Femto camera experiment says space is the medium for light

Which Metals Are Magnetic? (List of Ferromagnetic and Ferrimagnetic  Materials) – Materials Science & Engineering

What is the strongest paramagnetic element?

Iron oxide, FeO, has a very high value of 720. Other materials considered strongly paramagnetic include iron ammonium alum (66), uranium (40), platinum (26), tungsten (6.8), cesium (5.1), aluminum (2.2), lithium (1.4) and magnesium (1.2), sodium (0.72) and oxygen gas (0.19).
Alright another analogy, say you had a stack of a hundred cards and your holding one card, wait! which card is in the stack of a hundred to do the 'talking'? simple you send in one card from near the middle of the stack, then one card plays against ONE card. And that's how you play cards correctly.
No problem.
Nuts what do you think of this one. Instead of transmitting electricity by copper, what about pressure on a pipe directly from a boiler. The pressure could run like DC powering a generator miles away, or a closed loop that alternates pressure from the boiler. If you fill your piping with water then alternate the boiler pressure you might sustain closed loop. You could keep the pressure in the boiler from coming in contact with the cool water in the piping and the transmission of power would leak less heat.
I don't understand.
If you used pressure from the boiler to put pressure on pipes filled with cold water or pumped cold water one way you would dramatically reduce the heat loss you get from long transmission lines. you would convert the pressure of the boiler into electricity with a generator miles away and save all the heat loss. Evidently you would pump water as well so you could use that somehow, perhaps as drinking water.
With this simple design you could amplify the pressure you put into the water pipe pressure system. The THREE green hoses at the top cause the buckets to provide more torque to the generator at the bottom right. This would give you more voltage then just one hose pressure spinning a turbine. Its probably safer from power outages as well.

water pressure amplifier.png
Here's what I call a vortex gravity dam. The river at 1 is blocked by the dam at 2 causing it to vortex at 3. The vortex momentum on the water increases the flow of the river from 2 feet per second to much faster through the calibrated amplifier horn shape at 4. Gravity also increase the flow of water. The water exits at 5 compressed and moving faster then 2 feet per second which is where you can generate power.The benefit of this over a traditional water wheel is you could use the flow of a small creek and get out the entire potential of the water vs a water wheel which loses energy from its weight and doesn't gather nearly the potential of the whole river.

vortex dam.png
Suppose you have bathtub 3/4 full of water. You call the portion with the drain and spigot attached a dam. The spigot is off. The water is still. You pull the plug and a vortex soon develops as the water drains. Did the dam cause it?

Basic manometer:

Given both sides are open to the atmosphere, the height difference multiplied by the liquid's surface area provides the volume of liquid above equilibrium. The instantaneous pressure or weight being exerted upon the portion below the lower dotted line is then just that volume multiplied by the fluid's density. The left side will drop halfway as the right side rises halfway, but there may some harmonic oscillation involved depending upon the circumstances.
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Daily analogy: So you've you drank one beer, why not 99 more? 99 more beers condensed into one is fine for me thank you.
Suppose you have bathtub 3/4 full of water. You call the portion with the drain and spigot attached a dam. The spigot is off. The water is still. You pull the plug and a vortex soon develops as the water drains. Did the dam cause it?

Basic manometer:

Given both sides are open to the atmosphere, the height difference multiplied by the liquid's surface area provides the volume of liquid above equilibrium. The instantaneous pressure or weight being exerted upon the portion below the lower dotted line is then just that volume multiplied by the fluid's density. The left side will drop halfway as the right side rises halfway, but there may some harmonic oscillation involved depending upon the circumstances.
That's cool I literally know nothing about vortex's. Don't maelstrom's form from two colliding current's? Could you not seperate the river in half build walls so the two halves of the river collide head on and possibly cause a big vortex? But I've always wondered about surface area resistance and river momentum. I'm trying to figure out a way to take the river current and turn it into on and off pressure. I'm thinking something like an enormous tarp tied to the shore so its surface area catches an optimal amount of river current passing by. The tarp slowly pulls on the rope so the rope acts on the heaviest load it can, taking a minute to drag ten feet. Then reduce the surface are of the tarp winding it up and pull it back to start over. So its a one way gain of energy. But somehow alternate pressure on quartz or other systems like a piston that require pressure on and off. Alternating the amount of surface area pulling on the rope would create on off pressure on the rope. How to do that is hard to think of though.
Dr. Trevor,
What's an "electron"?
What specific units are used for "specific heat"?
Why does "gravity pull" nuclei together?
Another Obvious Question Ignored by Those Who Passively Accept Everything

Why are all electrons the same, when they have different histories? Anything not an atomic particle would retain the effects of whatever had happened to it. There must be an outlet to pass on those effects and remain the same, or be quickly re-formed back into the original shape by replacement parts from outside this universe. The effects themselves must be absorbed into the Mother Universe.
Its a slow process my friend, learning, like yesterday I asked and got answers to about 15 questions. In the past 12 years since I started looking into these things outside school. There have been hundreds of times that I fill my browser with tabs of research in a day, researching all day. I might stumble around applying the aether to ideas I've just learned a little more, but I think I'm learning from doing that as well, might be smarter to let things sit a while before posting them so people aren't constantly leaning back and forth with me.
I Apply the Forbidden Fourth Spatial Dimension to All the Unnecessary Mysteries of Physics
Alright another analogy, say you had a stack of a hundred cards and your holding one card, wait! which card is in the stack of a hundred to do the 'talking'? simple you send in one card from near the middle of the stack, then one card plays against ONE card. And that's how you play cards correctly.
Piled higher and Deeper

If you're confronting scientists who had their brains squeezed into spitballs during their childish, depressing, and insulting stay at the college plantation, then all those other cards are jokers.
God I hate these gravity power plant ideas. digging holes in water. They always seem so promising at first and then no one ever figures them out.
God I hate these gravity power plant ideas. digging holes in water. They always seem so promising at first and then no one ever figures them out.
My three favorite lines lately:
  • Nothin' comes easy.
  • If it ain't one thing it's another.
  • There's always a fly in the ointment.
Today's analogy: Say you had a box of toothpicks, 100, and you dropped them on the floor? what then? what now? what do you do? simple, you count the toothpicks on the floor and after several tries and 49 minutes arrive at 99, so one is missing? NO, that one is the wise one that stayed in the box, and the 100 is one again.

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