Ferguson Police Officer Shot

Clearly this was Obuma, Holder, Sharpton, and Jackson's doing! These race instigators just look to egg on those low 2 digit IQ'd apes in Ferguson!
Clearly this was Obuma, Holder, Sharpton, and Jackson's doing! These race instigators just look to egg on those low 2 digit IQ'd apes in Ferguson!
I'm pretty sure an upstanding citizen of Ferguson didn't do the shooting. Your list of people have fanned the flames and are responsible for what is happening.
I hope the shooter gets put away for as long as possible. He belongs behind bars.

Conservatives please don't start up a fundraising campaign for the shooter. Or buy bracelets to show your support for him.
12 minutes ago • By Samantha Liss [email protected] 314-340-8017

A Ferguson police officer was shot Saturday night, according to St. Louis County Police Department spokesman Brian Schellman. The officer is still alive, Schellman said.

The shooting occurred in the 1000 block of Smith Avenue in Ferguson, near the new Ferguson Community Center.

Officers are still searching for the shooter, according to St. Louis County Police.

Come back to our website for further updates as they become available.

Ferguson officer shot details still emerging News
It could have been anyone - including an ofay trying to start up more racial tension.

It's best to wait until all the details are out.

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