Feminist director of the next Disney Star Wars movie says her goal is to "make men uncomfortable, I enjoy making men uncomfortable".


Yes, simping for white leftists seems to be your sole purpose in life. Exactly like the slave you are.
You don't seem to understand who the simps are. It's you. You and your culture are the ones being shamed and ridiculed in order to foster change.
You don't seem to understand who the simps are. It's you. You and your culture are the ones being shamed and ridiculed in order to foster change.

I got it just fine, watching you simp for the white lefties who own you is all the proof I need.

Now go vote for Biden again, boy. After you kiss Bob Iger's white ass again.

I got it just fine, watching you simp for the white lefties who own you is all the proof I need.
You seem real desperate to convince me that I'm a victim but the Democratic party is our bitch. We took that from fail white southerners and now white Democrats today are desperate to appeal to minorities in whatever unfortunate and uncomfortable ways they can think of. All I'm seeing are desperate white people. :dunno:
Now go vote for Biden again, boy. After you kiss Bob Iger's white ass again.

I vote to primary Joe Biden and if that fails there's always next time. The Democratic party is only getting browner and more progressive. If you can't accept reality you'll never be in a position to combat it. If you think Biden is some tough guy you fail whites are going to be in a for a rough couple of decades.... :lmao:
So you don't even know the topic you're discussing? 😂 😆
How Disney films are doing poorly being woke? The counter to that is the list of the top ten highest grossing movies of all time. Why are you so stubbornly stupid? 😄
You seem real desperate to convince me that I'm a victim but the Democratic party is our bitch. We took that from fail white southerners and now white Democrats today are desperate to appeal to minorities in whatever unfortunate and uncomfortable ways they can think of. All I'm seeing are desperate white people. :dunno:

I vote to primary Joe Biden and if that fails there's always next time. The Democratic party is only getting browner and more progressive. If you can't accept reality you'll never be in a position to combat it. If you think Biden is some tough guy you fail whites are going to be in a for a rough couple of decades.... :lmao:

Sure, Stephen. Joe Biden appreciates your support. Hey, if you have a "slight Indian accent", y'all can go to a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts together! LOL

Lol .. it's dumbass like you couldn't discuss the topic which is Disney films losing money.
Actually the topic is about "A" Disney film. Not Disney Films. If you want, you can talk about the movie in order to stay on topic.
The topic is about Disney films. No one who owns stocks and follow the market will say Disney overall didn't make money last year. The company's films and streaming side took a toll.
Actually the topic is about "A" Disney Movie.
If we were talking about Gone With the Wind, we wouldn't be discussing MGM.
How Disney films are doing poorly being woke? The counter to that is the list of the top ten highest grossing movies of all time. Why are you so stubbornly stupid? 😄

Lol...talk about stubbornly stupid... not to mention moving the goal post. 😂
Lol...talk about stubbornly stupid... not to mention moving the goal post. 😂
What goal post? You're the one retreating all over the field. The original topic was about a movie that hasn't even come out yet. I'm don't think it's even started shooting. You're the moron and coward who made the comment about Disney losing money and are now being the biggest bitch about it. 😄
Of what you imagine I look like? Do you spend a lot of time imagining me?

Not look like, act like. You're a houseboy if I've ever seen one. But, like Stephen, you think you have some sort of status in the house, when in reality your masters (the DemoKKKrats you worship) laugh at you like the talking pet you are. And they know they have your vote.

Hey, here's an Idea!

If you dislike Disney movies (which I do), Don't Watch Them!

They may be what happens and if the picture bombs and she loses her job, I suspect she will be the one feeling very uncomfortable.

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