Feminists, if you don't hold Joe Biden accountable we will never trust you again

The modern day feminist movement is nothing but astroturfing for the Democratic Party
Because that is the smart thing to do. Would you expect them to align with the party that writes and passes equal pay legislation, or the party that votes it down? Abortion? The party currently pushing for paid maternity leave, or the party currently pushing against it? It's no coincidence that its the same party opposed to their platform every single time.
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What annoys me is I don't know what Trumps new goals are. He's too busy dodging media bullets from people whose only platform is anyone but Trump.

If you study politics at the University level, you will come to understand, that modern presidencies are made up of the power behind the throne, meaning, who are the stake holders that put him there.

We can always go to Open Secrets, but, in my experience, that only tells half the story.

If, on the other hand, you want to believe either the corporate narrative, by the controlled narrative spun by the cabal of the interlocking directorate;

Or the Deep State narrative by those sources I named it that post that overwhelmed you with all those links? Either way, it will depend on whose telling the story, on what his real motives are, and whom you should trust to tell you the truth.

Can you even believe what "he" is telling you on twitter? Hell, I know folks that actually believe he writes all his own tweets. :heehee:
That said, you lost our trust in the 1990's when you backed Bill Clinton because he was "right on women's issues."

There is a consequence for having no ethics, which is people know you don't.
Hold him accountable... how? Be specific. Or did you not get that far?
Treatment for his disorder.

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Do you seriously want the forum to believe there was anything sexual between father and daughter?

The one who is now married and who, along with her husband, both have normal healthy relationships with their father/father-in-law in the WH?

Is this what you would like us all to believe? :dunno:

If you call Giving Daddy a Lap Dance, or saying it's fine to call your daughter is a fine piece of ass a normal healthy relationship, then you are sick.

Trump and Ivanka's relationship is creepy af.

As outsiders looking in, we can judge all we like. . . we can cast aspersions of what we think it looks like, but can you post for me anything that SHE has said about this? :dunno: Or how about her mother's opinion on the matter at the time? I am all ears of you want to post something on that.

OTH, we do know that several women have complained about Joe's unwanted fondling.

Your, "what-aboutisms" and comparisons don't even measure up, because what you need is to PROVE it is sexual and non-consensual in nature. All you have is your own dirty twisted thoughts and impressions on the matter.

You're an outsider looking in with nothing but your gut feeling to base your opinion on. Your gut feeling isn't enough to prove anything.

. . . are you trying to rephrase what I am trying to tell you so that it makes sense to yourself? This is a technique called empathetic listening. I congratulate you, you are doing a wonderful job at it!


I remarked on the crap you posted.
If you study politics at the University level, you will come to understand, that modern presidencies are made up of the power behind the throne, meaning, who are the stake holders that put him there.
Yeah... Many of those Universities think that people who produce sperm are females. The only animal I'm aware of that is female and still has a penis is the hyena. It's a pseudo penis... But still a penis, that doesn't produce sperm. Not a great selling point for me that it's "University level". I actually like science.

We can always go to Open Secrets, but, in my experience, that only tells half the story.

Or the Deep State narrative by those sources I named it that post that overwhelmed you with all those links? Either way, it will depend on whose telling the story, on what his real motives are, and whom you should trust to tell you the truth.
I'm on the same side I'm always on... MINE. I don't really trust anyone to tell me the truth, just their perceptions of it.

Can you even believe what "he" is telling you on twitter? Hell, I know folks that actually believe he writes all his own tweets. :heehee:
I pay more attention to actions of people than what they say. People ( even "he" ) can say whatever they want about themselves or what they will/won't do... But it's their actions that reveal the truth of things. Which is likely why Trump annoys me less than other non-republicans who pay attention to what he says.
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That said, you lost our trust in the 1990's when you backed Bill Clinton because he was "right on women's issues."

There is a consequence for having no ethics, which is people know you don't.
Hold him accountable... how? Be specific. Or did you not get that far?
Treatment for his disorder.

View attachment 334900
View attachment 334936View attachment 334938View attachment 334939View attachment 334940
Do you seriously want the forum to believe there was anything sexual between father and daughter?

The one who is now married and who, along with her husband, both have normal healthy relationships with their father/father-in-law in the WH?

Is this what you would like us all to believe? :dunno:

If you call Giving Daddy a Lap Dance, or saying it's fine to call your daughter is a fine piece of ass a normal healthy relationship, then you are sick.

Trump and Ivanka's relationship is creepy af.

As outsiders looking in, we can judge all we like. . . we can cast aspersions of what we think it looks like, but can you post for me anything that SHE has said about this? :dunno: Or how about her mother's opinion on the matter at the time? I am all ears of you want to post something on that.

OTH, we do know that several women have complained about Joe's unwanted fondling.

Your, "what-aboutisms" and comparisons don't even measure up, because what you need is to PROVE it is sexual and non-consensual in nature. All you have is your own dirty twisted thoughts and impressions on the matter.

You're an outsider looking in with nothing but your gut feeling to base your opinion on. Your gut feeling isn't enough to prove anything.

. . . are you trying to rephrase what I am trying to tell you so that it makes sense to yourself? This is a technique called empathetic listening. I congratulate you, you are doing a wonderful job at it!


I remarked on the crap you posted.

If mine's is crap, yours' is crap.
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