Ferguson protesters mad about not getting paid; start ‘cut the check’ hashtag campaign

Paid to protest....
Paid to post on message boards....

The new improved Democrat party....

Nancy Pelosi thinks they're helping to spur economic growth!
this is sickening and a lot of these people should be going to jail. for one: coming in and Inciting riots and lootings. for two: having a hand in destroying their town and then hop on a bus and move into the next place, which happened to be Baltimore.

And it's all being condoned by YOUR community agitating Dear Leader, with Holder, Sharpton, etc

this is the Unions, the OWS, the old ACORN under a new name, the dem/progressive party and all funded by that Foreign commie, George Soros who OWNS the Dem/progressive party

it's time you all WOKE UP
this is the Unions, the OWS, the old ACORN under a new name, the dem/progressive party and all funded by that Foreign commie, George Soros who OWNS the Dem/progressive party

You forgot to mention Bill Ayers and Saul Alanski :ack-1:
Stupid, anti-Constitution RW traitors STILL don't know the difference between protesting and looting.

Since it is obvious that you cannot learn the difference, the answer is really quite simple: If you RW assholes would just move to Russia, you wouldn't have to see people exercising their constitutionally-guaranteed rights every again.

A real plus would be that true Americans wouldn't have to support your fat, lazy butts ever again.

you would think that they would be more upset over the lack of funding of the recent train wreck.
What lack of funding? All the equipment they needed to automatically control the train, measure its speed, find the speed limits of approaching curves, and automatically slow the train down before it got to them.... WAS ALREADY IN PLACE. And had been used many times for trains along that line in that area.

They just didn't turn it on for this particular train.

Why they didn't have it turned on, is a separate question. But it had nothing to do with any "lack" of funding.

"Lack of funding" is right up there with "hands up don't shoot" in the liberal lexicon: A manufactured lie designed to cause outrage where none is deserved.
Stupid, anti-Constitution RW traitors STILL don't know the difference between protesting and looting.
Notice how little Puddly carefully ignores the actual subject of the thread: That the rioters weren't angry Ferguson residents, but indigents who were paid to come there and pretend outrage?

It's one of his more common tactics. When you can't reply to the thread, try to change the subject and hijack it to something else.
you would think that they would be more upset over the lack of funding of the recent train wreck.
What lack of funding? All the equipment they needed to automatically control the train, measure its speed, find the speed limits of approaching curves, and automatically slow the train down before it got to them.... WAS ALREADY IN PLACE. And had been used many times for trains along that line in that area.

They just didn't turn it on for this particular train.

Why they didn't have it turned on, is a separate question. But it had nothing to do with any "lack" of funding.

"Lack of funding" is right up there with "hands up don't shoot" in the liberal lexicon: A manufactured lie designed to cause outrage where none is deserved.
that lunatic senator Steny Hoyer screams more funding every time the chit hits the fans, like with Obama-Care and Baltimore.
Ferguson protesters mad about not getting paid; start ‘cut the check’ hashtag campaign
May 19, 2015 by Joe Saunders

Those “peaceful protesters” sure want to be paid.

Demonstrators demanding their just rewards for raising hell on the streets of Ferguson turned out in force last week for another demonstration to get money they said they were owed by the George Soros-funded activist group Missourians for Reform and Empowerment, according to Twitter postings collected by the conservative news aggregate site Weasel Zippers.

And things got a little noisy in MORE’s St. Louis office during the May 14 confrontation.

According to WZ, the white guy the demonstrators say they’ll “f*ck up” is Jeff Ordower, MORE’s founder and a guy with leftist credentials so impeccable he’s got a Huffington post bio that shows he’s not only a graduate of the AFL-CIO Institute and a former Service Employees International Union organizer, he’s also openly gay and an LGBT activist to boot. (Sorry, ladies.)

After the demonstration, MORE posted detailed lists of who and what it was spending money on, which WZ has also published. (“Art supplies” make up a surprisingly large part of the spending. Those signs don’t come cheap apparently.)

See, the Black Lives Matter mob also seems to think that green money matters. And it’s started a hashtag campaign called #cutthecheck to try to pressure their socialist paymasters into coughing up the dough.

But once word spread about the campaign, conservatives started joining in. Just not the way the mob might have wanted.

This is one of those cases where there is such a thing as bad publicity.

Meanwhile, Millennial Activists united, a group of discontented rabble tired of not being paid for being discontented rabble, posted a letter online outlining exactly how it thinks it’s getting stiffed.

On May 14, 2015 many individuals and organizations of the protest movement that began in Ferguson, Missouri organized a sit-in in the office of Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE). The demand was simple: Cut the checks.

(That sounds almost like a job.)

Early in the movement, non-profit organization MORE, formerly known as the St. Louis chapter of ACORN, and local St. Louis organization Organization for Black Struggle created a joint account in which national donors from all over the world have donated over $150,000 to sustain the movement. Since then, the poor black [sic] of this movement who served as cash generators to bring money into St. Louis have seen little to none of that money …

(And guess who’s getting it?)

Questions have been raised as to how the movement is to sustain when white non-profits are hoarding monies collected of off [sic] black bodies? When we will [sic] hold the industry of black suffering accountable? The people of the community are fed up and the accountability begins here and now ….

(Whitey, of course, which can only mean one thing.)

There is an insidious strand of racism and white supremacy that exists in this movement and it is called the Non-Profit Industrial Complex. As a by-product, it provides decent salaries and comfort to many people who are not affected by the disparities that they are trying to address. This money is typically in the hands of white people who oversee the types of services that the non-profit provides, while having select token black people to spearhead the conversations within and to the community …

(And here comes the kicker.)

In St. Louis, organizers and protesters depleted $50,000 of the available funds and dispersed it among the people in the movement in no particular order. Jeff Ordower, executive director of MORE, stated that another $57,000 is expected in the next one to two weeks in which those funds will also be dispersed to the black people in the movement.

So, $57,000 is going to be hitting the street soon in Ferguson, which means more “peaceful protesters” are likely to be hitting the street too.

Ferguson protesters mad about not getting paid start cut the check hashtag campaign - BizPac Review

This organization will always be ACORN to me even though they changed their name to protect the guilty.

They have long ignored laws. They have been known to incite civil disobedience. They expect to be exempt from paying their employees minimum wage, they'd been caught trying to commit voter fraud and they have been behind some creepy stuff, like sending mobs to the AIG execs homes and even tried to intimidate a judge.

They are nasty. The mobs for hire trusted them to pay them for stirring up trouble and I think it's funny that they got stiffed. No honor among criminals in this case.

This Woman Has a Fiery Message for the Post-ACORN Org That Won t Pay Her for Protesting in Ferguson
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this is the Unions, the OWS, the old ACORN under a new name, the dem/progressive party and all funded by that Foreign commie, George Soros who OWNS the Dem/progressive party

You forgot to mention Bill Ayers and Saul Alanski :ack-1:

Tempted to play the liberal poster game and just call you out on your misspelling without actually putting thought into a post.

Everyone already knows who influenced Obama ideology. Do we have to mention his past every time?

ACORN and other radical groups are just playing by the same old Alinsky's Rules for Radical books. Anyone who has a clue knows how they function.

Hiring protesters is done because the radicals weren't pleased when not enough locals were trashing the city. They felt they needed to escalate the violence and they did. Then Al Sharpton rushed in to take advantage of the situation. I will hand it to the radicals on their ability to plan riots. They aren't good for much else.
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you would think that they would be more upset over the lack of funding of the recent train wreck.

Government-funded entities are experts at getting more and more money. They will waste billions in undeserved bonuses and unnecessary projects and complain there was not enough money for a $10 million dollar piece of safety equipment. Amtrak is guilty of a lot of wasteful spending and there is no evidence that a lack of funding caused the Philadelphia crash. In fact, the equipment the news media kept preaching would have prevented the accident if only the Republicans had not denied the finding WAS ALREADY INSTALLED!

“RUSH: The Amtrak crash. Here's another one. This is falling apart right in front of the left's eyes but they're not gonna acknowledge it. But everything they've been saying is falling apart. You know, "Infrastructure! Infrastructure!" It turns out that this latest technology that would stop an out-of-control speeding train? It's there! It's been installed! It just hasn't been turned on.

“The safety equipment and the installation and turning it on has been held up because it's so complex, they can't figure out how to make it work, specifically the FCC, who has to release more bandwidth for the GPS system in this braking system to work. It's installed! It's ready to go! They just can't figure it out. And nobody's busting their rear end to. That's the thing about bureaucracies: There's never any urgency.”

The Amtrak Funding Narrative Falls Apart - The Rush Limbaugh Show
“WASHINGTON — The Amtrak train that derailed in Philadelphia on Tuesday night was equipped with an automatic speed control system that officials say could have prevented the wreck, which killed eight passengers and injured hundreds. But the system, which was tantalizingly close to being operational, was delayed by budgetary shortfalls, technical hurdles and bureaucratic rules, officials said Thursday.

“But the railroad struggled for four years to buy the rights to airwaves in the Northeast Corridor that would have allowed them to turn the system on. The transponders were on the tracks,” said one person who attended a Thursday morning briefing for congressional staff members. “But they also said they weren’t operational, because of this ongoing spectrum issue.”

Another definition of insanity is intentionally burning down your business and complaining about being unemployed.
Stupid, anti-Constitution RW traitors STILL don't know the difference between protesting and looting.

Since it is obvious that you cannot learn the difference, the answer is really quite simple: If you RW assholes would just move to Russia, you wouldn't have to see people exercising their constitutionally-guaranteed rights every again.

A real plus would be that true Americans wouldn't have to support your fat, lazy butts ever again.

1. Russian protestors have been marching through the streets of Moscow by the tens of thousands for years now. You know nothing,

Thousands protest in Moscow over Russia s involvement in Ukraine World news The Guardian

2. The TOPIC of the thread is about protestors being promised PAY to protest, not about looting.
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and what about Solyndra? lack of Funding? and they expect no more train wrecks with another billion dollars? what if rhino were to cross the tracks and take out a train? are we to assume that more funding would of prevented the rhino from crossing the tracks?

These Libbies can't even have a legit grassroots movement, that's how little they are listened to (see MSNBC/CNN ratings).

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