Ferguson officer-involved shooting is as-described

Strong Arm Robbery is a felony in Missouri. That does justify police shooting a fleeing suspect especially when the officer is assaulted while trying to apprehend the suspect. Michael Brown assaulted 2 people in 13 minutes. He was a threat to the public & the officer who shot him. It was a legal shooting.

It's not what happened by the car that is important, rather what happened when the kid said "nicht schießen" and then the martial law bullshit that followed by the unprofessional MO police force hellbent on playing soldier.

That's the subject of the Military Occupation of Ferguson thread.
I took it to mean that the cop was inside, the kid was outside, and they were tussling through the window. That agrees with other witness statements.

It seems to support the other witness saying Brown was trying to get out and the officer was pulling him back in

Dorian Johnson:

Without saying anything further, Johnson states that the officer drove forward, only to abruptly back up, positioning his vehicle crossways in their path, almost hitting the two men. Said Johnson, "We were so close, almost inches away, that when he tried to open his door aggressively, the door ricocheted both off me and Big Mike's body and closed back on the officer."

At that point, the officer, still in his car, grabbed Brown through the open window around the neck. Brown tried to pull away, but the officer continued to pull Brown toward him.

Piaget Crenshaw:

Another witness, Piaget Crenshaw, said that from her vantage point, it appeared that the police officer and Brown were arm wrestling before the officer initially shot Brown from within his vehicle.

^those are from wikipedia

Sounds to me that all the interaction before the shooting was through the window of the vehicle.

Why was Brown's arm in the vehicle? I thought he was j-walking?
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Journalists were not savagely assaulted by police. In a riot situation if you're amongst the rioters you're not members of the press anymore, you're participants in the riot.

There was no rioting going on in the area that they attacked the journalists. They also went into a Mcdoanlds and slammed journalists against he soda machines. These uniformed thugs are feral savage Oathbreakers.
This is the fucking problem. Our local police have turned into modern-day brownshirts:


These assholes are in stand-down at the RNC convention in Tampa, Florida 2012.

If anyone remembers correctly, absolutely no riots or protests to address, and yet this is what ordinary citizens have to put up with.

You're correct [MENTION=41423]NoTeaPartyPleez[/MENTION] , you're making the exact same argument that Tea Partiers have been making for the last 6 years!
Michael "no limit" Brown had his aspiring rap career ended by a bullet to the back by a white police officer. Were sick of our youth being shot by the police and this is why were out in the streets. That kid didnt do nothing wrong. I am making a trip up there next week, and I will poor a 40 out and light a swisher sweet for Michael Brown. We love you Michael! We wont forget you! Say hi to Trayvon for me!
The events in Ferguson, Missouri went from what could have been just another all too common and tragic incident in which an unarmed black man is killed by an overly aggressive and unprofessional police force, to what may be a historically significant event in American history. So how did this transformation occur and what does it mean going forward? Those are the two questions I intend to address in this post.

There are two primary factors that have collided to create the current out of control situation in a suburb roughly 15 miles northwest of St. Louis, which before this past weekend, almost no one had ever heard of. The first factor is the underlying tension in American society that I have been writing about for several years now. Nowhere is this tension more apparent than in the minority majority inner cities or their outskirts. Being a privileged person, I have thankfully never experienced the dehumanization and oppression felt by so many in these disenfranchised communities, but I can still understand the fact that these neighborhoods are ground zero in the civil unrest that is likely to continue into the foreseeable future.

Well, since we don't know everything about how the shooting occurred you are making some silly assumptions...

As to the inner cities and minorities...they need to stop voting for liberal/democrat/progressives to run those inner cities...once they do that those cities will turn around and they might not live in dehumanization and oppression...why on earth do they still vote for democrats...?
Michael "no limit" Brown had his aspiring rap career ended by a bullet to the back by a white police officer. Were sick of our youth being shot by the police and this is why were out in the streets. That kid didnt do nothing wrong. I am making a trip up there next week, and I will poor a 40 out and light a swisher sweet for Michael Brown. We love you Michael! We wont forget you! Say hi to Trayvon for me!

While this is in poor taste...? It is kinda funny.:lol:

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