Fence-sitters could have voted against thousands of more illegals & $5 fuel, against tax hikes & sky-rocketing inflation & authoritarian vax mandates?

and then you prove my point.

Thanks, you are too damn easy
And they love to try the "hahahahaha" thing, transparently trying to hide their misery and paranoia.

I guess they think they accomplish something by constantly tagging us. All they do is confirm our opinions of them.
Those who choose to think for themselves are nutters' biggest threat.

We expose them for what they are.
Those who choose to think for themselves are nutters' biggest threat.

We expose them for what they are.
By Nutters you mean bathroom confused Trans_asshholes who claim they are women, wear skirts, but then take their male sex organs out in the girls room & butt rape girls in High School, while the LeftTard School Board covers it up, but you know they are Science Deniers who don't agree that the XX and XY Chromosome is a fact. There are only 2 Genders. Anything else qualifies as insanity.

In My Opinion if you want to be a Trans-douchebag Mental Case like that, and you want to use The Women's Bathroom, then you should undergo a Mandatory Dickectomy, and have your balls put in a Mason Jar on your Fireplace Mantle.

How's that for a mandate? Just another medical procedure. Nothing to see here.
But they didn't...they thought it would be best to do nothing and wait for that third-party that will never have a chance at winning a national election.
My bet is; fence-sitters are kicking themselves in the ass right now....I'll bet they swarm the polls in droves in 2022 and 2024.

Since when do we get to vote for capitalist?
There are no such thing as fence sitters. Just look at supposed fence-sitters like mac1958, dblack and golfing gator. They are gleeful about what's happening right now. So-called Libertarians who defend federal government imposed vaccine mandates
I have yet to meet a Libertarian that's not a leftist.
50%+ of Americans believe the 2020 election was stolen.

Count on more election theft in 2022. If Democrats lose, I'll be shocked.
I have said 100 times I am against the government imposed vaccine mandates...why is it you all spend so much time to lie about people just because they do not worship your god?
I’m not familiar with you I wont tie you with Mac1958 without more information

Before trump happened were you a tweener?
I’m not familiar with you I wont tie you with Mac1958 without more information

Before trump happened were you a tweener?

I have been a 3rd party voter since 1996. I grew up in a Repub household and voted that way twice, then a Repub told me to read his lips and then lied to me. I tried voting for a Dem once and never did that again. Since then I voted as such....

Jorgensen - 2020
Johnson - 2016
Johnson - 2012
Barr - 2008
Badnarik - 2004
Browne - 2000
Perot. - 1996
I have been a 3rd party voter since 1996. I grew up in a Repub household and voted that way twice, then a Repub told me to read his lips and then lied to me. I tried voting for a Dem once and never did that again. Since then I voted as such....

Jorgensen - 2020
Johnson - 2016
Johnson - 2012
Barr - 2008
Badnarik - 2004
Browne - 2000
Perot. - 1996
At least you are consistent

I understand 3rd party voters desire for change

But in my opinion you went about it on the wrong way

Trump was the man you were waiting for because he was not s typical career politician

Unfortunately too many tweeners were like the old maid who spent her life waiting for Mr Perfect

And as we all know the Donald has his flaws

Now we are stuck with career idiot in the white house and a complete ditzy airhead backing him up
At least you are consistent

I understand 3rd party voters desire for change

But in my opinion you went about it on the wrong way

Trump was the man you were waiting for because he was not s typical career politician

Unfortunately too many tweeners were like the old maid who spent her life waiting for Mr Perfect

And as we all know the Donald has his flaws

Now we are stuck with career idiot in the white house and a complete ditzy airhead backing him up
But Trump was mean and talked of his disappointment in Americas filth and in the trajectory our nation was on….. Golfing Gator hates mean but affective presidents.

Fence-sitters could have voted against thousands of more illegals & $5 fuel, against tax hikes & sky-rocketing inflation & authoritarian vax mandates?​

Whoops….I said “thousands of more illegals” I meant to say MILLIONS.
Whoops….I said “$5 fuel” I meant $6 fuel
But Trump was mean and talked of his disappointment in Americas filth and in the trajectory our nation was on….. Golfing Gator hates mean but affective presidents.
Tweeners are delicate and have to be treated gently

But Golfing Gator is a Tweener because he’s a contrarian who is always telling others what they are doing wrong

In a perfect world Tweeners never support the winner of any election

But trump exposed Gator and others for the partisn libs that they really are
Tweeners are delicate and have to be treated gently

But Golfing Gator is a Tweener because he’s a contrarian who is always telling others what they are doing wrong

In a perfect world Tweeners never support the winner of any election

But trump exposed Gator and others for the partisn libs that they really are
Golfing Gator has moved to a new position....he doesn't mind fascist authoritarian statists in office because he and his family have done well under this regime.
Golfing Gator has moved to a new position....he doesn't mind fascist authoritarian statists in office because he and his family have done well under this regime.
Yes, Golfing Gator is safe and sound in a former nuclear fallout shelter, fully stocked with cheese and wine, that he bought because the economy has been so good to him

Therefore he fears no evil
But they didn't...they thought it would be best to do nothing and wait for that third-party that will never have a chance at winning a national election.
You're still butt-hurting over that?

Let's go over the basics again: I'm not voting for your shitty candidates. The end.

Do you think your whining will change my mind?
Do you think you're whining will change my mind?
Not at all...I've actually enjoyed watching you fuck yourselves.
See, I have the means to weather the storm...I just raise prices across the board and pass the fucking on to the consumer / end user....YOU.
Not at all...I've actually enjoyed watching you fuck yourselves.
See, I have the means to weather the storm...I just raise prices across the board and pass the fucking on to the consumer / end user....YOU.
Are you finished jerking off? When your adolescent revenge fantasy wears off, you might consider a moment's reflection on why it bothers you so much. Do you really expect libertarians to vote for fascists?
Are you finished jerking off? When your adolescent revenge fantasy wears off, you might consider a moment's reflection on why it bothers you so much. Do you really expect libertarians to vote for fascists?
In effect, who do you think you voted for?
Don’t “fascists” create their own citizenship status like DACA, don’t they use government agencies to persecute political opponents, don’t they champion the suppression of free speech, don’t they collude with a complicit media / social media to win elections and push narratives, don’t they force people to take medicine they don’t want to take, don’t they force people to wear face diapers they don’t want to wear, don’t they forbid people from earning a living and pursuing happiness, don’t they force people to stay in their homes, don’t they oppose the peoples rights granted by our founders, don’t they change voting guidelines in the 11th hour outside of state legislatures and under the guise of “national emergency”?
Are you sure you know what fascism is?

Are you sure you thought your post through before typing it?

Golfing Gator

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