Female College Swimmers Fear to Speak out Against Bio-Male Beating Them

Not at all, I wouldnt want your girls to see men in their locker room. Something else that I’ve never said
LOL you certainly insinuated it. You are saying rape is wrong. But abuse of women is OK. Why? Because you want to set up panels instead of stating that men don’t belong in womens locker rooms regardless how they identify.
Slade3200 believes a grown man showing his privates to my daughters in a womens locker room is “inclusion”…I call it abuse. Care to break the tie?
He said "INCLUSION"??? Well, darn, that is a novel use of that word. I remember a frat party I went to in college, where these frat guys were inclusing themselves all over us, or trying to. So. . . . if a guy and his friends force themselves into a girls dorm, that's just them wanting "inclusion," huh? Yeah, I'll just bet they do.

I knew a young woman who was much distressed because her landlord drilled a couple big holes through the walls so he could watch her in the bathroom and bedroom. She was frantic when she found this was happening. Should I have told her the poor guy just wanted her to be "inclusive"? Actually, I think I mentioned the police; how insensitive of me. Guess I'd get cancelled for that today.

Let's see, do I think an insane young man should get to come into young girls' locker rooms and watch them undress and wag his parts all around proudly while forcing them to pretend he is somehow "really" female and call him by a girl's name and pronouns though they know they are being forced to lie? Oh! What a hard decision!! But I think I'm going to go with abuse.
We have already established that you have a habit of lying about the things that I’ve said. You admitted it and apologized for doing it earlier in this thread. And now you are doing it again. Whats wrong with you? Why can’t you just have an honest discussion?

when you lie and mischaracterize it just makes you look weak and unable to handle an honest talk.
Your quote. “I call it inclusion”. I only apologized to have you opine since you whined. I stand By both my quotes. You weave around your opinions and don’t outright say it but in reality you support abuse of young girls and women via your trans stance.
Nope, you’re retarded and can’t read, but I love you all the same
Your words. Mind their own business. You’ve been exposed as a caveman who thinks women should shut up and take what you decide they can have. News flash. A male competing in their sport, robbing them of opportunities IS their business.
LOL you certainly insinuated it. You are saying rape is wrong. But abuse of women is OK. Why? Because you want to set up panels instead of stating that men don’t belong in womens locker rooms regardless how they identify.
I think we learned today that your read on what’s being said and insinuated is way off. You should stick to being honest and literal for a spell
LOL you certainly insinuated it. You are saying rape is wrong. But abuse of women is OK. Why? Because you want to set up panels instead of stating that men don’t belong in womens locker rooms regardless how they identify.
I’ve never said that men belong in women’s locker rooms. You’re lying again about the things I’ve said.
Your quote. “I call it inclusion”. I only apologized to have you opine since you whined. I stand By both my quotes. You weave around your opinions and don’t outright say it but in reality you support abuse of young girls and women via your trans stance.
Whether you meant the apology or not makes no difference as you had no defense. Your lies were laid out in black and white and you’re continuing to lie and distort things I say. It’s too easy to catch you in it.
What a caveman mentality. Per your words, the women should just shut up, mind their own business, and let men just run roughshod over them.
Those are not my words. You and AZ must have gone to the same school of shitty lying tactics. Neither of you are any good at it
I think we learned today that your read on what’s being said and insinuated is way off. You should stick to being honest and literal for a spell
Nope. You don’t get to do that. You said you would set up a panel. Meanwhile men with their privates are hanging out in the same locker rooms as my daughters and trans girls are playing sports against them. That to me is abuse and you’re for it since you want panels not decisions. What in post is not accurate?
Whether you meant the apology or not makes no difference as you had no defense. Your lies were laid out in black and white and you’re continuing to lie and distort things I say. It’s too easy to catch you in it.
They aren’t lies they are salient determinations of your opinions based on your posts. You want to acquiesce to trans girls but don’t care about biological girls and how they feel. To learn more you want to set up panels. That’s how I interpret your posts. You call it lying and I call it my obeservations.
Your words. Mind their own business. You’ve been exposed as a caveman who thinks women should shut up and take what you decide they can have. News flash. A male competing in their sport, robbing them of opportunities IS their business.
Oh shit! Did you expose me?! Damn, you’re good… and here I was thinking I had you all fooled. Can’t get anything past Mrs Lantern2814
So Slade APPROVES of men stealing opportunities and victories from women. Those women being robbed of those opportunities aren’t being victimized? You truly are this hateful a person,
I don’t approve of men stealing anything. You are confused
Nope. You don’t get to do that. You said you would set up a panel. Meanwhile men with their privates are hanging out in the same locker rooms as my daughters and trans girls are playing sports against them. That to me is abuse and you’re for it since you want panels not decisions. What in post is not accurate?
I didn’t say I would set up a panel. That’s you being inaccurate again.

which locker rooms are your girls going in where they are seeing male genitalia? How many times has it happened?
Doesn't require as many as you think. If I remember correctly, one of the requirements to compete is a minimum number of team members. If even a relatively small number of girls on this team refused to compete as long as a man was included, the team would become ineligible and be disqualified. I'm thinking the school would have to rethink their policy when they started having to forfeit every match.

Certainly worth a try, because what the hell are they getting out of keeping quiet, anyway?
Not losing scholarships...not getting doxxed...not having protectors outside their house at 2am...
Oh'I thought they were just as STRONG as a man! This is what they have whined for the past 100 years. I say let them have it.

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