Feminism is a Cancer


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Feminazis want to destroy our population growth rates and decimate our families with their ridiculous nonsense that is a literal cancer on our families and prevents the procreation of....well, liberals.

Hmm,well, libtards, when it comes to feminazism, you should drink up, deep and with long draughts.

Lol, these feminazis are really pushing to increase divorce rates as they push men to flee the home of a harpy-feminazi for the solitude of a bar.

Here a leading feminazi recommends putting all men in concentration camps.

Why men are avoiding marriage
Feminazis want to destroy our population growth rates and decimate our families with their ridiculous nonsense that is a literal cancer on our families and prevents the procreation of....well, liberals.

Hmm,well, libtards, when it comes to feminazism, you should drink up, deep and with long draughts.

Lol, these feminazis are really pushing to increase divorce rates as they push men to flee the home of a harpy-feminazi for the solitude of a bar.

Here a leading feminazi recommends putting all men in concentration camps.

Why men are avoiding marriage


Let's drop the retarded videos.

Your title is feminism. Your OP is feminazi.

What are you talking about?
Feminazis want to destroy our population growth rates and decimate our families with their ridiculous nonsense that is a literal cancer on our families and prevents the procreation of....well, liberals.

Hmm,well, libtards, when it comes to feminazism, you should drink up, deep and with long draughts.

Lol, these feminazis are really pushing to increase divorce rates as they push men to flee the home of a harpy-feminazi for the solitude of a bar.

Here a leading feminazi recommends putting all men in concentration camps.

Why men are avoiding marriage

Liberal feminatatzis teaching their little girls to hate MEN.............. like I keep telling some asses on here THEY ARE INDOCTRINATED!!

Feminazis want to destroy our population growth rates and decimate our families with their ridiculous nonsense that is a literal cancer on our families and prevents the procreation of....well, liberals.

Hmm,well, libtards, when it comes to feminazism, you should drink up, deep and with long draughts.

Lol, these feminazis are really pushing to increase divorce rates as they push men to flee the home of a harpy-feminazi for the solitude of a bar.

Here a leading feminazi recommends putting all men in concentration camps.

Why men are avoiding marriage


Let's drop the retarded videos.

Your title is feminism. Your OP is feminazi.

What are you talking about?

Trying to find the happy medium between Sovereign and Chattel.....

Why do womyn have to make it so difficult?
Feminazis want to destroy our population growth rates and decimate our families with their ridiculous nonsense that is a literal cancer on our families and prevents the procreation of....well, liberals.

Hmm,well, libtards, when it comes to feminazism, you should drink up, deep and with long draughts.

Lol, these feminazis are really pushing to increase divorce rates as they push men to flee the home of a harpy-feminazi for the solitude of a bar.

Here a leading feminazi recommends putting all men in concentration camps.

Why men are avoiding marriage


Let's drop the retarded videos.

Your title is feminism. Your OP is feminazi.

What are you talking about?

Trying to find the happy medium between Sovereign and Chattel.....

Why do womyn have to make it so difficult?

If you would JUST bring me a sammich when I ASKED it wouldn't be so difficult now WOULD IT?
Feminazis want to destroy our population growth rates and decimate our families with their ridiculous nonsense that is a literal cancer on our families and prevents the procreation of....well, liberals.

Hmm,well, libtards, when it comes to feminazism, you should drink up, deep and with long draughts.

Lol, these feminazis are really pushing to increase divorce rates as they push men to flee the home of a harpy-feminazi for the solitude of a bar.

Here a leading feminazi recommends putting all men in concentration camps.

Why men are avoiding marriage


Let's drop the retarded videos.

Your title is feminism. Your OP is feminazi.

What are you talking about?

Trying to find the happy medium between Sovereign and Chattel.....

Why do womyn have to make it so difficult?

If you would JUST bring me a sammich when I ASKED it wouldn't be so difficult now WOULD IT?


Let's drop the retarded videos.

Your title is feminism. Your OP is feminazi.

What are you talking about?

Why are the videos retarded?

I have never expected a video to be more informative than these are.

What is your problem with them?
Feminazis want to destroy our population growth rates and decimate our families with their ridiculous nonsense that is a literal cancer on our families and prevents the procreation of....well, liberals.

Hmm,well, libtards, when it comes to feminazism, you should drink up, deep and with long draughts.

Lol, these feminazis are really pushing to increase divorce rates as they push men to flee the home of a harpy-feminazi for the solitude of a bar.

Here a leading feminazi recommends putting all men in concentration camps.

Why men are avoiding marriage

This isn't the 50's anymore old man, women hold down full time jobs, raise the babies, keep an organized home , and pay the bills..A strong smart man can see his wife as a equal partner..
Most women don't buy into this shit. It's not worth it to worry about the tiny minority that do.
Lets see an observation from a priest mentioned in the video who has seen the number of marriages he performed drop from dozens a year to less than five and the average age go from early twenties to late thirties.

No, way too many women and MEN as well, take this horse shit way too seriously.
I think radical feminist is the correct term. Most feminist aren't this extreme. I consider myself a feminist but I don't think ill of men. And most feminist don't feed into the 'all men are' propaganda either.

It's just these crazy women are the loudest. When I was in college, I've met a couple of these radical feminist. I still communicate with them online and these same women who hated men are now married to well off men and stay at home moms.

People are a fickle.
I think radical feminist is the correct term. Most feminist aren't this extreme. I consider myself a feminist but I don't think ill of men. And most feminist don't feed into the 'all men are' propaganda either.

It's just these crazy women are the loudest. When I was in college, I've met a couple of these radical feminist. I still communicate with them online and these same women who hated men are now married to well off men and stay at home moms.

People are a fickle.

I consider myself to be an 'Equality Feminist' meaning that I think women should have equal rights in our courts, but these Feminazis are 'Gender War Feminists' who take a marxist analytic method to the gender roles, placing women as oppressed in society and men as the oppressors.

They literally fan the flames of gender war and this destroys our families and harms our children.

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