Ferguson its going to get ugly if riots begin. KKK warning to them..

Michael Brown was a thug,he died being an asshole......getting exactly what he deserved.
It was simply a case of instant karma, he roughed up a little Korean 1/3 his size, stole some of his stuff, walked out strutting, and five minutes later he was dead in the streets like a dog.

I hope some other kids learn a lesson from that teachable moment.
So when is the decision to indict or not going to occur? I want a ring side seat. At home, of course.
so the people who live there should just let these rioters destroy their property because they are upset that the cop was NOT in the wrong.. They said they wont do anything unless they get threatened
I sure hope they don't riot like they did in Florida after the Zimmerman trial results.
I say kudos to them, if they would've been in los angeles to stop that riot, they probably would be smart enough not to rob, pillage, and kill people in their own town. Consequences can be like karma, a bitch.
They should wait till the first of the month to release the result fron the Grand jury....
I'm just sayin...
Let us hope for peace and cooler heads to prevail. It would still be prudent for those in the area to hope for the best but prepare for the worst.
Sad thing is much of this has been fueled by outside sources to begin with.
Why riot? why not wait for the evidence and let the justice system work.

These people are idiots if they burn their city down. Do they want the police to stop doing their jobs?
Lets hope some folks from ANSWER and other leftist coalition agitators get their empty heads blown off.....

That would be some justice...
so the people who live there should just let these rioters destroy their property because they are upset that the cop was NOT in the wrong.. They said they wont do anything unless they get threatened

The people rioting don't exactly make a lot of sense. It is scarcely how fucked up our society is becoming.
I am not a member of the KKK. Just got this on facebook. If true this is going to get ugly ..BREAKING The KKK Issues a Public Message to the Ferguson Rioters PHOTO
Interesting that you would have such connections on Facebook that you would even receive such a thing.
are you really shocked...She is one brain cell away from coma

And yet you think you're right for supporting people that destroy other people's livelihoods?
I am not a member of the KKK. Just got this on facebook. If true this is going to get ugly ..BREAKING The KKK Issues a Public Message to the Ferguson Rioters PHOTO
Interesting that you would have such connections on Facebook that you would even receive such a thing.
are you really shocked...She is one brain cell away from coma

And yet you think you're right for supporting people that destroy other people's livelihoods?
no but i understand why they got to this point that they are rioting.

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