females treated specially/etc

I know they shouldn't have individual stalls in public restrooms either, or doors, or walls just giant windows...
we ware talking military here smart guy

Strange, your own thread title says you're talking about females.

Do you actually think females in the military are built differently?

Have you ever actually SEEN a female? Anywhere?
always swore he'd never play the politics cutesy game with the opposite sex. He retired after twenty-three years still a staff sergeant.
I swear there are pimps and procurators higher up in the ranks who keep honest guys down because they won't play that game with the girls. There are huge problems in the military with Almighty Vice Lord Nation and other gangs that promote and compel prostitution. It doesn't really help matters a lot that “fornication” and “adultery” are prosecuted as crimes at court-martial in the military when the testimony of witnesses is coerced or suborned by military vice lords of higher-up officer rank. There's a lot of intimidation of witnesses and subornation of perjury going on.

Rank and pay don't amount to much, but at least your buddy got out without being court-martialed for that kind of stuff, which inevitably becomes a sex offender registration at the local sheriff's office outside the military. The games are played in a court of law, and it's not a joke.

It's just like the Title IX nonsense in the Ivy League educational Establishment in the U.S.
..here's another example of special treatment for females = privacy curtains
..and, all the effort/$$$$ is just for a few =idiotic

Anecdote for you. When I went through Airborne school in 1991 there were a handful of women in our training battalion. The school was divided into three, one week phases: ground week, tower week and jump week. During ground week the black hat instructors ran us six miles every morning in combat boots, PT'd our asses off in sawdust pits and otherwise kicked our asses all over that section of Ft. Benning. We (the men) were required to do X number of pull ups in order to progress. The females, however, were allowed to do a hybrid style of "chin ups" where their feet never left the ground. They were also allowed to do pushups on their knees. Pissed me off at the time because in order to steer static line parachutes one must do several chin ups—lift one's own body weight. Oh well, I got over it and a few of the women even made their five jumps and graduated.
..same in the USMC--the females didn't have to do as much..I never would've respected a female office if I had one
Semper Fi
always swore he'd never play the politics cutesy game with the opposite sex. He retired after twenty-three years still a staff sergeant.
I swear there are pimps and procurators higher up in the ranks who keep honest guys down because they won't play that game with the girls. There are huge problems in the military with Almighty Vice Lord Nation and other gangs that promote and compel prostitution. It doesn't really help matters a lot that “fornication” and “adultery” are prosecuted as crimes at court-martial in the military when the testimony of witnesses is coerced or suborned by military vice lords of higher-up officer rank. There's a lot of intimidation of witnesses and subornation of perjury going on.

Rank and pay don't amount to much, but at least your buddy got out without being court-martialed for that kind of stuff, which inevitably becomes a sex offender registration at the local sheriff's office outside the military. The games are played in a court of law, and it's not a joke.

It's just like the Title IX nonsense in the Ivy League educational Establishment in the U.S.
Good old UCMJ. Military, the only place where you can convicted TWICE for the same offense.
..same in the USMC--the females didn't have to do as much..I never would've respected a female office if I had one
Male chauvinism, misogyny, and woman-hating are completely unacceptable in the military but on the other hand, there are certain women who have a “hooker's agenda” that only serves to drag down the morale of the military as a whole, and that cannot be tolerated either.
Expecting women to meet the same physical standards as men to qualify for jobs that require physical strength isn't "chauvinism, misogyny and woman-hating". It's reality. One of the jobs I did in the military was being a Combat Engineer, that job entailed endless hours of hard labor. Some examples were loading ninety pound bags of concrete mix onto the back of five ton dump trucks, the floor of the said trucks were over five feet above the ground. We'd load literally hundreds of bags each in the course of a workday. Others were carrying heavy timbers and steel beams for construction and moving things like multi-ton bridge sections by hand. I'm all for equality, but that means that women must be able to do the same work to the same standard as their male counterparts.
I know they shouldn't have individual stalls in public restrooms either, or doors, or walls just giant windows...
we ware talking military here smart guy

Strange, your own thread title says you're talking about females.

Do you actually think females in the military are built differently?

Have you ever actually SEEN a female? Anywhere?
.....you're babbling crap like on the other threads......just like Moonie--WTF was his point anyway???
I know they shouldn't have individual stalls in public restrooms either, or doors, or walls just giant windows...
we ware talking military here smart guy

Strange, your own thread title says you're talking about females.

Do you actually think females in the military are built differently?

Have you ever actually SEEN a female? Anywhere?
.....you're babbling crap like on the other threads......just like Moonie--WTF was his point anyway???
For twenty bucks I'll tell ya.
I know they shouldn't have individual stalls in public restrooms either, or doors, or walls just giant windows...
we ware talking military here smart guy
The females don't have doors or walls what do you not get?
what are you yakking about??? military/non-military/restrooms---no doors!!!!!???????
babble crap
What, you never had the pleasure of using a two hundred terlit lined facility in the open with just a roof for military use from WWII, just where is your patriotism?
..same in the USMC--the females didn't have to do as much..I never would've respected a female office if I had one
Male chauvinism, misogyny, and woman-hating are completely unacceptable in the military but on the other hand, there are certain women who have a “hooker's agenda” that only serves to drag down the morale of the military as a whole, and that cannot be tolerated either.

Yes, this is true. Military professional decorum or courtesy must exceed all personal biases at all times. However, some women—and men for that matter—seemed to flaunt themselves and/or use their assets for placement. A buddy of mine, a transportation guy reclassified as a recruiter, always swore he'd never play the politics cutesy game with the opposite sex. He retired after twenty-three years still a staff sergeant. I retired after twenty-nine a chief warrant officer who came up from a master sergeant's slot. Thank God I did the entire time in line units. I mean, I was in plenty of rear areas and TOCs with female personnel—and field hospitals (ouch!), but never had to serve in an integrated unit like my buddy.
..I was in for 8 years--4 years guard duty on a Naval base [ USMC tradition, not so much anymore ] and 4 years FMF [ Fleet Marine Force - the main mission of the Corps ] .....I don't even recall seeing a female when I was with the FMF.
...on the Naval base, all kinds of females....and a lot of Marines were romantically involved with them and some married them.....by best buddy did ......
...so, with integration of blacks--that was just a ''mental'' issue......with the females it's a strong biological issue
..same in the USMC--the females didn't have to do as much..I never would've respected a female office if I had one
Male chauvinism, misogyny, and woman-hating are completely unacceptable in the military but on the other hand, there are certain women who have a “hooker's agenda” that only serves to drag down the morale of the military as a whole, and that cannot be tolerated either.
Expecting women to meet the same physical standards as men to qualify for jobs that require physical strength isn't "chauvinism, misogyny and woman-hating". It's reality. One of the jobs I did in the military was being a Combat Engineer, that job entailed endless hours of hard labor. Some examples were loading ninety pound bags of concrete mix onto the back of five ton dump trucks, the floor of the said trucks were over five feet above the ground. We'd load literally hundreds of bags each in the course of a workday. Others were carrying heavy timbers and steel beams for construction and moving things like multi-ton bridge sections by hand. I'm all for equality, but that means that women must be able to do the same work to the same standard as their male counterparts.
I trained as a Field Engineer in the Army Reserves. It was an integrated Unit so we had to keep up with the Regulars.....I'd be lucky to do half as well as they did....probably less. But I was the "go to" guy for HEAVY weights; only one allowed in the Unit to do a two man lift by myself. I was proud of that. My ONE little bit of pride. lol

There were some sheilas training with the grunts; they found it very difficult but some were good on the Riflerange.

..here's another example of special treatment for females = privacy curtains
..and, all the effort/$$$$ is just for a few =idiotic

Though I agree with the general principle, a privacy curtain seems a reasonable accommodation.

Hell, I wouldn't want my buddies having to watch me take a dump. Or visa versa.

You are correct, but this is a weak example of your point.

The physical training examples are far better.
..here's another example of special treatment for females = privacy curtains
..and, all the effort/$$$$ is just for a few =idiotic

Though I agree with the general principle, a privacy curtain seems a reasonable accommodation.

Hell, I wouldn't want my buddies having to watch me take a dump. Or visa versa.

You are correct, but this is a weak example of your point.

The physical training examples are far better.
..they are treating them specially/differently --plain and simple = unequal/etc
..they do that shit on ships--they get a lot more room and/or special quarters
Females are different. Sometimes, in some kinds of a military job they are much better than males. For example they were much more accurate and effective as "night bombers".

I would like to see a female squadron, say, with F-177A.

Females are different. Sometimes, in some kinds of a military job they are much better than males. For example they were much more accurate and effective as "night bombers".

I would like to see a female squadron, say, with F-177A.

..some ''''''kinds''''''.....you don't get to do what you want in the military
...night bombers? what?
Who runs the nukes? Women!

Who runs the nukes? Women!

fantastic--as usual, he picks them for skin color and gender--NOT qualifications
....like I said, I would never respect a women officer/etc because they never had to do the same thing as the males

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