Feral Homo's Infect Las Vegas

Let's blame gays for syphilis now.
615 cases out of 698. Who do you blame the Amish?
Gays invented syphilis, don't you know?
Could have, may have been Roman faggots.
It must be your 214 IQ that helped you figure that out. Especially considering that the prevailing theory is that syphilis originated in the Americas.
It was found in Romans. So its kind of hard to blame it on us.
And there's proof Abraham Lincoln got it? From his slaves, I take it will be the answer. Really? Do you people have nothing better to do than create hundred year old drama?

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The article says claimed not proven. So that's a crap shoot.
Excuse the homo pun.
And there's proof Abraham Lincoln got it? From his slaves, I take it will be the answer. Really? Do you people have nothing better to do than create hundred year old drama?

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Just being in touch with someone can pass it along. Doesn't mean you are a bad person. It means you were just unlucky with touching the wrong person even with a handshake if they had an open sore and so did you and they touched as you shook. Or binding a wound and you had an open cuticle on your finger.
And there's proof Abraham Lincoln got it? From his slaves, I take it will be the answer. Really? Do you people have nothing better to do than create hundred year old drama?

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Just being in touch with someone can pass it along. Doesn't mean you are a bad person. It means you were just unlucky with touching the wrong person even with a handshake if they had an open sore and so did you and they touched as you shook. Or binding a wound and you had an open cuticle on your finger.
If they are from Vegas or just came from Vegas wear gloves and avoid contact.
Let's blame gays for syphilis now.
615 cases out of 698. Who do you blame the Amish?
fuckin Amish....lol

Seriously, with prostitutes that are addicted to drugs desperately turning tricks to get another dose, many of them will not use protection, they get diseased then idiot men get it from them and take it home to their wives and girl friends.

These people with untreatable STDs need to be segregated into colonies like they used to do lepers.
I don't see anyone anyway, being a hermit. And not being a hugger with my force field around me....I'm good. :lol:
Sounds like a guy problem, to me.
"Even without treatment, the early infection resolves on its own in most women." [.............]
In North America and Western Europe, syphilis is disproportionately common and rising among men who have sex with men."
Syphilis Picture Image on MedicineNet.com

You are right and you know what helps too, using a detachable prosthetic thing (strap on)

Thats what killed Capone. That shit eats yer brain.
Lyme disease is also a spirochete and it also mimics other immune type diseases.
Let's blame gays for syphilis now.
615 cases out of 698. Who do you blame the Amish?

What I find amusing about this story- in a sick way- is that before anti-biotics syphillis was a huge heterosexual problem- since in the era good straight men visited brothels and the disease spread rampantly within the heterosexual communiies.
The STD syphilis.

He posted what the Virus looks like. I think he should have posted pics of what the untreated disease can do to you.

Following link not for the faint of heart. . . .
It IS some really nasty stuff.

Yes I wouldn't recommend looking at pictures, too horrific.

Instead, let's look at the cute baby pigs :smoke:

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Awwwwwww...what were we talking about?

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