Feminists, if you don't hold Joe Biden accountable we will never trust you again

That said, you lost our trust in the 1990's when you backed Bill Clinton because he was "right on women's issues."

There is a consequence for having no ethics, which is people know you don't.
So hold him accountable...how? By voting for Trump? By staying home instead of voting for Biden (also a vote for Trump)?

Or are you suggesting they demand a new candidate? I could see that.
Feminists, if you don't hold Joe Biden accountable we will never trust you again

You trust them now? The modern day feminist movement is nothing but astroturfing for the Democratic Party
That said, you lost our trust in the 1990's when you backed Bill Clinton because he was "right on women's issues."

There is a consequence for having no ethics, which is people know you don't.
So hold him accountable...how? By voting for Trump? By staying home instead of voting for Biden (also a vote for Trump)?

Or are you suggesting they demand a new candidate? I could see that.
Demanding a new candidate would be absolutely awesome... It would likely be the first step to the understanding that it's not the people you voted for within the party that holds the power within that party.
Feminists do not care about female victims. If they did they would be marching every day against the abuse Islam dispenses on their women. But Feminists say and do nothing, too busy fighting for abortion.
Why should they? They've got enough yuck heads to deal with in THIS country.
Trump supporters would be very wise to leave this alone.
Why? I don't think it was trump supporters, the majority of them anyway, that think someone should be removed, or barred from, office based on hearsay.

I would think Trump supporters would jump up and down and say "Hypocrites!" and... that would be true. o.0
for his disorder.
That doesn't make sense. Can't force him.

Anyone else?
I did not even know what his problem was, till a very good friend of mine, a counselor, a victim support services specialist who her self has been through such trauma told me what is up. She usually votes DNC, but the way the powerful elites are treating this issue? She is disgusted and can't support them this go around.

I suspect there are many others that see the blatant hypocrisy as well.

Of course you "can't force him." But isn't that the point? If the Democrats are who they say they are, should anyone have to? :dunno:
Trump supporters would be very wise to leave this alone.
Of course Trump supporters should leave this alone.

OTH, if the DNC cares about it's female base? All of them? It is something they should seek to address, in a manner that speaks to real people.

Not political bullshitting. If they don't? IMO, it could hurt them come election time with some on the left and in the middle and undecideds.

This. . . from a progressive source;

The Way Liberals Smear Tara Reade Is Everything Rape Survivors Fear

". . . In reality, The New York Times is not the authority on who has and has not been sexually assaulted. That’s not a thing.

In reality, The New York Times did not conclude that Reade’s accusation is not credible, only that they “found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden, beyond the hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable” (which they later quietly edited down to “found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden” at the instruction of the Biden campaign, a very blatant act of journalistic malpractice).

In reality, The New York Times has smeared Reade with a scandalous hit piece dismissing her allegations because she has written approvingly of Russian president Vladimir Putin, implying that either (A) Reade is a Russian agent fabricating the allegations to help Trump, or (B) that it’s okay to rape women if they disagree with beltway consensus foreign policy.

In reality, two new corroborating pieces of evidence have been added to the growing pile since The New York Times published its “investigation” into Reade’s allegations: footage of Reade’s mother anonymously calling in to Larry King Live in 1993 during Reade’s last month of employment with Biden saying that her daughter was considering going to the press with a very serious allegation against a very prominent senator, and a former neighbor saying that Reade had told her about the sexual assault in the mid-nineties.

I have never been in the “always believe all women” camp; it’s a narrative that’s too easy to manipulate once you get enough people believing it. But at this point there are basically only two possibilities: either (A) Tara Reade was going around lying to her closest confidants in the 1990s with the very long-term goal of one day thwarting Biden’s third presidential bid decades later, or (B) a powerful man sexually assaulted a woman. One of these, in my opinion, is a lot more probable than the other.

Reach out to me directly and ask ?
I am not an " imperfect victim". I was lifelong Democratic supporter single mom that put myself through law school and I was raped by Joe Biden, my former boss, a Democrat.
There are no excuses for institutionalized rape culture. Thank you. https://t.co/hOQTxAzfa5
— taratweets ( Alexandra Tara Reade) (@ReadeAlexandra)
April 28, 2020
I’ve been avoiding writing much about Tara Reade, for a lot of reasons. Firstly, I’m a survivor of multiple rapes and it brings up a lot of ouch for me, especially since whenever I write about rape as a problem I always get a deluge of highly triggered men (and sometimes one or two highly traumatized women) calling me a man-hater and saying all kinds of nasty things to me. Secondly, I’ve been trying not to spend too much time on the details of an election we all know is fake anyway between two establishment candidates we already know are deeply depraved. . . . "
Secondly, I’ve been trying not to spend too much time on the details of an election we all know is fake anyway between two establishment candidates we already know are deeply depraved. . . . "
You think Trump is a establishment candidate??? Hell... I think he's president because he's NOT controlled by the RNC. I think the whole reason Bernie/AOC pulls in the numbers/money they do is because he's NOT seen as establishment to the DNC.

Make absolutely no mistake... People are voting AGAINST the RNC/DNC... It's been a while since I've visited political forums, I would have thought this absolutely obvious to most people here at the very least. Is it not?
That said, you lost our trust in the 1990's when you backed Bill Clinton because he was "right on women's issues."

There is a consequence for having no ethics, which is people know you don't.
Hold him accountable... how? Be specific. Or did you not get that far?
Treatment for his disorder.

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Do you seriously want the forum to believe there was anything sexual between father and daughter?

The one who is now married and who, along with her husband, both have normal healthy relationships with their father/father-in-law in the WH?

Is this what you would like us all to believe? :dunno:

Secondly, I’ve been trying not to spend too much time on the details of an election we all know is fake anyway between two establishment candidates we already know are deeply depraved. . . . "
You think Trump is a establishment candidate??? Hell... I think he's president because he's NOT controlled by the RNC. I think the whole reason Bernie/AOC pulls in the numbers/money they do is because he's NOT seen as establishment to the DNC.

Make absolutely no mistake... People are voting AGAINST the RNC/DNC... It's been a while since I've visited political forums, I would have thought this absolutely obvious to most people here at the very least. Is it not?
That is a quote from the article I posted.

As for me?

I have not made up my mind whether he is an establishment candidate or not yet.

Sometimes I believe he is. . . . . and other times. . . meh, he could just be just be colossally ignorant.

He has surrounded himself with a lot of truly poisonous establishment goons and warmongers, but then again, I know how D.C. works, he would not otherwise be able to get truly anti-establishment administrative appointees approved by the Senate.

As for a lot of his policy decisions, are they his, or those of the Deep State goons in his administration? And if he is forced to do some of the neo-con establishment shit, does he do them for a long term agenda. . . . or does he have a "sword of Damocles" hanging over his head, as it were? :dunno:

When you have a beautiful wife, and a young child that you love dearly, it is not just your life that can be at stake against the Deep State. I am aware of why Ross Perot pulled out of campaigning.

Trump, as a stand alone, cannot be "anti-establishment," that is not how it works anymore. After what happened to JFK, you must realize this. He is either establishment, or has the support of the military and SOME elements of the establishment against other elements of the establishment. Governments are not monolithic entities, the are made up of competing stake holders.

If he wasn't partially establishment? He either A) would have never gotten the requisite media attention to get elected (ala Ron Paul) or B) They would have put a bullet in him by now.

Either way, we shall see if he gets re-elected. If he does, and doesn't immediately release the rest of those JFK files that had clearance to be released to the public a couple years ago? Then you know he is just a tool of the Deep State. :heehee:
Democrats didn't need proof before burning Kavenaugh at the stake.
Ah yes, the Alamo of the lazy minded: monoliths.

Shall we have the same hearings that Kavanaugh was subjected to?

Let's do it, Biden will be crucified. You know it and so do I.

The strange thing is during the Kavanaugh fisaco women must be believed!!!!!! Now? Not so much..... hypocrites, we see right through you loons
That said, you lost our trust in the 1990's when you backed Bill Clinton because he was "right on women's issues."

There is a consequence for having no ethics, which is people know you don't.
Hold him accountable... how? Be specific. Or did you not get that far?
Treatment for his disorder.

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Do you seriously want the forum to believe there was anything sexual between father and daughter?

The one who is now married and who, along with her husband, both have normal healthy relationships with their father/father-in-law in the WH?

Is this what you would like us all to believe? :dunno:

If you call Giving Daddy a Lap Dance, or saying it's fine to call your daughter is a fine piece of ass a normal healthy relationship, then you are sick.
99.999% of them don't care, in the same way they didn't care at all about Clinton's long, sordid history of sexual harassment, sexual assault, quid pro quo, and rape. Why? Because of the letter by his name.

They are not true feminists and they lost all credibility when they proved that they put politics above principle.

And before anyone replies with "but Trump..." save your breath, I'm not a Trump supporter.

Btw, it's too bad that feminist/lesbian former White House intern Mary Mahoney, who had dirt on Mr. Slick and reportedly was going to expose him sadly died before she got a chance to do that. She was shot in the head execution style at the Georgetown Starbucks she worked at after they closed. But I'm sure it's just a coincidence. A very convenient one.
99.999% of them don't care, in the same way they didn't care at all about Clinton's long, sordid history of sexual harassment, sexual assault, quid pro quo, and rape. Why? Because of the letter by his name.

They are not true feminists and they lost all credibility when they proved that they put politics above principle.

And before anyone replies with "but Trump..." save your breath, I'm not a Trump supporter.

Btw, it's too bad that feminist/lesbian former White House intern Mary Mahoney, who had dirt on Mr. Slick and reportedly was going to expose him sadly died before she got a chance to do that. She was shot in the head execution style at the Georgetown Starbucks she worked at after they closed. But I'm sure it's just a coincidence. A very convenient one.

I'm not sure that feminists care what credibility they may or may not have with crazy Trump supporters.
99.999% of them don't care, in the same way they didn't care at all about Clinton's long, sordid history of sexual harassment, sexual assault, quid pro quo, and rape. Why? Because of the letter by his name.

They are not true feminists and they lost all credibility when they proved that they put politics above principle.

And before anyone replies with "but Trump..." save your breath, I'm not a Trump supporter.

Btw, it's too bad that feminist/lesbian former White House intern Mary Mahoney, who had dirt on Mr. Slick and reportedly was going to expose him sadly died before she got a chance to do that. She was shot in the head execution style at the Georgetown Starbucks she worked at after they closed. But I'm sure it's just a coincidence. A very convenient one.

I'm not sure that feminists care what credibility they may or may not have with crazy Trump supporters.

Who are you talking about? If you are able to read, then it wouldn't be me, as I clearly stated that I am not a Trump supporter. Never have been and never will be.

Secondly, you are incorrect because feminists lost their credibility back in the 90s, and that was long before Trump was president, obviously. All decent people lost respect for them, regardless of party.
99.999% of them don't care, in the same way they didn't care at all about Clinton's long, sordid history of sexual harassment, sexual assault, quid pro quo, and rape. Why? Because of the letter by his name.

They are not true feminists and they lost all credibility when they proved that they put politics above principle.

And before anyone replies with "but Trump..." save your breath, I'm not a Trump supporter.

Btw, it's too bad that feminist/lesbian former White House intern Mary Mahoney, who had dirt on Mr. Slick and reportedly was going to expose him sadly died before she got a chance to do that. She was shot in the head execution style at the Georgetown Starbucks she worked at after they closed. But I'm sure it's just a coincidence. A very convenient one.

I'm not sure that feminists care what credibility they may or may not have with crazy Trump supporters.

Who are you talking about? If you are able to read, then it wouldn't be me, as I clearly stated that I am not a Trump supporter. Never have been and never will be.

Secondly, you are incorrect because feminists lost their credibility back in the 90s, and that was long before Trump was president, obviously. All decent people lost respect for them, regardless of party.

My mistake. I should have said misogynist crazies. However, if you support Trump's crap, then you are a Trump supporter.
99.999% of them don't care, in the same way they didn't care at all about Clinton's long, sordid history of sexual harassment, sexual assault, quid pro quo, and rape. Why? Because of the letter by his name.

They are not true feminists and they lost all credibility when they proved that they put politics above principle.

And before anyone replies with "but Trump..." save your breath, I'm not a Trump supporter.

Btw, it's too bad that feminist/lesbian former White House intern Mary Mahoney, who had dirt on Mr. Slick and reportedly was going to expose him sadly died before she got a chance to do that. She was shot in the head execution style at the Georgetown Starbucks she worked at after they closed. But I'm sure it's just a coincidence. A very convenient one.

I'm not sure that feminists care what credibility they may or may not have with crazy Trump supporters.

Who are you talking about? If you are able to read, then it wouldn't be me, as I clearly stated that I am not a Trump supporter. Never have been and never will be.

Secondly, you are incorrect because feminists lost their credibility back in the 90s, and that was long before Trump was president, obviously. All decent people lost respect for them, regardless of party.

My mistake. I should have said misogynist crazies. However, if you support Trump's crap, then you are a Trump supporter.

I'm not sure what you're talking about, but no, I don't support his crap or anyone's crap. I think presidents are mostly puppets these days, so I don't participate in the farce anymore, but IF I were to vote, apparently I'm old-fashioned because I still believe that character matters in any leader....and If I didn't trust or respect a person's character, I wouldn't hold my nose and vote for them, simply to vote against the other candidate. Anyway, I didn't mean to get into all that, but just wanted to clear that up.

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