Ferguson, more bizarre news

By the People, for the People...

What voter ever thought for a minute the Prosecuting Attorney would not have a case involving a police officer shooting and a Black person that close to St. Louis?
It's perfectly reasonable. The fact that negroes want him out is the "stupid" part. I suppose they'll want a negro judge and all negro court personnel...because of racism, ya know...
Its liberals who are the ones being stupid and racist, some are black some are not.

Your misdirected anger (Im giving you the benefit of doubt here) comes across poorly and not only do you get ignored they lump us all together. Liberals will take anything out of context so why give them help?
Whoknows? I doubt he will hear any case, if it gets that far. The biggest problem is the officer is being convicted of a crime in the media:

A second eyewitness, Piaget Crenshaw, who saw the events from her apartment and videotaped the aftermath, told CNN that she saw Brown and the officer struggle and that it looked like the officer was trying to pull Brown into the car. When that didn’t work, she said the officer chased after Brown and shot multiple times, though none of those shots appeared to hit Brown. In the end, Crenshaw said, Brown “turned around and then was shot multiple times.”


Had to link his name, now for the video.

I agree that the police officer has been tried, convicted, and will be executed by the press. No due process here, the fact that he (the officer) is white and the perp is black is enough for the media to declare the officer's guilt. No further information needed...
I agree that the police officer has been tried, convicted, and will be executed by the press. No due process here, the fact that he (the officer) is white and the perp is black is enough for the media to declare the officer's guilt. No further information needed...

The media markets what sells, and CNN features both 'sides' and even terms it as such; at times like these the FoxNews pretension of being fair and balanced is a relief.
Bitch is already "lawyered-up", appearing with her attorney. She failed to video the actual incident, only got the aftermath...with her personal commentary, of course.

Didn't know that was the female watcher, it apppears she did nothing to help him quickly, he is down, blood running in the pictures I saw. Maybe she was busy, calling the news stations........................
In my county, the prosecuting attorneys office is an elected position...I can't imagine St. Louis County would be different.

Is there only one prosecuting attorney for the whole county or are they all elected? Usually there is one head guy who is elected and a bunch of deputies that are employees.
Is there only one prosecuting attorney for the whole county or are they all elected? Usually there is one head guy who is elected and a bunch of deputies that are employees.

The Prosecuting Attorney is the equivalent of what you think of as a district attorney. He/she supervises all the county level prosecution in the county, and in most counties has a staff of hired assistant prosecutors that handle the minutiae.
Is there only one prosecuting attorney for the whole county or are they all elected? Usually there is one head guy who is elected and a bunch of deputies that are employees.

Yes, in Florida, each circuit, (determined by population) has a State's Attorney, and hires Assistant State's Attorneys.
Let's see, prosecuting attorneys are elected correct? Ferguson is 60% Black correct? Now it is a problem? Really?

Of course its a problem when a black kills a white.

Its racist when a white kills a black no matter what the circumstances are.

Where the hell ya been??
She certainly appeared more interested in her video...destined for utube, no doubt. Her 15 min of fame, no doubt.

At the expense of the safety of other humans, the officer's life, and continued upheaval. As credible as Michael Brown's 'friend':-0-.

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