FEMALE ship commander messes up

lack of DISCIPLINE is the idea as its against the rules , think its called fraternization !!
lack of DISCIPLINE is the idea as its against the rules , think its called fraternization !!

Against the rules for male and females. It is even worst when it is a female commander that is fraternizing...it shows she is not the alpha hot shot on the ship...only a whore who lays on her back for a man.
she can't be Trusted , simple as that , she doesn't follow Strict rules and procedures that she agreed to follow , she should know the culture she got into . And yes , as the good Sergeant says , if she is found guilty !!
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The female messed up because she went to bed with a man?

What a stupid thing to say!

I thought she messed up because she sank the ship or something....that is to mess up not to go **** somebody.

That's not a stupid thing to say, not at all.

Have you ever worked in a company where the boss is sleeping with your coworker? Plenty of people have. What they notice is favoritism, rapid promotion, bending of the rules, etc. Even when none of that does happen, the organization still has to deal with gossip and suspicion and they both work to affect the efficiency of the organization.

In short, they're detrimental to the mission of the organization.

In the military, there is no tolerance for these types of sexual relationships. They're grounds for court martials. Most of the male officers who've been court martialed haven't actually had sex with someone who reports directly to them, it's usually a person of lower rank that doesn't report directly to the charged officer.

On a ship a sexual affair between the Captain and anyone is going to be hot news and all the gossip and social friction will erupt, putting the ship's mission at jeopardy.

All male crews did wonders for removing temptation. I really would like someone to do the homework and report how many Naval Captains have been court martialed for having a sexual relationship with a male member of their crew. I'm predicting zero.
The female messed up because she went to bed with a man?

What a stupid thing to say!

I thought she messed up because she sank the ship or something....that is to mess up not to go **** somebody.

You are quite stupid yourself, Skye. But imbibing usually does that to you.

Stop it insulting me with your stupid imbibing

Do not quote me do not talk to me I'm sick of you,


Then put me on ignore, asshole.
My point is....since she is the FIRST to command a ship...shouldn't she be setting an example so the glass ceiling can be shattered even further? Yes, she should be. But she didn't. She just fucked it up for any other woman aiming for that position. It sucks that this is the case...but that's how it has been for eons. She should have thought of that before doing whatever it was she did to get busted.
The female messed up because she went to bed with a man?

What a stupid thing to say!

I thought she messed up because she sank the ship or something....that is to mess up not to go **** somebody.

You are quite stupid yourself, Skye. But imbibing usually does that to you.

Stop it insulting me with your stupid imbibing

Do not quote me do not talk to me I'm sick of you,


She has very little ability to have an adult conversation.
The female messed up because she went to bed with a man?

What a stupid thing to say!

I thought she messed up because she sank the ship or something....that is to mess up not to go **** somebody.

She messed up because she went to bed with someone under her command. Believe it or not, that is a cardinal sin in the military, and is not tolerated even of the commander is a man.

That said, the thread title is sexist.
Yeah cuz men have never done this.

Educate me. Have there been a lot of incidents of male Captains of a warship having sexual relations with male subordinates?


What is the big deal??? What is the fricking big deal?

Did she sank the bloody ship? did she threw somebody overboard?????

My God what a bunch of sissies. LOL

I guess they shouldn't have court martial ed this general for having sex with a female under his command.

Sordid details spill out in rare court-martial of a general - The Washington Post

What she did is against the law, end of story, it has nothing to do with her sex.
My point is....since she is the FIRST to command a ship...shouldn't she be setting an example so the glass ceiling can be shattered even further? Yes, she should be. But she didn't. She just fucked it up for any other woman aiming for that position. It sucks that this is the case...but that's how it has been for eons. She should have thought of that before doing whatever it was she did to get busted.

Once again for the slow and stupid, she is accused, they have not even had the investigation yet. Good of you to decide just being accused means you are guilty.
My point is....since she is the FIRST to command a ship...shouldn't she be setting an example so the glass ceiling can be shattered even further? Yes, she should be. But she didn't. She just fucked it up for any other woman aiming for that position. It sucks that this is the case...but that's how it has been for eons. She should have thought of that before doing whatever it was she did to get busted.

Once again for the slow and stupid, she is accused, they have not even had the investigation yet. Good of you to decide just being accused means you are guilty.

This is a discussion. Lighten up. And if/when she IS found guilty, then will you be slow and stupid as well?
My point is....since she is the FIRST to command a ship...shouldn't she be setting an example so the glass ceiling can be shattered even further? Yes, she should be. But she didn't. She just fucked it up for any other woman aiming for that position. It sucks that this is the case...but that's how it has been for eons. She should have thought of that before doing whatever it was she did to get busted.

Once again for the slow and stupid, she is accused, they have not even had the investigation yet. Good of you to decide just being accused means you are guilty.

This is a discussion. Lighten up. And if/when she IS found guilty, then will you be slow and stupid as well?

You are not discussing you are blaming accusing and acting like it is fact. As usual.

She seems do-able.......after several weeks at sea.

Good to learn you have........something in the area of....... moral.....kind of like, well, not really like, but a small seed of thought which one day might near.....standards, I guess. :doubt:
Yeah cuz men have never done this.

Educate me. Have there been a lot of incidents of male Captains of a warship having sexual relations with male subordinates?

Again your hate of gays has what to do with the story?

Luddy made the claim that men do this. I know of only one incident involving a female subordinate but it didn't involve sex, so I'm assuming that all of these men who do this, have sex with a subordinate, had sex with male subordinates.

I asked luddy to educate me about all of these male Captains and I haven't read anything from him yet. He's the one who immediately jumped to defense mode and claimed that male officers do this. Can't make women look bad, no sir, that can never be permitted. OK, if he's going to make the claim I'm going to assume that HE ACTUALLY KNOWS WHAT HE'S TALKING OUT rather than just talking out of his ass. Is that a bad thing for me to do, to assume that when people on this board write something that they actually KNOW it to be true?

The Navy has relieved the commander of a mine-sweeper for having an “unduly familiar relationship” with his female second-in-command. The case, believed to be the first firing of the top two officers on the same ship for fraternizing with one another . . .

I feel compelled to respond to one aspect of this….There was no “hooking up,” as one poster so colorfully put it.

I screwed up quite enough, but it wasn’t that bad…

This will be my last comment, but I can’t let another Officer’s (XO LCDR Laird) reputation be questioned like that and just let it go.​

Here is an explanation for how one's behavior can qualify as "unduly familiar":

Department head is constantly going to dinner/lunch/various social functions with two of his officers, but does not invite others. Whenever an invited officer and a non-invited disagree, he sides with the invited one. The invited ones also always fare better on fitreps despite objective markers of performance. This is frat. Another example: a different department head becomes friends with a wardroom spouse. They pt together, are constantly inviting each other over for dinner and the department head often gossips and complains about other members of the wardroom to both the spouse and the officer. Also frat. No sex in either scenario but both led to major morale issues wherein people felt they were at a professional disadvantage because of the personal relationships. It happens. A lot. . . .

One poster who claims to be familiar with the case said most are over-reacting to the charge of fraternization. “The idea that people’s mind go directly to sex and physical involvement rather than the possible close attentive relationship needs to be reviewed as to how this term is used,” the poster noted. “Frankly it’s like planting a big red F on the front of someone’s uniform when it could literally be just a perception with one night of drinking and folks seeing an interaction that led to absolutely nothing. A whole 28-year stellar career [Rushton's] was tossed out the door because of one human mistake that took less 3 seconds and never happened again.”​
My point is....since she is the FIRST to command a ship...shouldn't she be setting an example so the glass ceiling can be shattered even further? Yes, she should be. But she didn't. She just fucked it up for any other woman aiming for that position. It sucks that this is the case...but that's how it has been for eons. She should have thought of that before doing whatever it was she did to get busted.

Once again for the slow and stupid, she is accused, they have not even had the investigation yet. Good of you to decide just being accused means you are guilty.

Looks like RGS prevails(.)

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