tower?

You are twice wrong.

They didn't exist so fire had nothing to do with it.

Stop supporting the secret methods of mass murder agent.

Thats exactly what these disinformation agents are doing alright.Their no better of a person than the neocons in the Bush administration who pulled this off.as i said earlier,in the end,they will be horrified by what they have done and pay for it.Karma always comes back to suffer fools like them and they are going to experience it in the worst way along with the real terrorists such as Bush,Cheney,Wolferitz,Powell,Silverstein,Rumsfield,Ashcroft,Rice,Clinton, and the ones in the Obama administration who continue to participate in the coverup.
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NIST cannot provide a competent analysis of death IF they are using the wrong structural design for the buildings analysed.

Clearly, if there are no official plans, and the building owner provides the plans to the public, and they show signs of being digitally altered as scans of blueprints, then a new analysis of the buildings downing needs to be done.

This is from the revision table of A-A-159


the original is here.


The digital anomalie seen there is an impossibility with a scanned pencil drawing at the original scale.

There is a conspiracy to deceive the official investigation and the truth movement.
THIS right here below is WHY this whole discussion if explosives brought the towers down is irrelevent and proves once and fall all they did and ends the debate.Of course you only see things that fit YOUR versions so as we both know,you psche op agents wont admit the obvious here that this proves and ends the discussion that explosives brought the towers down.

NIST has failed to disprove the controlled demolition hypothesis and clings to a gravity-assisted collapse hypothesis. This is a disservice to Americans and the world--as GROWING numbers of people doubt the 9/11 official myths.

The Twin Towers' destruction exhibited all the characteristics of destruction by explosions:

1. Extremely rapid onset of “collapse”

2. Sounds of explosions at plane impact zone — a full second prior to collapse (heard by 118 first responders as well as by media reporters)

3. Observations of flashes (seen by numerous professionals)

4. Squibs, or “mistimed” explosions, 40 floors below the “collapsing” building seen in all the videos

5. Mid-air pulverization of all the 90,000 tons of concrete and steel decking, filing cabinets & 1000 people – mostly to dust

6. Massive volume of expanding pyroclastic dust clouds

7. Vertical progression of full building perimeter demolition waves

8. Symmetrical collapse – through the path of greatest resistance – at nearly free-fall speed — the columns gave no resistance

9. 1,400 foot diameter field of equally distributed debris – outside of building footprint

10. Blast waves blew out windows in buildings 400 feet away

11. Lateral ejection of thousands of individual 20 - 50 ton steel beams up to 500 feet

12. Total destruction of the building down to individual structural steel elements – obliterating the steel core structure.

13. Tons of molten Metal found by FDNY under all 3 high-rises (no other possible source other than an incendiary cutting charge such as Thermate)

14. Chemical signature of Thermate (high tech incendiary) found in slag, solidified molten metal, and dust samples by Physics professor Steven Jones, PhD.

15. FEMA finds rapid oxidation and intergranular melting on structural steel samples

16. More than 1000 Bodies are unaccounted for — 700 tiny bone fragments found on top of nearby buildings

And exhibited none of the characteristics of destruction by fire, i.e.

1. Slow onset with large visible deformations

2. Asymmetrical collapse which follows the path of least resistance (laws of conservation of momentum would cause a falling, intact, from the point of plane impact, to the side most damaged by the fires)

3. Evidence of fire temperatures capable of softening steel

4. High-rise buildings with much larger, hotter, and longer lasting fires have never “collapsed”

helicopter view of North Tower looking over Building 7: Massive interlaced vertical columns of the North Tower are seen falling outward--their ends severed and glowing white--while streaming smoke from the ends. Gravity? Thermate? NIST admits to NOT TESTING any WTC debris for explosives/demolition residue. This amounts to criminal negligence--and underlies all the debate in this thread. Had NIST done its proper job--recognizing that there were over 500 eyewitness reports, many of which identified "explosions" which were NOT COINCIDENT with the planes crashing or the buildings collapsing. News footage reveals explosions. It took a Freedom of Information Act petition to get to these eyewitness testimonies about explosions--testimonies that were OMITTED from the 9/11 Commission Report.

Typical of many 9/11 "discussions" several participants here rely upon tactics of ridicule rather than intelligent debate with evidence. When you finally awake to who you have been, you will be horrified at what you have done.

Not only does Eots video he just posted about how NIST finally admits that the towers collapsed at freefall speed end this debate and proves to these dis in fo agents Gam and Albury that explosives brought the towers down as does witness testimonys,but I see they didnt even bother addressing this post since they know they cant counter it.:lol: Looks like they ran out of bullshit to make up huh Chris?:lol:

Well thats it for me,if they wont even look at my videos that prove explosives brought the towers down,ignore it that NIST shot themselves in the foot that explosives brought the towers down by ADMITTING to freefall speed,wont even tackle this post since the dis in fo agents know it proves explosives brought the towers down,then screw them.Let them keep bringing on the negative karma on themselevs that their going to suffer for big time with the people in the Bush administration for being willing to be paid off money by the government to spead their lies and propaganda.Like I said,in the end they will be horrified by what they have done and suffer the consequences for their actions.If thats what they want for themselves,so be it.their the ones that are going to suffer for their actions in the end.thats their choice.
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NIST cannot provide a competent analysis of death IF they are using the wrong structural design for the buildings analysed.

Clearly, if there are no official plans, and the building owner provides the plans to the public, and they show signs of being digitally altered as scans of blueprints, then a new analysis of the buildings downing needs to be done.

This is from the revision table of A-A-159


the original is here.


The digital anomalie seen there is an impossibility with a scanned pencil drawing at the original scale.

There is a conspiracy to deceive the official investigation and the truth movement.

true enough.

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