Feminists, if you don't hold Joe Biden accountable we will never trust you again

99.999% of them don't care, in the same way they didn't care at all about Clinton's long, sordid history of sexual harassment, sexual assault, quid pro quo, and rape. Why? Because of the letter by his name.

They are not true feminists and they lost all credibility when they proved that they put politics above principle.

And before anyone replies with "but Trump..." save your breath, I'm not a Trump supporter.

Btw, it's too bad that feminist/lesbian former White House intern Mary Mahoney, who had dirt on Mr. Slick and reportedly was going to expose him sadly died before she got a chance to do that. She was shot in the head execution style at the Georgetown Starbucks she worked at after they closed. But I'm sure it's just a coincidence. A very convenient one.

I'm not sure that feminists care what credibility they may or may not have with crazy Trump supporters.

Who are you talking about? If you are able to read, then it wouldn't be me, as I clearly stated that I am not a Trump supporter. Never have been and never will be.

Secondly, you are incorrect because feminists lost their credibility back in the 90s, and that was long before Trump was president, obviously. All decent people lost respect for them, regardless of party.

My mistake. I should have said misogynist crazies. However, if you support Trump's crap, then you are a Trump supporter.

I'm not sure what you're talking about, but no, I don't support his crap or anyone's crap. I think presidents are mostly puppets these days, so I don't participate in the farce anymore, but IF I were to vote, apparently I'm old-fashioned because I still believe that character matters in any leader....and If I didn't trust or respect a person's character, I wouldn't hold my nose and vote for them, simply to vote for the lesser of two evils. Anyway, I didn't mean to get into all that, but just wanted to clear that up.

Ok. If you don't support him, then you don't support him. That doesn't nullify my remark that anyone who supports his crap is his supporter.
That said, you lost our trust in the 1990's when you backed Bill Clinton because he was "right on women's issues."

There is a consequence for having no ethics, which is people know you don't.
So hold him accountable...how? By voting for Trump? By staying home instead of voting for Biden (also a vote for Trump)?

Or are you suggesting they demand a new candidate? I could see that.
Demanding a new candidate would be absolutely awesome... It would likely be the first step to the understanding that it's not the people you voted for within the party that holds the power within that party.

If anybody needs to nominate another candidate, it's the republicans.
Reade's story is very flimsy, and her timing is suspicious. Bringing such an accusation against a man who already has been elected vice president twice is odd. So is the assertion that the complaint that she allegedly filed at the time with the Senate Office of Fair Employment Practices, which supposedly resides in the National Archives, cannot be released, or at least its existence confirmed. Reade's name is public knowledge and she has stated the contents of the complaint, so there is no point in maintaining that nothing about it, or even its existence, can be disclosed. Her then-supervisors, to whom she supposedly complained, said that she did not complain to them.

Moreover, what would be meant by holding Biden "accountable," even if this was a true story? The current occupant of the White House has not been held "accountable," in spite of the many allegations of sexual misconduct that have been made against him. People still voted for him.

The whole demand that advocates for women's rights somehow must take up Reade's cause is condescending and out-right stupid.

The republicans should emphasize trump's "strong record" on women's issues.:rolleyes: Perhaps pence could do a few TV ads and campaign among female voters.
Feminists have no where to go.

You have creepy uncle Joe and a self proclaimed "pussy grabbing" President.

Why are all American politicians sex criminals?

You are a very sick society.
Secondly, I’ve been trying not to spend too much time on the details of an election we all know is fake anyway between two establishment candidates we already know are deeply depraved. . . . "
You think Trump is a establishment candidate??? Hell... I think he's president because he's NOT controlled by the RNC. I think the whole reason Bernie/AOC pulls in the numbers/money they do is because he's NOT seen as establishment to the DNC.

Make absolutely no mistake... People are voting AGAINST the RNC/DNC... It's been a while since I've visited political forums, I would have thought this absolutely obvious to most people here at the very least. Is it not?
That is a quote from the article I posted.
Yes it is... I do agree with the spirit of what the article was going for, although obviously not everything it said.

As for me?

I have not made up my mind whether he is an establishment candidate or not yet.

Sometimes I believe he is. . . . . and other times. . . meh, he could just be just be colossally ignorant.
I think we might have different ideas on what an establishment candidate is.

He has surrounded himself with a lot of truly poisonous establishment goons and warmongers, but then again, I know how D.C. works, he would not otherwise be able to get truly anti-establishment administrative appointees approved by the Senate.
Who are these people you are talking about? Because most republicans don't like many of the people who Trump chose to put around him... o.0

Trump, as a stand alone, cannot be "anti-establishment," that is not how it works anymore. After what happened to JFK, you must realize this. He is either establishment, or has the support of the military and SOME elements of the establishment against other elements of the establishment. Governments are not monolithic entities, the are made up of competing stake holders.
I agree that Trump is not "anti-establishment" on the bases of he ran as a Republican.

If he wasn't partially establishment? He either A) would have never gotten the requisite media attention to get elected (ala Ron Paul) or B) They would have put a bullet in him by now.
I think if the RNC would have treated Ron Paul fairly, and allowed the changes within the party that the delegates were selected to vote on to actually vote on them... Trump never would have had a chance at president.

Michael Moore actually got something right... Trump getting the nod was just a "F-You" to the establishment... Romney was seen exactly like Clinton... They were establishment... Romney never had a chance. Conservatives ( Not Republicans, conservatives ) were pissed off, and that was the message sent.

Full disclosure... I didn't vote for Trump. But I sure as hell preferred him over Clinton. I'm absolutely fine with a Clinton supporter thinking I'm stupid insane. I have no problem with that because the feeling is absolutely mutual. There are only two Democrats I would have voted for in this election... The DNC didn't want to support them because........................ I don't know... But both of them would have had a chance against Trump.

Either way, we shall see if he gets re-elected. If he does, and doesn't immediately release the rest of those JFK files that had clearance to be released to the public a couple years ago? Then you know he is just a tool of the Deep State. :heehee:
I don't think that has anything to do with anything.

I will say that I don't like a lot of what Trump says. I think he tweets too damn much. I think he trolls too much.

But I also like what he DOES do. His ACTIONS, not what he says.
Getting rid of NAFTA.. Thank you very much.
Building a wall... I never thought he would actually do it. Just a metaphor... I thought. LOL...
Taking on China's BS... Hey, long time coming. A very long time coming. China has been stealing for decades.
And many other things. If he got rid of the "no child left behind" nonsense I'd be ecstatic.

Trump isn't going to win this election anymore than he won the last one... The Dems are going to lose it again. Biden is seen the same way as Clinton. They are establishment.
Says the guy who voted for the candidate who bragged about sexually assaulting women.
Asshat 75% of men talk shit in the locker room but I guess a beta male doesn't do that.
No, what the president said they will let you grab them by the pussy when allowed is it sexual assault?
And Joe is alleged to have forced himself on a woman
That said, you lost our trust in the 1990's when you backed Bill Clinton because he was "right on women's issues."

There is a consequence for having no ethics, which is people know you don't.
How many threads are you going to make on this? Again, just because they think Trump is a sack of garbage, it doesn’t mean they give Biden a pass. How exactly should they be voting?
Secondly, I’ve been trying not to spend too much time on the details of an election we all know is fake anyway between two establishment candidates we already know are deeply depraved. . . . "
You think Trump is a establishment candidate??? Hell... I think he's president because he's NOT controlled by the RNC. I think the whole reason Bernie/AOC pulls in the numbers/money they do is because he's NOT seen as establishment to the DNC.

Make absolutely no mistake... People are voting AGAINST the RNC/DNC... It's been a while since I've visited political forums, I would have thought this absolutely obvious to most people here at the very least. Is it not?
That is a quote from the article I posted.
Yes it is... I do agree with the spirit of what the article was going for, although obviously not everything it said.

As for me?

I have not made up my mind whether he is an establishment candidate or not yet.

Sometimes I believe he is. . . . . and other times. . . meh, he could just be just be colossally ignorant.
I think we might have different ideas on what an establishment candidate is.

He has surrounded himself with a lot of truly poisonous establishment goons and warmongers, but then again, I know how D.C. works, he would not otherwise be able to get truly anti-establishment administrative appointees approved by the Senate.
Who are these people you are talking about? Because most republicans don't like many of the people who Trump chose to put around him... o.0

Trump, as a stand alone, cannot be "anti-establishment," that is not how it works anymore. After what happened to JFK, you must realize this. He is either establishment, or has the support of the military and SOME elements of the establishment against other elements of the establishment. Governments are not monolithic entities, the are made up of competing stake holders.
I agree that Trump is not "anti-establishment" on the bases of he ran as a Republican.

If he wasn't partially establishment? He either A) would have never gotten the requisite media attention to get elected (ala Ron Paul) or B) They would have put a bullet in him by now.
I think if the RNC would have treated Ron Paul fairly, and allowed the changes within the party that the delegates were selected to vote on to actually vote on them... Trump never would have had a chance at president.

Michael Moore actually got something right... Trump getting the nod was just a "F-You" to the establishment... Romney was seen exactly like Clinton... They were establishment... Romney never had a chance. Conservatives ( Not Republicans, conservatives ) were pissed off, and that was the message sent.

Full disclosure... I didn't vote for Trump. But I sure as hell preferred him over Clinton. I'm absolutely fine with a Clinton supporter thinking I'm stupid insane. I have no problem with that because the feeling is absolutely mutual. There are only two Democrats I would have voted for in this election... The DNC didn't want to support them because........................ I don't know... But both of them would have had a chance against Trump.

Either way, we shall see if he gets re-elected. If he does, and doesn't immediately release the rest of those JFK files that had clearance to be released to the public a couple years ago? Then you know he is just a tool of the Deep State. :heehee:
I don't think that has anything to do with anything.

I will say that I don't like a lot of what Trump says. I think he tweets too damn much. I think he trolls too much.

But I also like what he DOES do. His ACTIONS, not what he says.
Getting rid of NAFTA.. Thank you very much.
Building a wall... I never thought he would actually do it. Just a metaphor... I thought. LOL...
Taking on China's BS... Hey, long time coming. A very long time coming. China has been stealing for decades.
And many other things. If he got rid of the "no child left behind" nonsense I'd be ecstatic.

Trump isn't going to win this election anymore than he won the last one... The Dems are going to lose it again. Biden is seen the same way as Clinton. They are establishment.

(Please bear in mind, in the technocratic socialist coming world order? Walls are just as good at keeping people in, as they are at keeping people out. They are merely a check point at controlling the flow of resources and people.)

(The author of this investigative piece died under mysterious circumstances soon after it's publication.)

President Donald Trump meets with Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State and National Security Advisor under President Richard Nixon, in the Oval Office of the White House, May 10, 2017, in Washington. Evan Vucci | AP

China Rising
Report: Kissinger Urged Trump Policy of Pursuing Russia to Contain China

Kissinger is known as the figure who pushed the U.S. into its devastating Cold War interventions in Angola, Cambodia, Chile, East Timor, Cambodia, and Vietnam, where hundreds of thousands died as a result of the actions of the U.S. Armed Forces and/or CIA.

by Elliott Gabriel

This is a largely rumored but unverifiable quote, as attendee lists are often unconfirmed, and all conference details take place under Chatham House Rules.

That said, you lost our trust in the 1990's when you backed Bill Clinton because he was "right on women's issues."

There is a consequence for having no ethics, which is people know you don't.
Honestly, we don't care if we have the support of people of your ilk. So there's that.
That said, you lost our trust in the 1990's when you backed Bill Clinton because he was "right on women's issues."

There is a consequence for having no ethics, which is people know you don't.
Hold him accountable... how? Be specific. Or did you not get that far?
Treatment for his disorder.

View attachment 334900
View attachment 334936View attachment 334938View attachment 334939View attachment 334940
Do you seriously want the forum to believe there was anything sexual between father and daughter?

The one who is now married and who, along with her husband, both have normal healthy relationships with their father/father-in-law in the WH?

Is this what you would like us all to believe? :dunno:

If you call Giving Daddy a Lap Dance, or saying it's fine to call your daughter is a fine piece of ass a normal healthy relationship, then you are sick.

Trump and Ivanka's relationship is creepy af.
That said, you lost our trust in the 1990's when you backed Bill Clinton because he was "right on women's issues."

There is a consequence for having no ethics, which is people know you don't.
Again? How fucking lonely are you? Bargaining? For fucking real..? You pathetic son of a bitch... What a fucking disgrace...
(Please bear in mind, in the technocratic socialist coming world order? Walls are just as good at keeping people in, as they are at keeping people out. They are merely a check point at controlling the flow of resources and people.)
Ok... I'm not big on links without input from the poster as to why I should read it. Make your point, and then show the evidence.

I'm good with that so long as I have the ability to protect myself and loved ones. I currently have that.
That said, you lost our trust in the 1990's when you backed Bill Clinton because he was "right on women's issues."

There is a consequence for having no ethics, which is people know you don't.
Hold him accountable... how? Be specific. Or did you not get that far?
Treatment for his disorder.

View attachment 334900
View attachment 334936View attachment 334938View attachment 334939View attachment 334940
Do you seriously want the forum to believe there was anything sexual between father and daughter?

The one who is now married and who, along with her husband, both have normal healthy relationships with their father/father-in-law in the WH?

Is this what you would like us all to believe? :dunno:

If you call Giving Daddy a Lap Dance, or saying it's fine to call your daughter is a fine piece of ass a normal healthy relationship, then you are sick.

Trump and Ivanka's relationship is creepy af.

As outsiders looking in, we can judge all we like. . . we can cast aspersions of what we think it looks like, but can you post for me anything that SHE has said about this? :dunno: Or how about her mother's opinion on the matter at the time? I am all ears of you want to post something on that.

OTH, we do know that several women have complained about Joe's unwanted fondling.

Your, "what-aboutisms" and comparisons don't even measure up, because what you need is to PROVE it is sexual and non-consensual in nature. All you have is your own dirty twisted thoughts and impressions on the matter.
(Please bear in mind, in the technocratic socialist coming world order? Walls are just as good at keeping people in, as they are at keeping people out. They are merely a check point at controlling the flow of resources and people.)
Ok... I'm not big on links without input from the poster as to why I should read it. Make your point, and then show the evidence.

I'm good with that so long as I have the ability to protect myself and loved ones. I currently have that.

. . . and I am not good at tit-for-tatt going through a multi-quote tree. If you want to know where I got the ideas in my original post that you multi-quoted? It is all there. If you are not interested, that is fine too.

I never claimed to be absolutely certain about anything TBH.

Full disclosure, I didn't vote for either Trump or Clinton, I didn't trust either of them. I still don't trust Trump or Biden.
That said, you lost our trust in the 1990's when you backed Bill Clinton because he was "right on women's issues."

There is a consequence for having no ethics, which is people know you don't.
Hold him accountable... how? Be specific. Or did you not get that far?
Treatment for his disorder.

View attachment 334900
View attachment 334936View attachment 334938View attachment 334939View attachment 334940
Do you seriously want the forum to believe there was anything sexual between father and daughter?

The one who is now married and who, along with her husband, both have normal healthy relationships with their father/father-in-law in the WH?

Is this what you would like us all to believe? :dunno:

If you call Giving Daddy a Lap Dance, or saying it's fine to call your daughter is a fine piece of ass a normal healthy relationship, then you are sick.

Trump and Ivanka's relationship is creepy af.

As outsiders looking in, we can judge all we like. . . we can cast aspersions of what we think it looks like, but can you post for me anything that SHE has said about this? :dunno: Or how about her mother's opinion on the matter at the time? I am all ears of you want to post something on that.

OTH, we do know that several women have complained about Joe's unwanted fondling.

Your, "what-aboutisms" and comparisons don't even measure up, because what you need is to PROVE it is sexual and non-consensual in nature. All you have is your own dirty twisted thoughts and impressions on the matter.

All I have are Trump's actions and words that have been captured in print and on video.

That's what I use to judge their relationship as 'creepy af'. It's my opinion. I don't need to prove anything.

I will not listen to any Trumper trying to tell me I should be concerned about sexual harassment claims against Biden. Go sit in the corner. You have no standing to object to unproven claims.
Your, "what-aboutisms" and comparisons don't even measure up, because what you need is to PROVE it is sexual and non-consensual in nature. All you have is your own dirty twisted thoughts and impressions on the matter.
But that's missing the main point they are making... He can correct me if I'm wrong.

It's not about if he did it or not, because it's likely what he was saying back during the Kavanagh case. It has to be proven.

If there are people here ( I wasn't around at the time so I have no idea who if any ) who were taking Kavanagh to task over the allegations and saying he wasn't worthy of the nomination based on the evidence, and then turning around and giving Joe a pass on just the allegations... Well.. That's hypocritical. That's a pretty damn big blow to their perceived character.

If they are ok with that.. Hey, I'm good with that as well. Those other people quoted obviously would like those people to feel some kind of negative emotion for being hypocrites. They want them to be better people, and to learn from it.

Me.... I figure you just can't fix stupid. If someone isn't willing to self evaluate their own stances to a logical conclusion, they are never really going to be more than they currently are. They are the children that need to be left behind.

Please keep in mind I'm not taking a dig at democrats, liberals, or feminists in saying that. That works for everybody. This is just a topic that those people are the main players of dishonest commentary or flat out stupidity.
That said, you lost our trust in the 1990's when you backed Bill Clinton because he was "right on women's issues."

There is a consequence for having no ethics, which is people know you don't.
Hold him accountable... how? Be specific. Or did you not get that far?
Treatment for his disorder.

View attachment 334900
View attachment 334936View attachment 334938View attachment 334939View attachment 334940
Do you seriously want the forum to believe there was anything sexual between father and daughter?

The one who is now married and who, along with her husband, both have normal healthy relationships with their father/father-in-law in the WH?

Is this what you would like us all to believe? :dunno:

If you call Giving Daddy a Lap Dance, or saying it's fine to call your daughter is a fine piece of ass a normal healthy relationship, then you are sick.

Trump and Ivanka's relationship is creepy af.

As outsiders looking in, we can judge all we like. . . we can cast aspersions of what we think it looks like, but can you post for me anything that SHE has said about this? :dunno: Or how about her mother's opinion on the matter at the time? I am all ears of you want to post something on that.

OTH, we do know that several women have complained about Joe's unwanted fondling.

Your, "what-aboutisms" and comparisons don't even measure up, because what you need is to PROVE it is sexual and non-consensual in nature. All you have is your own dirty twisted thoughts and impressions on the matter.

You're an outsider looking in with nothing but your gut feeling to base your opinion on. Your gut feeling isn't enough to prove anything.
. . . and I am not good at tit-for-tatt going through a multi-quote tree. If you want to know where I got the ideas in my original post that you multi-quoted? It is all there. If you are not interested, that is fine too.
I like you. But yes... that is my preferred method.

I never claimed to be absolutely certain about anything TBH.
Me either, in the context that you mean it in anyway.

Full disclosure, I didn't vote for either Trump or Clinton, I didn't trust either of them. I still don't trust Trump or Biden.
What annoys me is I don't know what Trumps new goals are. He's too busy dodging media bullets from people whose only platform is anyone but Trump.
That said, you lost our trust in the 1990's when you backed Bill Clinton because he was "right on women's issues."

There is a consequence for having no ethics, which is people know you don't.
Hold him accountable... how? Be specific. Or did you not get that far?
Treatment for his disorder.

View attachment 334900
View attachment 334936View attachment 334938View attachment 334939View attachment 334940
Do you seriously want the forum to believe there was anything sexual between father and daughter?

The one who is now married and who, along with her husband, both have normal healthy relationships with their father/father-in-law in the WH?

Is this what you would like us all to believe? :dunno:

If you call Giving Daddy a Lap Dance, or saying it's fine to call your daughter is a fine piece of ass a normal healthy relationship, then you are sick.

Trump and Ivanka's relationship is creepy af.

As outsiders looking in, we can judge all we like. . . we can cast aspersions of what we think it looks like, but can you post for me anything that SHE has said about this? :dunno: Or how about her mother's opinion on the matter at the time? I am all ears of you want to post something on that.

OTH, we do know that several women have complained about Joe's unwanted fondling.

Your, "what-aboutisms" and comparisons don't even measure up, because what you need is to PROVE it is sexual and non-consensual in nature. All you have is your own dirty twisted thoughts and impressions on the matter.

You're an outsider looking in with nothing but your gut feeling to base your opinion on. Your gut feeling isn't enough to prove anything.

. . . are you trying to rephrase what I am trying to tell you so that it makes sense to yourself? This is a technique called empathetic listening. I congratulate you, you are doing a wonderful job at it!


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