FEMA runs out of water, solicits bids from private sector.

It seems FEMA didn't have enough supplies on hand to give everyone water, much less food, despite the fact that they had lots of notice, and actually prepositioned supplies. They just finished asking for bids for those supplies on Friday. For those of us that actually understand the federal government, this is about as surprising as the sun rising in the East.

For those who think Obama personally flew down and saved the day, did he forget that people need water?

FEMA's vaunted "lean forward" strategy that called for advanced staging of supplies for emergency distribution failed to live up to its billing in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

In fact, the agency appears to have been completely unprepared to distribute bottled water to Hurricane Sandy victims when the storm hit this Monday. In contrast to its stated policy, FEMA failed to have any meaningful supplies of bottled water -- or any other supplies, for that matter -- stored in nearby facilities as it had proclaimed it would on its website. This was the case despite several days advance warning of the impending storm.
FEMA only began to solicit bids for vendors to provide bottled water for distribution to Hurricane Sandy victims on Friday, sending out a solicitation request for 2.3 million gallons of bottled water at the FedBizOpps.govwebsite. Bidding closed at 4:30 pm eastern.
For 336thF15E, neener neener.

Hey asshole, when the folks in this picture:


needed water, the Republicans explained to us it wasn't the job of the federal government to bring it to them. So shut your fucking hypocritical mouth up.
Where is all the bottled water that was going to be handed out to the marathon runners?
There is a difference in distribution problems, and lack of water. From everything I've seen, and heard from those I know who live in the effected area, the government has done a decent job of responding to sandy.

That's to be expected since the majority of those affected by Sandy are rich white Italians.

Sandy isnt Katrina.

Not in death toll but property damage, just as bad if not worse. Do you know much it cost to build/re-build a beach home on stilts? not cheap. and it's over 100 of em damaged by Sandy

At least in New Orleans the homes were mostly shotgun houses on slabs. easy to repair and re-build. just sheet rock and a few space heaters.
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FEMA has bottled water.

Saying they have run out is a lie.

Since the story about running out of water came from FEMA, I'm inclined to agree with you. They have the water and are lying about it because they don't want to distribute it.
this I do not understand. Why were bids not asked for when they knew the storm was gonna hit?

It is the government.

Look at the post above. You got spanked and it wasn't by me, for once.


You have never spanked me.

For the record, since the story I posted was about them soliciting bids on Friday, and included a link to the bid, them saying they had plenty of water on Sunday doesn't prove the story wrong.
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Every interview of people who are actually suffering through this, is that the government is completely absent, right along with the Red Cross. The Red Cross is in Red Hook today. What they are doing depends on who you ask. The Red Cross says they are distributing meals. The residents say they are getting two cookies and a cup of hot chocolate. I suppose to the Red Cross this might count as a meal.

What assistance that is leaking through is coming from private donations of food and supplies of the kind that Romney gathered up. FEMA is absent, the National Guard is absent. The residents are arming themselves with whatever they can find.

Don't forget, obama says we're in this together. The looters are only helping the victims share what they have.

Let Obama tell it, the people who lost everything didn't lose a thing. the Looters found it all.
"November 3: There have been recent blog posts and social media traffic expressing that FEMA is out of bottled water.* This is FALSE.* We are providing water to our state partners for distribution."
Hurricane Sandy | FEMA.gov


Figures. Notice that the windbag didn't link his op. Too easily proved phony.

Actually, since the story says that the solicited bids for water to be delivered Monday, today, I see nothing wrong with my story. As for the link, I obviously forgot to post it, but it is right here.

FEMA Taps Private Vendors to Meet Sandy Victim's Needs
There is a difference in distribution problems, and lack of water. From everything I've seen, and heard from those I know who live in the effected area, the government has done a decent job of responding to sandy.

Sandy isnt Katrina.

The problem FEMA had after Katrina was distribution. That was, supposedly, addressed when the law was changed to allow them to preposition supplies to predicted disasters. The problem FEMA is having after Sandy is distribution. The only real difference is that FEMA, even with extra preparation, still can't do as good as WalMart.
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It seems FEMA didn't have enough supplies on hand to give everyone water, much less food, despite the fact that they had lots of notice, and actually prepositioned supplies. They just finished asking for bids for those supplies on Friday. For those of us that actually understand the federal government, this is about as surprising as the sun rising in the East.

For those who think Obama personally flew down and saved the day, did he forget that people need water?

FEMA's vaunted "lean forward" strategy that called for advanced staging of supplies for emergency distribution failed to live up to its billing in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

In fact, the agency appears to have been completely unprepared to distribute bottled water to Hurricane Sandy victims when the storm hit this Monday. In contrast to its stated policy, FEMA failed to have any meaningful supplies of bottled water -- or any other supplies, for that matter -- stored in nearby facilities as it had proclaimed it would on its website. This was the case despite several days advance warning of the impending storm.
FEMA only began to solicit bids for vendors to provide bottled water for distribution to Hurricane Sandy victims on Friday, sending out a solicitation request for 2.3 million gallons of bottled water at the FedBizOpps.govwebsite. Bidding closed at 4:30 pm eastern.
For 336thF15E, neener neener.

Hey asshole, when the folks in this picture:


needed water, the Republicans explained to us it wasn't the job of the federal government to bring it to them. So shut your fucking hypocritical mouth up.

They were there because Nagin didn't order New Orleans to evacuate until the last minute. There were supplies in the Superdome, and the law prohibited FEMA from responding until 3 days after help was requested. As I recall, iot was the Republicans who changed that, yet the feds still can't get enough supplies to the people who need them.
Buying bottle water does not mean they have run out, but I suspect you know that.

I figured even though FEMA has said, very clearly, "we have not run out of bottled water", that there would still be people who insist they have.
Windbag has made up three "facts" out of his ass on this thread.

:thup: Keep up the good work, Brownie!
Buying bottle water does not mean they have run out, but I suspect you know that.

I figured even though FEMA has said, very clearly, "we have not run out of bottled water", that there would still be people who insist they have.

They do not have enough on hand for the duration of the emergency, they are allocation what they do have to wealthier neighborhoods, and they have yet to reach some of the harder hit areas. If this was McCain you would be screaming, and I would tell you the exact same thing, FEMA is not competent to handle things like this because it is the government.
Why is it any time I disagree with someone they jump to the "if this were about a dem/pub, you'd be mad!"

Guess what, I wouldn't.

FEMA hasn't run out of bottled water. That is a fact. "rationing water and giving more to the rich" that is not a fact.
Buying bottle water does not mean they have run out, but I suspect you know that.

I figured even though FEMA has said, very clearly, "we have not run out of bottled water", that there would still be people who insist they have.

They do not have enough on hand for the duration of the emergency, they are allocation what they do have to wealthier neighborhoods, and they have yet to reach some of the harder hit areas. If this was McCain you would be screaming, and I would tell you the exact same thing, FEMA is not competent to handle things like this because it is the government.

Could you link to a credible site (not breitbart) which confirms this claim?

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