Feminist Caught Stealing Crosses From Pro-Life Display

"Why do you take our property?"
"Because we don't agree with you."
The Left explained in one answer.

Keep your paws to yourselves

WATCH: Feminist Caught Stealing Crosses From Pro-Life Display. Then The Cops Show Up.

On Friday, a feminist tried to steal crosses from a pro-life display organized by Students for Life at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, before police officers stepped in.


The unidentified female abortion activist (it's unclear if she is a student), is seen picking up pink crosses in a display known as the Cemetery of the Innocents; the crosses commemorate the lives of babies killed by abortion.

"The pink crosses," notes the Students for Life website, "are part of the spring #PlannedParenthoodTruth Tour on campus, where Students for Life groups are exposing the truth about Planned Parenthood’s poor track record on helping women."

"Students for Life set up the 1,000 crosses around 9 AM, with permission from the school, on the Diag on campus and throughout the day pro-abortion activists, presumably students although that is unclear, kept pulling crosses out of the ground, placing them in trash bags, or putting them on top of trash cans," reported the pro-life organization on Friday.

Kaylena Wiederhold, Students for Life’s Michigan regional coordinator, confronted the activists vandalizing the display on an area of campus the students responsibly obtained a permit for.

"Is there a reason why you're doing this?" she asked the purple-haired feminist holding a white garbage bag full of their crosses.

"We disagree with it," the abortion activist answered.

WATCH: Feminist Caught Stealing Crosses From Pro-Life Display. Then The Cops Show Up.
Typical Liberal can't stand anyone having an opinion other then theirs. If it were the reverse she'd be all over the evening news whinning how the intolerant right destroyed her protest. She should have been arrested for Vandalism. What a Douche nozzle. But on the bright side it's not to late for her parents to take her to NY and get a late term abortion.
"Why do you take our property?"
"Because we don't agree with you."
The Left explained in one answer.

Keep your paws to yourselves

WATCH: Feminist Caught Stealing Crosses From Pro-Life Display. Then The Cops Show Up.

On Friday, a feminist tried to steal crosses from a pro-life display organized by Students for Life at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, before police officers stepped in.


The unidentified female abortion activist (it's unclear if she is a student), is seen picking up pink crosses in a display known as the Cemetery of the Innocents; the crosses commemorate the lives of babies killed by abortion.

"The pink crosses," notes the Students for Life website, "are part of the spring #PlannedParenthoodTruth Tour on campus, where Students for Life groups are exposing the truth about Planned Parenthood’s poor track record on helping women."

"Students for Life set up the 1,000 crosses around 9 AM, with permission from the school, on the Diag on campus and throughout the day pro-abortion activists, presumably students although that is unclear, kept pulling crosses out of the ground, placing them in trash bags, or putting them on top of trash cans," reported the pro-life organization on Friday.

Kaylena Wiederhold, Students for Life’s Michigan regional coordinator, confronted the activists vandalizing the display on an area of campus the students responsibly obtained a permit for.

"Is there a reason why you're doing this?" she asked the purple-haired feminist holding a white garbage bag full of their crosses.

"We disagree with it," the abortion activist answered.

WATCH: Feminist Caught Stealing Crosses From Pro-Life Display. Then The Cops Show Up.
Typical Liberal can't stand anyone having an opinion other then theirs. If it were the reverse she'd be all over the evening news whinning how the intolerant right destroyed her protest. She should have been arrested for Vandalism. What a Douche nozzle. But on the bright side it's not to late for her parents to take her to NY and get a late term abortion.

"But on the bright side it's not to late for her parents to take her to NY and get a late term abortion."

We should begin our own new Movement to offer to assist Leftists in Retroactive Abortions, WTF as Right-Winger's are wealthier than Leftists I suggest that we even PAY for the late term abortions of Leftists. Think of the service we will be doing for NORMAL Western Civilisation Society.


"Why do you take our property?"
"Because we don't agree with you."
The Left explained in one answer.

Keep your paws to yourselves

WATCH: Feminist Caught Stealing Crosses From Pro-Life Display. Then The Cops Show Up.

On Friday, a feminist tried to steal crosses from a pro-life display organized by Students for Life at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, before police officers stepped in.


The unidentified female abortion activist (it's unclear if she is a student), is seen picking up pink crosses in a display known as the Cemetery of the Innocents; the crosses commemorate the lives of babies killed by abortion.

"The pink crosses," notes the Students for Life website, "are part of the spring #PlannedParenthoodTruth Tour on campus, where Students for Life groups are exposing the truth about Planned Parenthood’s poor track record on helping women."

"Students for Life set up the 1,000 crosses around 9 AM, with permission from the school, on the Diag on campus and throughout the day pro-abortion activists, presumably students although that is unclear, kept pulling crosses out of the ground, placing them in trash bags, or putting them on top of trash cans," reported the pro-life organization on Friday.

Kaylena Wiederhold, Students for Life’s Michigan regional coordinator, confronted the activists vandalizing the display on an area of campus the students responsibly obtained a permit for.

"Is there a reason why you're doing this?" she asked the purple-haired feminist holding a white garbage bag full of their crosses.

"We disagree with it," the abortion activist answered.

WATCH: Feminist Caught Stealing Crosses From Pro-Life Display. Then The Cops Show Up.

Free speech. Feminist is completely in the wrong. Happy? What a pointless thread.

Except it reveals how vile leftists are.

If Its pointless carry your stupid ass off it

WOW!!! Big fucking deal!! You were able to expose a bad thing about a person whose politics you already hate! You're a superstar. Go fuck yourself, partisan harpy.
So we can get an upside down demonic cross dipped in acid and shove it up her tw*t and there ill be no repercussions. Its all fun.
"Why do you take our property?"
"Because we don't agree with you."
The Left explained in one answer.

Keep your paws to yourselves

WATCH: Feminist Caught Stealing Crosses From Pro-Life Display. Then The Cops Show Up.

On Friday, a feminist tried to steal crosses from a pro-life display organized by Students for Life at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, before police officers stepped in.


The unidentified female abortion activist (it's unclear if she is a student), is seen picking up pink crosses in a display known as the Cemetery of the Innocents; the crosses commemorate the lives of babies killed by abortion.

"The pink crosses," notes the Students for Life website, "are part of the spring #PlannedParenthoodTruth Tour on campus, where Students for Life groups are exposing the truth about Planned Parenthood’s poor track record on helping women."

"Students for Life set up the 1,000 crosses around 9 AM, with permission from the school, on the Diag on campus and throughout the day pro-abortion activists, presumably students although that is unclear, kept pulling crosses out of the ground, placing them in trash bags, or putting them on top of trash cans," reported the pro-life organization on Friday.

Kaylena Wiederhold, Students for Life’s Michigan regional coordinator, confronted the activists vandalizing the display on an area of campus the students responsibly obtained a permit for.

"Is there a reason why you're doing this?" she asked the purple-haired feminist holding a white garbage bag full of their crosses.

"We disagree with it," the abortion activist answered.

WATCH: Feminist Caught Stealing Crosses From Pro-Life Display. Then The Cops Show Up.
Theft is theft.

The theft is not that much the issue, the moral issue is that those pink crosses SYMBOLISE each baby ripped from the womb and denied LIFE and flushed down the toilet. So this purple hair Demon Bitch is DISRESPECTING the memory of each baby, of course she is PROUD of that being a filthy fat Commie bitch, Karma will get her....perhaps it will get her in a dark alley involving six Black men without lube. Who knows.
"Why do you take our property?"
"Because we don't agree with you."
The Left explained in one answer.

Keep your paws to yourselves

WATCH: Feminist Caught Stealing Crosses From Pro-Life Display. Then The Cops Show Up.

On Friday, a feminist tried to steal crosses from a pro-life display organized by Students for Life at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, before police officers stepped in.


The unidentified female abortion activist (it's unclear if she is a student), is seen picking up pink crosses in a display known as the Cemetery of the Innocents; the crosses commemorate the lives of babies killed by abortion.

"The pink crosses," notes the Students for Life website, "are part of the spring #PlannedParenthoodTruth Tour on campus, where Students for Life groups are exposing the truth about Planned Parenthood’s poor track record on helping women."

"Students for Life set up the 1,000 crosses around 9 AM, with permission from the school, on the Diag on campus and throughout the day pro-abortion activists, presumably students although that is unclear, kept pulling crosses out of the ground, placing them in trash bags, or putting them on top of trash cans," reported the pro-life organization on Friday.

Kaylena Wiederhold, Students for Life’s Michigan regional coordinator, confronted the activists vandalizing the display on an area of campus the students responsibly obtained a permit for.

"Is there a reason why you're doing this?" she asked the purple-haired feminist holding a white garbage bag full of their crosses.

"We disagree with it," the abortion activist answered.

WATCH: Feminist Caught Stealing Crosses From Pro-Life Display. Then The Cops Show Up.

I still don't understand why it is that feminists seem to always drift towards repulsive. I can't think of a single time I've seen a feminist start yelling at a pro-choice rally, that looked like Melania, or any other decent looking woman. They all look like crazy people, such as this one.

And half seem to be lesbians, which is even more confusing, since I wasn't aware two women being together needed the services of an abortion clinic.
"Why do you take our property?"
"Because we don't agree with you."
The Left explained in one answer.

Keep your paws to yourselves

WATCH: Feminist Caught Stealing Crosses From Pro-Life Display. Then The Cops Show Up.

On Friday, a feminist tried to steal crosses from a pro-life display organized by Students for Life at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, before police officers stepped in.


The unidentified female abortion activist (it's unclear if she is a student), is seen picking up pink crosses in a display known as the Cemetery of the Innocents; the crosses commemorate the lives of babies killed by abortion.

"The pink crosses," notes the Students for Life website, "are part of the spring #PlannedParenthoodTruth Tour on campus, where Students for Life groups are exposing the truth about Planned Parenthood’s poor track record on helping women."

"Students for Life set up the 1,000 crosses around 9 AM, with permission from the school, on the Diag on campus and throughout the day pro-abortion activists, presumably students although that is unclear, kept pulling crosses out of the ground, placing them in trash bags, or putting them on top of trash cans," reported the pro-life organization on Friday.

Kaylena Wiederhold, Students for Life’s Michigan regional coordinator, confronted the activists vandalizing the display on an area of campus the students responsibly obtained a permit for.

"Is there a reason why you're doing this?" she asked the purple-haired feminist holding a white garbage bag full of their crosses.

"We disagree with it," the abortion activist answered.

WATCH: Feminist Caught Stealing Crosses From Pro-Life Display. Then The Cops Show Up.

Free speech. Feminist is completely in the wrong. Happy? What a pointless thread.

Except it reveals how vile leftists are.

If Its pointless carry your stupid ass off it

WOW!!! Big fucking deal!! You were able to expose a bad thing about a person whose politics you already hate! You're a superstar. Go fuck yourself, partisan harpy.
So we can get an upside down demonic cross dipped in acid and shove it up her tw*t and there ill be no repercussions. Its all fun.

If these crosses were representing FAGGOTS and LESBOS who had been murdered then these Leftist Demons would be all on Twitter posting their usual demented and misguided CRAP about Muh Faggots and Muh Lesbos, but as it's ONLY the most innocent murdered in the womb they CELEBRATE this ALL the Leftists actually care about are Illegal Immigrants, No Borders and LGBTQ CRAP and in a logical planet measures would be taken to ensure that Leftists NEVER have ANY power at ALL that they are confined to the Fringes and ultimately the Historical Crapheap.

Their Agenda is POISON and DESTRUCTIVE to a CONSTRUCTIVE Society.
"Why do you take our property?"
"Because we don't agree with you."
The Left explained in one answer.

Keep your paws to yourselves

WATCH: Feminist Caught Stealing Crosses From Pro-Life Display. Then The Cops Show Up.

On Friday, a feminist tried to steal crosses from a pro-life display organized by Students for Life at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, before police officers stepped in.


The unidentified female abortion activist (it's unclear if she is a student), is seen picking up pink crosses in a display known as the Cemetery of the Innocents; the crosses commemorate the lives of babies killed by abortion.

"The pink crosses," notes the Students for Life website, "are part of the spring #PlannedParenthoodTruth Tour on campus, where Students for Life groups are exposing the truth about Planned Parenthood’s poor track record on helping women."

"Students for Life set up the 1,000 crosses around 9 AM, with permission from the school, on the Diag on campus and throughout the day pro-abortion activists, presumably students although that is unclear, kept pulling crosses out of the ground, placing them in trash bags, or putting them on top of trash cans," reported the pro-life organization on Friday.

Kaylena Wiederhold, Students for Life’s Michigan regional coordinator, confronted the activists vandalizing the display on an area of campus the students responsibly obtained a permit for.

"Is there a reason why you're doing this?" she asked the purple-haired feminist holding a white garbage bag full of their crosses.

"We disagree with it," the abortion activist answered.

WATCH: Feminist Caught Stealing Crosses From Pro-Life Display. Then The Cops Show Up.

I still don't understand why it is that feminists seem to always drift towards repulsive. I can't think of a single time I've seen a feminist start yelling at a pro-choice rally, that looked like Melania, or any other decent looking woman. They all look like crazy people, such as this one.

And half seem to be lesbians, which is even more confusing, since I wasn't aware two women being together needed the services of an abortion clinic.

Exactly and exactly.
So, does the pro-lifer exist who doesn't sport an ugly soul?

Going by this thread, no. Each pro-lifer seems to make it a point of pride to be a repulsive human being.

The really odd thing is that they don't seem to care that they'll burn in Hell for eternity.
So, does the pro-lifer exist who doesn't sport an ugly soul?

Going by this thread, no. Each pro-lifer seems to make it a point of pride to be a repulsive human being.

The really odd thing is that they don't seem to care that they'll burn in Hell for eternity.

Considering we are responding about something that IS repulsive then WHY should we be polite about any of this?

"The really odd thing is that they don't seem to care that they'll burn in Hell for eternity."

No that's the other crowd the Godless and God Hating and Jesus Christ Rejecting Leftists, those are the ones going to burn in Hell, Leftists will return to the realm of their god Satan to a place they were spawned in Hell. You cannot suggest that Godless and God Hating and Jesus Christ Rejecting Leftists are going to be given the reward of Eternal Salvation in Our Lord's Beautiful Kingdom when they FANATICALLY support murdering the most innocent as they slumber in the womb. Repent and Change OR be Condemned for Eternity. IF Leftists want to live on this planet as Demons in human form supporting these Satanic causes then they should expect to be returned to Hell as Demons and Condemned there.

"Each pro-lifer seems to make it a point of pride to be a repulsive human being."

I have just got home from two hours at the Suicide Hotline, tomorrow I will again give up some of my free time - and I have five kidlets I add - and go there again to do what I can to give comfort in some way to the lost souls who reach out for someone not to judge them but to just listen to them. Doing this of course = I am a repulsive human being like saying that Leftists who support Abortion on Demand are POS and wanting to PRESERVE the lives of the Unborn makes someone a repulsive human being. Leftists minds are upside down:

Day is Night, Black is White, War is Peace, MURDERING babies is GREAT, DEFENDING the Unborn is EVIL.
So, does the pro-lifer exist who doesn't sport an ugly soul?

Going by this thread, no. Each pro-lifer seems to make it a point of pride to be a repulsive human being.

The really odd thing is that they don't seem to care that they'll burn in Hell for eternity.
I’m Pro-Life. And I have no soul. So; no ugly soul here! Guess you can scratch that theory off your list...
No that's the other crowd the Godless and God Hating and Jesus Christ Rejecting Leftists, those are the ones going to burn in Hell, Leftists will return to the realm of their god Satan to a place they were spawned in Hell. You cannot suggest that Godless and God Hating and Jesus Christ Rejecting Leftists are going to be given the reward of Eternal Salvation in Our Lord's Beautiful Kingdom when they FANATICALLY support murdering the most innocent as they slumber in the womb. Repent and Change OR be Condemned for Eternity. IF Leftists want to live on this planet as Demons in human form supporting these Satanic causes then they should expect to be returned to Hell as Demons and Condemned there.

Satan clearly has your soul snagged in his infernal vice-grip pliers.

I am not able to help you with that. You'll have to wriggle free on your own. Stage one will be realizing the problem.
So, does the pro-lifer exist who doesn't sport an ugly soul?

Going by this thread, no. Each pro-lifer seems to make it a point of pride to be a repulsive human being.

The really odd thing is that they don't seem to care that they'll burn in Hell for eternity.

Well yes.... in fact nearly all of them. In fact almost by definition if you wish to protect life, you have a good soul.
No that's the other crowd the Godless and God Hating and Jesus Christ Rejecting Leftists, those are the ones going to burn in Hell, Leftists will return to the realm of their god Satan to a place they were spawned in Hell. You cannot suggest that Godless and God Hating and Jesus Christ Rejecting Leftists are going to be given the reward of Eternal Salvation in Our Lord's Beautiful Kingdom when they FANATICALLY support murdering the most innocent as they slumber in the womb. Repent and Change OR be Condemned for Eternity. IF Leftists want to live on this planet as Demons in human form supporting these Satanic causes then they should expect to be returned to Hell as Demons and Condemned there.

Satan clearly has your soul snagged in his infernal vice-grip pliers.

I am not able to help you with that. You'll have to wriggle free on your own. Stage one will be realizing the problem.

Okay whatever :rolleyes-41:

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