FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core


pər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [skahy-skrey-per] Show IPA Use skyscraper in a Sentence

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–noun 1. a relatively tall building of many stories, esp. one for office or commercial use. 2. Architecture. a building of exceptional height completely supported by a framework, as of girders, from which the walls are suspended, as opposed to a building supported by load-bearing walls.

1785–95; sky + scraper

Geez. what buildings in 1795 had load-bearing walls?
all of them :D

pər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [skahy-skrey-per] Show IPA Use skyscraper in a Sentence

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–noun 1. a relatively tall building of many stories, esp. one for office or commercial use. 2. Architecture. a building of exceptional height completely supported by a framework, as of girders, from which the walls are suspended, as opposed to a building supported by load-bearing walls.

1785–95; sky + scraper

Geez. what buildings in 1795 had load-bearing walls?
all of them :D

Which ones were considered skyscrapers?
FEMA decieved NIST who conducted the analysis of the building to produce a cause of death atributed to collapse.

FEMA says the core looked like this.


In reality on 9-11 the core of WTC 2 looked like this.


No resembalence whatsoever. No structural steel is seen.

Assertion that what is seen is gypsum is nonsense. The fasteners in the gypsum would have torn free and falling structural steel would have shredded such wall covering as was used on the elevator shafts.
FEMA decieved NIST who conducted the analysis of the building to produce a cause of death atributed to collapse.

FEMA says the core looked like this.


In reality on 9-11 the core of WTC 2 looked like this.


No resembalence whatsoever. No structural steel is seen.

Assertion that what is seen is gypsum is nonsense. The fasteners in the gypsum would have torn free and falling structural steel would have shredded such wall covering as was used on the elevator shafts.

Sure cumsucker, whatever you say.
To support the deception there is another conspiracy to deceive the truth movement.

That deception is based in using obsolete, preliminary plans for the towers conceptual proposal, from the engineer L.E. Robertson to the architect that finally certified the Towers as safe, and digitally altering them to appear as final drawings.

This was done by adding revision tables after the drawings were scanned. The alteration is easily detected on perhaps 20% of the 200+ sheets somewhere in the revision table by the appearance of one of these.


They only appear in the column of initials as far as I can tell. The single pixel width lines and spaces are not possible with scanned pencil drawings as can be seen in the normal appearing letters in cells adjacent. Not to mention they are no character of the alphabet.

The plans came from silverstein.

See the original here.


Be aware that the NYC mayor took the NYC WTC documents and enabled the deception of NIST.

Ask, .............. why are the scans here at, wtc7.net and here, www.ae911truth but there is no notice of the source of the plans, which was leaked to s. jones who also promotes nano thermite.


But nano does not Appear to exist in the arsenal of the department of navy.

The single pixel width lines and spaces are not possible with scanned pencil drawings

That's horseshit. I've reproduced "single pixel width lines and spaces" from scanned pencil drawings.

Why can I find other "single pixel lines and spaces" in other areas of the blueprints? Your understanding of scanning and how lines are represented as pixels is clearly lacking.
The single pixel width lines and spaces are not possible with scanned pencil drawings

That's horseshit. I've reproduced "single pixel width lines and spaces" from scanned pencil drawings.

Why can I find other "single pixel lines and spaces" in other areas of the blueprints? Your understanding of scanning and how lines are represented as pixels is clearly lacking.

And I've shown that the scale you started with was about 4 times larger, which increases the possibility of one pixel width lines.

A more glaring problem is the title block being lettered free hand.


A final drawing of buildings of this stature will always have lettering in the title block done with a lettering guide. Also the date shows a zero before the day. Something not done before 2000.

You are working to support that the methods of mass murder remain secret.
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Also the date shows a zero before the day. Something not done before 2000.

You try SO hard to sound like you know what you're talking about, but end up sounding like a jackass.

The date is 7-31-67. There is no "0" before the day.

Damn Chris, come on! At least TRY and get things right.

That deception is based in using obsolete, preliminary plans for the towers conceptual proposal, from the engineer L.E. Robertson to the architect that finally certified the Towers as safe, and digitally altering them to appear as final drawings.

Since when to "architects" certify structural drawings? Those are architectural drawings. Hence the "A-A-XXX" number in the block. "A" for "Architectural". Can you tell me why the architect didn't also "certify" the mast support drawings, but instead Leslie Robertson (Professional Engineer) stamped them?

Wow. Your stupidity is endless.

Also the date shows a zero before the day. Something not done before 2000.

You try SO hard to sound like you know what you're talking about, but end up sounding like a jackass.

The date is 7-31-67. There is no "0" before the day.

Damn Chris, come on! At least TRY and get things right.


I noticed after exposing the altered drawings that the originals suffered a decrease in resolution which can be see between the character anomalies of the revision table in the title block which was taken from the original perhaps 8 months after.

Someone else spotted the "01" and pointed it out to me.


Then examine the zoomed screen shot of the revision table and how crisp they are.


A test of the resolution can be made by taking a screen shot of the revision table in the title block that shows the same characters and zooming it to see if the same clean lines can be seen.
Also the date shows a zero before the day. Something not done before 2000.

You try SO hard to sound like you know what you're talking about, but end up sounding like a jackass.

The date is 7-31-67. There is no "0" before the day.

Damn Chris, come on! At least TRY and get things right.


I noticed after exposing the altered drawings that the originals suffered a decrease in resolution which can be see between the character anomalies of the revision table in the title block which was taken from the original perhaps 8 months after.

Someone else spotted the "01" and pointed it out to me.


Then examine the zoomed screen shot of the revision table and how crisp they are.


A test of the resolution can be made by taking a screen shot of the revision table in the title block that shows the same characters and zooming it to see if the same clean lines can be seen.

Do you not have any friends you can bore to tears?

Also the date shows a zero before the day. Something not done before 2000.

You try SO hard to sound like you know what you're talking about, but end up sounding like a jackass.

The date is 7-31-67. There is no "0" before the day.

Damn Chris, come on! At least TRY and get things right.


I noticed after exposing the altered drawings that the originals suffered a decrease in resolution which can be see between the character anomalies of the revision table in the title block which was taken from the original perhaps 8 months after.

Someone else spotted the "01" and pointed it out to me.

Translation: "I screwed up again so I'll just pretend someone else told me that information".

We'll just chalk his up another mistake to add to your pile of other mistakes you've made.


Then examine the zoomed screen shot of the revision table and how crisp they are.


A test of the resolution can be made by taking a screen shot of the revision table in the title block that shows the same characters and zooming it to see if the same clean lines can be seen.

The above is nothing but gibberish and has no point. Care to explain what exactly your point is?
You try SO hard to sound like you know what you're talking about, but end up sounding like a jackass.

The date is 7-31-67. There is no "0" before the day.

Damn Chris, come on! At least TRY and get things right.


I noticed after exposing the altered drawings that the originals suffered a decrease in resolution which can be see between the character anomalies of the revision table in the title block which was taken from the original perhaps 8 months after.

Someone else spotted the "01" and pointed it out to me.

Translation: "I screwed up again so I'll just pretend someone else told me that information".

We'll just chalk his up another mistake to add to your pile of other mistakes you've made.


Then examine the zoomed screen shot of the revision table and how crisp they are.


A test of the resolution can be made by taking a screen shot of the revision table in the title block that shows the same characters and zooming it to see if the same clean lines can be seen.

The above is nothing but gibberish and has no point. Care to explain what exactly your point is?

After 1,500 posts, I haven't seen his point yet. 454 of the posts on this thread are his. I don't think he remebers.
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You try SO hard to sound like you know what you're talking about, but end up sounding like a jackass.

The date is 7-31-67. There is no "0" before the day.

Damn Chris, come on! At least TRY and get things right.


I noticed after exposing the altered drawings that the originals suffered a decrease in resolution which can be see between the character anomalies of the revision table in the title block which was taken from the original perhaps 8 months after.

Someone else spotted the "01" and pointed it out to me.

Translation: "I screwed up again so I'll just pretend someone else told me that information".

We'll just chalk his up another mistake to add to your pile of other mistakes you've made.


Then examine the zoomed screen shot of the revision table and how crisp they are.


A test of the resolution can be made by taking a screen shot of the revision table in the title block that shows the same characters and zooming it to see if the same clean lines can be seen.

The above is nothing but gibberish and has no point. Care to explain what exactly your point is?

My point is clear.

That you pretend to not understand it, ...... is clear.

When agents seeking to support secret methods of mass have no evidence, they begin to collude with other agetns to try and appear credible. IF people are not reading caerfully and looking at the history of the thread, they might be fooled.

A psyops.
I noticed after exposing the altered drawings that the originals suffered a decrease in resolution which can be see between the character anomalies of the revision table in the title block which was taken from the original perhaps 8 months after.

Someone else spotted the "01" and pointed it out to me.

Translation: "I screwed up again so I'll just pretend someone else told me that information".

We'll just chalk his up another mistake to add to your pile of other mistakes you've made.


Then examine the zoomed screen shot of the revision table and how crisp they are.


A test of the resolution can be made by taking a screen shot of the revision table in the title block that shows the same characters and zooming it to see if the same clean lines can be seen.

The above is nothing but gibberish and has no point. Care to explain what exactly your point is?

My point is clear.

That you pretend to not understand it, ...... is clear.

When agents seeking to support secret methods of mass have no evidence, they begin to collude with other agetns to try and appear credible. IF people are not reading caerfully and looking at the history of the thread, they might be fooled.

A psyops.
no, you have no point
Translation: "I screwed up again so I'll just pretend someone else told me that information".

We'll just chalk his up another mistake to add to your pile of other mistakes you've made.

The above is nothing but gibberish and has no point. Care to explain what exactly your point is?

My point is clear.

That you pretend to not understand it, ...... is clear.

When agents seeking to support secret methods of mass have no evidence, they begin to collude with other agetns to try and appear credible. IF people are not reading caerfully and looking at the history of the thread, they might be fooled.

A psyops.
no, you have no point

The perpetrators would approve that you assert that.

However, the fact you have no evidence that can be independently verified to support that steel core columns existed as the core of the Twins AND that there is NO official source of plans BECAUSE guiliani took the NYC WTC documents AND that images of 9-11 show NO steel core columns in the core area AND do show concrete, means you are a lying, treasonous, psyops agent here to support the secret methods of murder on 9-11. AND the official cause of deal is invalidated.

Done deal!
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It is quite clear that the minions of deception sent to the internet by the perpetrators have decided that they are unable to create the appearance of dismissal that the perpetrators would like to see in relation to the concrete core information and have abandoned trying to do so because it has the opposite effect when their true intentions of concealing the methods of mass murder are made plain.

Instead they are engaging the deceived or socially compliant with more titillating discussion of useless information with their false society. To create an appreciation of how useless that information is of those other threads I made a thread just to post uses for useful information, or methods of using it.


There have been no posts describing uses of the information of those threads, not even by the original posters of them.

Curious how a thread that has useful information for gaining more truth, and has many descriptions of exactly how it is used, this thread, is simply viewed a great deal but the people willing to participate are few. There is fear of our infiltrated government, a disturbingly un American response. Social comfort over Constitutional protection.

Despite the fact that it is obvious that the NIST analysis of a buildings collapse, not having plans or even the correct design, cannot be valid, the social message of the disinformation agents false society still provides a lure to engage them as if such activity is useful when it is not. Hopeful thinking perhaps.

Or it could be the nagging fear of actually opposing the infiltrating group that conducted the deception of the towers construction used to execute 3,000 murders. Or the fear of "black helicopter" or "men in black", along the lines of "I love my country but fear my government".
Despite the fact that Ben Franklin said this,

“They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security”

And the temporary security promised by the infiltrators is now vaporizing with the liberties gone via the patriot act and homeland security compromising the Constitution. Still the useless misinformation is made more appealing because of the obvious social event the agents of perpetrators create in the secret collusion.
The agents of the infiltrators have been logically defeated and only their shear numbers falsely promoting useless knowledge is available to continue in fraud.

They cannot continue to directly oppose independently verified truths and maintain credibility as citizens.

FEMA deceived NIST and the official cause of death is invalid.

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