Female College Swimmers Fear to Speak out Against Bio-Male Beating Them

What good would it be for these women to speak out? To whom? Libs who loves the 67 genders or whatever we are up to now?
Well Shawnee, it comes down to the power of large numbers. You’re right that if only a few speak out, most likely nothing will change. It will take a large effort starting small and moving state to state before it gains national attention.

You’re spot-on that it won’t be positively covered by LSM. They’ll appease the leftist crowd and spin it into some crap coverage, full of talking points about creating fake equity. The push back for fairness needs to be mega in volume. Male genetics are not deleted by taking hormones. It gives them a huge muscular advantage in sports and has nothing to do with a fair outcome.
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You are losing, is the problem for you.

I'd give it up, if I were you --- it's a seriously losing position.
Im losing what? He admitted to distorting my words and apologized a few posts after this one that you replied to... Please do a better job keep up with the conversations you chime in on
Up to now I have thought of women as intellectually equal to men.

But now that all comes into question.

What is the point into putting any time or effort into phony competition? Where is the leadership that should be organizing a "Biological Women Only" competition? Oh wait....colleges are no longer doing "assertiveness" training. Substituting, instead, the more politically correct "Submissiveness" training!

Why expect your voices to be heard when all you do is whimper
Ouch. Still, you are right that we have to fix it ourselves. Just as we did the sexual harassment/abuse stuff. Men certainly weren't going to do it for us! Same deal here.

It's pretty obvious what happened; several people here said it. Girls, deeply confused by the Leftist ideologies of colleges, until now cooperated in being sacrificed to this madness of unstable boys with a malignant need for attention just grabbing for easy wins and easy notoriety. It was unexpected, and may well destroy the whole concept of trannies, even for leftists. The selfish boys are saying, Since we're "real" girls we should get to join girls' sports and win everything! Whoops, big problem with big scholarship money and lots of organized intracollegiate meets. But if leftists have to admit, Well, they aren't all THAT much girls --- won't that bring the whole craziness down?
Brilliant! Did you think of that all by yourself?

You mean that they have taken female hormones? That does not overcome the fact that trans females underwent male puberty before they decided that they were trans.

Do you seriously think it is a coincidence that men who identify as trans to compete in women's sports, break records and come in first?

Exactly right.

Well, todays left doesn't believe in competitive activities, so they don't care that trans women in girls sports destroys that competitive nature of sports. Their solution would be to stop keeping score, give everyone their participation trophy and only award extra recognition to whoever has the most claim to victimhood.
Drunken sports fans need to stop persecuting transgender individuals who participate in sports. Not all sports are for spectators.
Hmmm, care to elaborate Circe? I can go two ways with your post and they’re polar opposite! lol
I meant it as it reads: love your idea, and that lately I've figured out some of it for myself --- if people cause me a problem, don't leave, let them solve it themselves, leave it their problem, not mine.
Im losing what? He admitted to distorting my words and apologized a few posts after this one that you replied to...
No, that never happened. I'm beginning to wonder if you're a sock for Mac1958 --- there's a lot of slip-sliding around here.
No, that never happened. I'm beginning to wonder if you're a sock for Mac1958 --- there's a lot of slip-sliding around here.
Of course it happened... Right here, see below. Seems like you now owe an apology. Are you big enough a person like AZ to fess up for being wrong... Lets see

My apologies. Now state your position please on my question if you’re the coach.

What are you apologizing for?

For upsetting you and misunderstanding your answer and stating you said something you didn’t.
I meant it as it reads: love your idea, and that lately I've figured out some of it for myself --- if people cause me a problem, don't leave, let them solve it themselves, leave it their problem, not mine.
Oh, I like this idea of not leaving until “they” accept the problem as their own! Wow, what an amazing tactic I really haven’t thought about! Thanks! I might have to use that sometime lol
Of course it happened... Right here, see below. Seems like you now owe an apology. Are you big enough a person like AZ to fess up for being wrong... Lets see
Okay, I love a point-by-point, so you get points for that, so to speak. I'm going to stay out of this from now on between you and Azog --- God knows he doesn't need any help!!
It does seem dismaying to me, Azog, that women in general are getting victimized by Left AND Right these days! Do we have signs on our backs, Victim, kick me?? Darn.
Slade3200 believes a grown man showing his privates to my daughters in a womens locker room is “inclusion”…I call it abuse. Care to break the tie?
Slade3200 believes a grown man showing his privates to my daughters in a womens locker room is “inclusion”…I call it abuse. Care to break the tie?
We have already established that you have a habit of lying about the things that I’ve said. You admitted it and apologized for doing it earlier in this thread. And now you are doing it again. Whats wrong with you? Why can’t you just have an honest discussion?

when you lie and mischaracterize it just makes you look weak and unable to handle an honest talk.
You commie progs who refuse to admit there are biological differences between males and females are brqinwashed cultists.

I got news for you…the people in power who are benefitting from brainwashing you know that men cannot get pregnant.

You people are stupid as fuck.

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