Female College Swimmers Fear to Speak out Against Bio-Male Beating Them

Discussions? What would you want to discuss? What could change your mind? Men are obviously bigger and stronger more often than not?
There are currently standards set up for transition in sports. The Olympics and collages both use systems. A timeframe and hormone suppression. I’d look at those standards and want to know what that does to the body/performances then see how women athletes and trans athletes feel about it. I’d also want to hear from medical professionals about the transition process and how it alters ones biology
There are currently standards set up for transition. A timeframe and home suppression. I’d look at those standards and want to know what that does to the body/performances then see how women athletes and trans athletes feel about it. I’d also want to here from medical professionals about the transition process and how it alters ones biology
Transitions don’t change bone structure, height, length and body parts.
Transitions don’t change bone structure, height, length and body parts.
If we are basing athlete eligibility on bone structure and length of body parts then that’s news to me. Should short males get to play in the WNBA? Would Serena Willams be required to play in the men’s division?
If we are basing athlete eligibility on bone structure and length of body parts then that’s news to me. Should short males get to play in the WNBA? Would Serena Willams be required to play in the men’s division?
I was talking swimming. Serena would get crushed in the mens division so why even discuss it.
I was talking swimming. Serena would get crushed in the mens division so why even discuss it.
You are bringing elements of bone structure and size in. Thats not a criteria I've heard discussed as a qualifier for who plays where.

I'll cut through some of the crap and do a little bottom line of what I see happening here...

We have grown our society based on certain standards. Historically it was based on a heterosexual two gender/sex population dominated by white christian males... Thats just historical fact. In reality, there are a percentage of people who do not fit into those categories so we have seen fights from these "minority/oppress" groups. We've seen it from women, from blacks, from LGBTQ, etc etc etc. Per this discussion, I believe that nature has made more than just two heterosexual genders. Nature has gay people, and bi, people, and people who don't identify with our standards of what a man or a woman is. These people who feel disillusioned by our society are fighting for change so that is what we are seeing.

Since sports and bathrooms and much of our society is based on this narrow vision of males and females the integration of these new identities is going to be tough, its going to be a process. it will involve discussion and debate. You seem closed minded to that debate which is too bad, but as generations evolve people will be more open and solutions will be figured out.
You are bringing elements of bone structure and size in. Thats not a criteria I've heard discussed as a qualifier for who plays where.

I'll cut through some of the crap and do a little bottom line of what I see happening here...

We have grown our society based on certain standards. Historically it was based on a heterosexual two gender/sex population dominated by white christian males... Thats just historical fact. In reality, there are a percentage of people who do not fit into those categories so we have seen fights from these "minority/oppress" groups. We've seen it from women, from blacks, from LGBTQ, etc etc etc. Per this discussion, I believe that nature has made more than just two heterosexual genders. Nature has gay people, and bi, people, and people who don't identify with our standards of what a man or a woman is. These people who feel disillusioned by our society are fighting for change so that is what we are seeing.

Since sports and bathrooms and much of our society is based on this narrow vision of males and females the integration of these new identities is going to be tough, its going to be a process. it will involve discussion and debate. You seem closed minded to that debate which is too bad, but as generations evolve people will be more open and solutions will be figured out.
I just respect the rights of women and girls. You don’t. It’s OK.
You're lying again, I never said I was open to abusing women and girls... You really need to work on this honesty thing man. Its a very weak tactic.
Allowing trans to compete in physical sports against them and sharing locker rooms is abuse. But that’s OK. We should discuss it. My daughters should have to suck it up if a man wants to use the womens locker room at our gym. Fuck them. Let’s start a panel.
Up to now I have thought of women as intellectually equal to men.

But now that all comes into question.

What is the point into putting any time or effort into phony competition? Where is the leadership that should be organizing a "Biological Women Only" competition? Oh wait....colleges are no longer doing "assertiveness" training. Substituting, instead, the more politically correct "Submissiveness" training!

Why expect your voices to be heard when all you do is whimper
I hope they sit back and stay silent.

We will kill the fuck out of title IX.

Aggies will have a hockey team before you know it.
Not me, I’ll have to part ways there with ya Bootney. There are many girls who are exceptional athletes in a certain sport or three even. They need to stand up and they better stand up now! Also their parents should support them vocally and consistently at monthly school board meetings. All meetings, non-stop. Once a school board gets overly tired of hearing the same thing over and over, and they become aware that the parents and participants are not going to let the issue go, they reluctantly abide usually. People in general give up way too early.
Well now in some places, California for one, of course, males are claiming they are transgendered
to earn assignment to women's prisons! Rape and other abominations follow afterwards.
I totally believe that.

And speaking of abominations Joe Biden is a strong supporter of letting males run female
athletes out of their own safe places, in a typical "Joe Biden" sort of brainless decision that
is so wrong on so many levels.
This very much reminds me of the sort of idiot decision Biden made when Jussie Smollett first reported his fraudulent hate crime hoax, being totally supportive and believing --- his staff surely should have stopped him! Many people by now are aware that essentially all this sort of thing is always a hoax; there's a whole book on it, by a black.
Does Biden truly want to dismantle female sporting competitions? Or did someone behind him
tell Joe that's what he should say and think?
I am beginning to wonder. Good posts, EAB.
Wrong again. I see you polishing up… keep going, you’re almost there. Just drop your ego and spin and simply tell the truth
You are losing, is the problem for you.

I'd give it up, if I were you --- it's a seriously losing position.
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Not me, I’ll have to part ways there with ya Bootney. There are many girls who are exceptional athletes in a certain sport or three even. They need to stand up and they better stand up now! Also their parents should support them vocally and consistently at monthly school board meetings. All meetings, non-stop. Once a school board gets overly tired of hearing the same thing over and over, and they become aware that the parents and participants are not going to let the issue go, they reluctantly abide usually. People in general give up way too early.
I love this. Don't leave early and don't get out of people's way.
Allowing trans to compete in physical sports against them and sharing locker rooms is abuse. But that’s OK. We should discuss it. My daughters should have to suck it up if a man wants to use the womens locker room at our gym. Fuck them. Let’s start a panel.
You’re attributing abuse to it… don’t spin that to claim I said I support abusing women. Again, it’s a super dishonest and weak minded tactic. Do better

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