feminism is no longer about women having equality. feminism is about women having supremacy over men

I'm trying to parse this. Remember that women have been indoctrinated in patriarchal religions. Catholic. Protestant, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, etc. All of these women have been so much more indoctrinated than men in these patriarchal religions (read the worship of the male penis and the excoriation of the female biology), Many women have been heavily indoctrinate in this. So I am not sure what an authentic woman's prospective would be. Women across the globe have been indoctrinated to perceive their biology as something shameful and their worth wrapped up with whatever exists between their legs.
You may appeal to to diversity, but how many female people have been have been indoctrinated and will have been manipulated. Look at the amount of women in Alabama who routed for the whore man roy moore? They stood up for a pediphile.

No need to play the victim or martyr of some fake, ideologically concocted devious, Byzantine historical male intrigue conspiracy. Women have always been right there by the side of these men you condemn, building empires, churches, whole faiths; writing ideologies, philosophizing philosophies, and as players in the high halls of human social, religious and political power. The eons of victimization spiel is just women using their girl powers to subvert the most ancient and functional ways of human civilization, at the behest of small cells of militant, anti-men, anti-patriarchy radical feminists, who do not want society to be balanced, or civilization to move forward, unless women first somehow crush down to bone powder, the male spirit.
"feminism is no longer about women having equality. feminism is about women having supremacy over men"

That has always been the goal. Equality was never the goal.
Embarrassing as a Navy Vet to read your post.....were you at Tail Hook?
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking

I support equality before the law.

I also support the notion that if women act like men, they are treated as men.

Telling men to "shut up and do as we say" elicits only raucous laughter, and a call for a beer and a turkey sandwich.

"Chips on the plate, sweetheart."

It would be interesting to see how those feminist hags plan to enforce their "supremacy" over men.
By not being so violent.
Feminism is an exercise in insecure jealousy of men. European feminists proved it 100% by always insisting men sit down to piss because it's an "unfair male advatange." Guess what, feminist whores! Life ain't fair!
I love INCEL Irony.
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking
When there is equality, there will be disagreements. Get used to it.
Sometimes he wins; sometimes she wins.
your feminazi-supremacist rhetoric is pathetic and dangerous
That's feminazi-supremacist rhetoric?
This kind of patriarchal garbage is why more and more women are running for office.
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking
When there is equality, there will be disagreements. Get used to it.
Sometimes he wins; sometimes she wins.
your feminazi-supremacist rhetoric is pathetic and dangerous
INCEL talk
women are welcome to (try to) fornicate me into submission, at every opportunity as well.
The title is 100% correct. Feminists only want the high paying jobs that men have. You don’t hear them advocating for the dirty shit jobs men do, or the dangerous ones that cause men to be the 90%+ that die at the workplace. Or how about having women get drafted into the military until they make up 50% of the personnel?

Every time you hear a dumb feminist c**t open their yaps about the “pay gap” just remind them of those facts.
There it is.....
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking
When there is equality, there will be disagreements. Get used to it.
Sometimes he wins; sometimes she wins.
your feminazi-supremacist rhetoric is pathetic and dangerous
INCEL talk
women are welcome to (try to) fornicate me into submission, at every opportunity as well.

And the more skilled they are with guns and blades, the better.
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking
When there is equality, there will be disagreements. Get used to it.
Sometimes he wins; sometimes she wins.
So a "disagreement" is where women politicians tell men to shut up?
Doc1 tells me to shut up or he'll slap me around, and that's just a disagreement around here, but if a woman says "shut up" it's a feminazi battle for supremacy?
Sorry to sound like a feminist here, but you're a moron.
She's not just a female, moron. She's a U.S. Senator.
So your objection is that she said "Shut up" because she is a politician and politicians should be held to a higher standard of discourse?
That would work if you weren't so far up Trump's ass.
I'm the only male on my block who knows how to fix shit. So, all of the husbands' wives call me when something breaks.

It's pathetic.


A relative of mine is a chimney sweep. Once a year I borrow some of his equipment and do the neighborhood dryer vents and chimneys. I've had neighbor dudes tell me over and over how they'd never climb up a 40' ladder and onto their own roof. I feel embarrassed for them, and pity for their wives and girlfriends. Too many men these days look like "prey"--or would to the wrong criminal monsters. Family men have to be capable of defending their wives and children. Too many modern men want to rely on the goodness in other men's hearts not to harm their families. Thank God that notion is a relatively new one, or our race would have destroyed itself long ago.
I used to do the chimney "sweeping" at my parents' house when I was a teen. Didn't need any boy/man to help me....I just did it.
I write the following in the spirit of one of my favorite authors, Joyce Carol Oates, and another, Peter Hathaway Capstick.

Up until nearly one century ago, in Dulaney Valley, just outside of Baltimore to the north, one could not walk along the forested roads and paths there, without the real and imminent threat of being set upon by wolves. In those times bygone, women dared not pass there without the sturdy sword arm of a man ready with bullet and blade to repel for her, the snarling darkness primeval.

Since that time, mankind has become much more dangerous to itself that the most savage teeth nature has left to gnash at him. And so accordingly, the wolves of Dulaney Valley have been replaced by human ones, however, most women, regardless of how educated or independent they have become, would still I imagine, appreciate a sturdy man's escort through that particular area, after sundown. Wolf! Wolf!
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking
When there is equality, there will be disagreements. Get used to it.
Sometimes he wins; sometimes she wins.
your feminazi-supremacist rhetoric is pathetic and dangerous
INCEL talk
women are welcome to (try to) fornicate me into submission, at every opportunity as well.

And the more skilled they are with guns and blades, the better.
maybe, if she claims she can't stand to be around me due to my such low numbers and such little practice, and wants to "get me into shape".

and, she insists, it is for my own Good.
I'm the only male on my block who knows how to fix shit. So, all of the husbands' wives call me when something breaks.

It's pathetic.


A relative of mine is a chimney sweep. Once a year I borrow some of his equipment and do the neighborhood dryer vents and chimneys. I've had neighbor dudes tell me over and over how they'd never climb up a 40' ladder and onto their own roof. I feel embarrassed for them, and pity for their wives and girlfriends. Too many men these days look like "prey"--or would to the wrong criminal monsters. Family men have to be capable of defending their wives and children. Too many modern men want to rely on the goodness in other men's hearts not to harm their families. Thank God that notion is a relatively new one, or our race would have destroyed itself long ago.
I used to do the chimney "sweeping" at my parents' house when I was a teen. Didn't need any boy/man to help me....I just did it.

Rock on, and good for you. Being able to do anything, any woman's that is capability to, has never been in doubt. However, when the lack of a good man does not necessitate taking matters into their own two hands, good women should allow men the illusion and satisfaction of being their strong, capable and useful arms.
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking
When there is equality, there will be disagreements. Get used to it.
Sometimes he wins; sometimes she wins.
your feminazi-supremacist rhetoric is pathetic and dangerous
That's feminazi-supremacist rhetoric?
This kind of patriarchal garbage is why more and more women are running for office.
It's plain old naked fear, mostly.

I think what Natural Citizen and night_son are describing though, is a discomfort with the change in gender roles, specifically for men. What they don't want to accept is that some men are more nurturing and some are more peace loving, and some can't change the brakes on their car.

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