Female Feticide is real Santorum isn't crazy It's an issue


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Frankly I'm sick to death of the raging headlines and thread titles that attempt to portray Santorum as some crazy anti woman's rights candidate.

Because there are serious ethical concerns in the medical community with prenatal testing. And we do find eugenics in play here. Thank you Maggie Sanger.

But now we have female feticide.

This is one of these situations where the slippery slope was envisioned but everyone went "nah, that can't happen".

Abortions based on gender are on the rise here. For years it's just been a slaughter of female fetuses in Asia. Just a slaughter.

Now to our life in North America.

Canadian Doctor’s Suggestion to Delay Revealing Baby’s Sex Ignites Controversy over ‘Feticide’

by Megan Ogilvie and Raveena Aulakh, Toronto Star
January 16th, 2012

Jyotika Hussain, 29, is seen playing with her daughter, Inaaya (8 months) in their Mississauga home. Jyotika wanted to find out the sex of her baby when she was pregnant to plan clothes and the nursery colours, but an ultra-sound technician either couldn't or wouldn't tell her the sex of the baby.

Health-care workers should not reveal the sex of a fetus to parents until after 30 weeks of pregnancy to combat female feticide — the intentional abortion of female fetuses because of a preference for sons, the editor of the country’s top medical journal says.

Dr. Rajendra Kale says the problem of female feticide in Canada is relatively small compared to countries such as India and China where the practice happens “by the millions.” But, he adds, research has shown female feticide is undoubtedly happening in Canada — and therefore rules should be put in place to stop the “evil” practice.

“It is discrimination against women in its most extreme form,” says Kale, whose controversial editorial in the Canadian Medical Association Journal sparked swift reaction from all corners of the medical community after its release Monday.

In greater Toronto there are signs that female feticide does occur — to the point that some South Asian women claim some ultrasound technicians are already withholding the sex of a fetus.

“There is enormous evidence in Canada that a segment of the South-Asian community prefers boys over girls,” says Baldev Mutta, executive director of the Punjabi Community Health Services in Peel Region, which helps new immigrants, people with addiction issues and abused women.

“There is no doubt that aborting female fetuses, because it’s a female fetus, happens in Canada too.”

AND here's the kicker

Mutta says he has lost count of the young pregnant women who have come to the agency because they already have one or two daughters and their in-laws want them to check the gender of the fetus “…and if it’s a girl, to abort it.”

“They don’t have a choice,” says Mutta. “If they don’t do as told, they are threatened with divorce.”

To Kale, a solution to female feticide is to postpone telling women the sex of a fetus until after 30 weeks pregnancy — a point at which it is nearly impossible to have an unquestioned abortion. Currently, the sex of a fetus is usually revealed at around 18 or 19 weeks pregnancy.

He argues the rule would not impede a woman’s right to medical information about herself because finding out the sex of a fetus is not medically relevant. He also suggests the rule must apply to women of all ethnicities to prevent discrimination at the doctor’s office.

CGS*:*Canadian Doctor’s Suggestion to Delay Revealing Baby’s Sex Ignites Controversy over ‘Feticide’
CGS*:*Republican Bill Exploits Concerns about Sexism and Racism to Undermine Abortion Rights

House Republicans held a hearing last week to promote their latest effort to undermine reproductive rights, the cynically named Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act (PRENDA).

The bill, which would prohibit doctors from performing abortions based on the sex or race of the fetus, is sponsored by Representative Trent Franks of Arizona, where a similar bill became law earlier this year. Franks openly acknowledges that PRENDA is part of a broader push to overturn abortion rights. “People will say I have a greater agenda – and they are right,” he told The Daily Caller.

Franks explains his sponsorship of the bill by citing statistics showing that African-American women account for a disproportionately high number of the abortions in America. As Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank points out, Franks “established his credentials as a civil rights leader last year when [he] argued that, because of high abortion rates in black communities, African Americans were better off under slavery.”
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Too many folks want designer babies like they want designer everything else. These evil conservatives are getting in the way of folks choosing their baby like they choose anything else. "But we wanted green eyes. We will just toss this one and get one more to our liking"
I guess I missed all those Republican bills in congress to help these fetuses once they come actual children.

Or does cutting home heating assistance to the poor so the rich can have a tax cut not count?
we do not trust the rights motivations

TM I've been a woman's rights advocate for years. You tell me with these statistics from the United Nations how this is a left wing or right wing issue.

Catch the numbers. It's appalling. And it's happening.

The United Nations Children's Fund states that systematic gender discrimination has resulted in up to 50 million girls and women "going missing" from India's population.

These findings are endorsed by the abnormal sex ratio figures found in the of Census 2001. ] An analysis of the fertility and mortality survey of 1998 estimates that about 0.5 million female births go missing yearly.

These translate into approximately 10 million female fetuses getting aborted over the past two decades.
Too many folks want designer babies like they want designer everything else. These evil conservatives are getting in the way of folks choosing their baby like they choose anything else. "But we wanted green eyes. We will just toss this one and get one more to our liking"

We've not only gone down the slippery slope, we are heading for rock bottom.

In India they've already had to pass a law called the Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PNDT) Act so that families find it difficult to undertake sex determination and selective abortion.
Too many folks want designer babies like they want designer everything else. These evil conservatives are getting in the way of folks choosing their baby like they choose anything else. "But we wanted green eyes. We will just toss this one and get one more to our liking"

There is no prenatal screen that says anything about eye color.
We should encourage the GOP to put up as many of this type of bill as possible. After all, women only make up 50% of the voters.
we do not trust the rights motivations

TM I've been a woman's rights advocate for years. You tell me with these statistics from the United Nations how this is a left wing or right wing issue.

Catch the numbers. It's appalling. And it's happening.

The United Nations Children's Fund states that systematic gender discrimination has resulted in up to 50 million girls and women "going missing" from India's population.

These findings are endorsed by the abnormal sex ratio figures found in the of Census 2001. ] An analysis of the fertility and mortality survey of 1998 estimates that about 0.5 million female births go missing yearly.

These translate into approximately 10 million female fetuses getting aborted over the past two decades.

We are NOT talking about China are we?

we are talking about the US.

The rights motivations are not pure.

They say so themselves
We should encourage the GOP to put up as many of this type of bill as possible. After all, women only make up 50% of the voters.

I'm not sure if defunding prenatal testing is the appropriate answer, but I'd sure like as hell to be able to discuss this issue of abortion, eugenics based on disability and now on gender with
some semblance of sanity and not hysteria.

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