Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”

Hey assclap! Just for shits and giggles, can you come up with stats to support your oft repeated claim that there are more whites on welfare than blacks?

I found this:
Welfare Demographics
Percent of recipients who are white38.8 %
Percent of recipients who are black39.8 %
Percent of recipients who are Hispanic15.7 %
Percent of recipients who are Asian2.4 %
Percent of recipients who are Other3.3 %

Hey assclap! Just for shits and giggles, can you come up with stats to support your oft repeated claim that there are more whites on welfare than blacks?

I found this:
Welfare Demographics
Percent of recipients who are white38.8 %
Percent of recipients who are black39.8 %
Percent of recipients who are Hispanic15.7 %
Percent of recipients who are Asian2.4 %
Percent of recipients who are Other3.3 %

That must have been really bothering you. I dont think your chart reflects corporate welfare. These are just a few with most being owned by white people.

The Corporations versus the American People Battleground is the Fiscal Cliff The Economic Populist

No blacks alive and none of their parents were slaves. Blacks have been blaming their laziness, immoral behavior, lack of education and lawlessness on slavery long enough. Grow the fuck up and take responsibility Blacks are over represented between 2 and 6 times on welfare rolls, in lack of a high school diploma, in out of wedlock children, violent crimes, robbery, and prison population.

A slave owner that died over 100 years ago didn't cause that. Your fucked up culture did.

So why did your fucked up culture result in more whites being on welfare than any other race? You have the every reason to succeed but you still have whites on welfare. What happened?
I bet you struggle with math often.

BA in engineering says you lose that bet. I dream in 3 different numbering systems. I sub net computer networks in the binary numbering system. I identify devices on the computer network by the hexadecimal numbering systems. Lastly I count the money I make using the decimal number system. Now explain to me why there are more white people on welfare?
If you cant understand why there are more people in the US on welfare that are white, then youre pretty fucking dumb. Apparently you dont understand percentages.

If you think deflecting around the fact that whites comprise the largest number of people on every type of public assistance and other people aren't misled by your attempt to deflect from that fact by mentioning percentages, you're very fucking dumb!!!
Ahh, The raw numbers argument. Nice try.
By proportion of the population, blacks make up a much higher percentage of public assistance recipients than Caucasians.
This ends the discussion
So why did your fucked up culture result in more whites being on welfare than any other race? You have the every reason to succeed but you still have whites on welfare. What happened?
I bet you struggle with math often.

BA in engineering says you lose that bet. I dream in 3 different numbering systems. I sub net computer networks in the binary numbering system. I identify devices on the computer network by the hexadecimal numbering systems. Lastly I count the money I make using the decimal number system. Now explain to me why there are more white people on welfare?
If you cant understand why there are more people in the US on welfare that are white, then youre pretty fucking dumb. Apparently you dont understand percentages.

If you think deflecting around the fact that whites comprise the largest number of people on every type of public assistance and other people aren't misled by your attempt to deflect from that fact by mentioning percentages, you're very fucking dumb!!!
Ahh, The raw numbers argument. Nice try.
By proportion of the population, blacks make up a much higher percentage of public assistance recipients than Caucasians.
This ends the discussion
Aww the percentage argument. Justification for white welfare recipients.
You would piss yourself. Who do you think you are fooling? :lol:

Come on down asslips.....
You come up here sissy. I dont have time to waste flying somewhere to play with inbred racists that would only turn red and pee in thier pants if I confronted them.
Ahh..the internet tough guy thingy. Is that supposed to scare anyone?
You may have a BA in engineering. You may draw a handsome paycheck every week or two, but you'll always be a loser. You're loser because you are miserable. You are angry that not everyone agrees with your twisted racist point of view. You are a loser because you see yourself a victim of alleged white racism.
You view all white people as racists. You said so yourself. "ignorant white inbreds"...."white boy"...
It's been a learning experience.
Ya know what's really cool? Is that the black people I associate with would turn their backs and walk away from someone who thinks and believes as you do.
I'm not the one that tried to be the tuff guy. Your feral chimp is the one that wants Black people to come to Texas so he can prove how tuff he is. I dont draw paychecks anymore. I draw profits. Unfortunately for you I am not a good candidate for brainwashing. You are funny with your insistence I am a loser though. All white people are not racist. I know quite a few white women that love me and other Black men like me. I dont see myself as a victim. I see myself as a force of nature. Thats why you are addressing me. You wish you could have me passive and intimidated. Sorry clown. Wrong era. You know whats really funny? I'd bet money some of those Black people you think would turn their backs on me think the same way I do.
Sure you did. You stated "come up here sissy"..Need I state more.
You are the Conrad Dobler of USMB. You make statements then state you did not mean what you stated. Typical.
I am my own person. I lay no claim to any other poster.
Hey genius. Everyone draws a paycheck.
I'm addressing you because you are a force of nature? Dude, you are a legend in your own mind.
And please show me where I stated you should be passive and intimidated.
I was hoping you'd actually admit all along that you were not a Caucasian hating bigot.
What a waste.
And of course you FAIL when you decided it was time for name calling.
Always a loser argument when the liberal starts hurling insults.
We're done.

Wow you really overestimate Schlep's intellectual powers if you think he knows who Dobler is, or is able to finish reading that post.

The guy is a straight up moron.

Is this the thread where he said that he makes more than 250 thou a year, and that's why he knows that plumbers aren't skilled? And that he repairs his own plumbing?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, omg forget Dobler, he's

White AA?......Just a minute. White gains? What the fuck are you talking about?
It is this kind of spew that kills the message you attempt to convey.
The only thing that keeps black people from success is themselves.
THat was the purpose of programs such as AA.
I refuse to apologize to you or any other black person if not enough of them took full advantage of AA and other set asides.
I'd really like to be a fly on the wall in the HR office of your employer with you espousing the stuff you post on here.
You are such a hypocrite. You've taken full advantage of your abilities to attain the level of achievement you have, and yet you are STILL miserable.
I didnt ask for an apology. You cant apologize for something you didnt do. I said if you hate AA so much and you think its evil why are you not fighting to roll back the gains white people acquired while oppressing blacks via slavery and Jim Crow? 350 years of white AA. Sorry guy but your fake outrage doenst pass the bullshit test.

I dont have an HR office. I dont work for anyone but myself.
Busted again....gains whites had from 350 years of white AA
And you now state I had nothing to do with previous policy...
So tell me oh great one, which white people are we talking about who should "give up the gains" they've made?
I don't "hate" AA. I always thought in theory it was a good idea. But when it became a political tool in the hands of ambitious elected office holders, it became a bludgeon.
AA was being used to promote a political agenda.
And how in the hell can anyone living today fight that which happened in past?

Busted again? What is it you think you are catching me in? :lol:

You personally dont have any power or relevance. i'm talking about the racist system that is in place and owned by whites in general. When I say "you" dont get confused. I dont know you. I'm talking about whites in general. Stop whining about AA if you are not going to give reparations. Especially since white women benefit the most from it. If you thought AA was a good idea in theory what were your reasons for it? Thats not consistent with your denial whites benefited from 350 years of white AA. You can fight what happened in the past by teaching the feral members of your race to shut up when a Black man is explaining how life is for a Black man. If you want true discussion you need to curb your dogs. There cant be any peace until there is understanding.

You dont have to refer to me as great one. I'm not that full of myself.
Ahh, come on now.....Don't try the "hey it wasn't me" nonsense.
Power or relevance? HUH?
Here's a newsflash...That racist system you claim to exist, doesn't.
"Stop whining about AA if you are not going to give reparations....
OK, reparations....FUCKING forget it. Not gonna happen. and no one owes you a God Damned thing.
Now, show me where I whined about AA...Classic.
In theory, AA could have been a wonderful program that LIFTED those into jobs and classrooms that normally would not have been in them.
The practice by which AA was implemented was flawed in that instead of opening doors for the target audience, closed doors for those who were qualified to be in them. At that point AA was changed to a quota system for political purposes.
The Bakke case at U Cal Davis is a perfect example. Bakke argued he as a qualified candidate for a seat in the University was excluded based on a quota system that allowed not for a certain number of shall we say "disadvantaged" candidates, but in fact excluded whites once a certain number of white students was attained.
The University argued ( unsuccessfully) that the goal of their admittance policy was to achieve a representative number of each demographic group in the State of California. A nearly impossible task BTW, however that was not the purpose of any AA meaning. The purpose was to include. AA together with the university's admittance policy was used to exclude those who were not members of the protected classes. The California State Supreme Court struck down the law permitting racial quotas and set asides. The ruling was made deliberately narrow as to apply only to the U of California system.
This is representative of my objection to AA.
Another example.
A friend with which I grew up applied to the U of Pennsylvania. An Ivy league school. In his original application he neglected to reveal that he had a 1/8th Hispanic heritage. He reapplied with the corrected information and was subsequently accepted.
And finally, another friend of mine whop was originally hired into the Steamfitters union in New York City. Once he worked for a mandated period of time, he was told to go to the union office to apply for his "book". He found out that because of a union policy that the apprentice program was under AA and at that time the quota for Whites was filled.
He had to wait almost a year before a slot opened.
Any normal person would see this as alarming and unjust.
I see nothing alarming or unjust about any of your examples so I must not be normal. Whites had AA for 350 years with no quotas. How do you suppose the inequities are going to be rectified unless you either implement AA and disadvantage some whites or pay reparations? I'd really like to hear your theory on how that stolen time can be handed back to Black and other people of color here in the US to build the legacies that whites had 350 years to do..
First lets get off the 350 years nonsense. Narrow it down to the beginning of the industrial revolution, shall we?
These made up numbers to be used in cheap arguments and 10 second political soundbites and other "whine fests" are boring. And untrue..
Now, the problem is these programs go after the wrong people. Those that prevented equality are no longer with us. Those living in the present have committed no crime. They have no ties to them. This idea of reparations and racial set asides is illogical and unjust.
Your response "I see nothing unjust" is not a genuine response. It is one of anger and hate,. You are pissed off at white people. You have a chip on your shoulder. You cheer lead for things such as AA because you see them being used to "get even" and here is the statement YOU made which confirms that. "How do you suppose the inequities are going to be rectified unless you either implement AA and disadvantage some whites or pay reparations?" ..Yeah well it doesn't work that way.
Let's just say for a moment there was a court which would have to be not of this planet made a ruling that black people were to be given ( I love that one..."GIMME") money for reparations....Who do you think would implement such a thing? Who would be put in charge of collecting it? And who would pay it? If you think you are going to somehow be handed a "white people check", you're living in a fucking parallel universe. First, it would NEVER happen. Second if it did, well I'd not want to be the one who makes that announcement.
Your side has played it's last hand on this issue. In places all over the country racial quotas are being struck down by the courts. Even in democrat thick blue states.
The inequities are gone. Go to any city government employment office. Government employment is THE place for racial quotas. Even labor unions have them. slowly these are being dropped as time passes because they are no longer needed.
Your argument is specious at best. Illogical to its core.
Here you are claiming to be a success in business and you are miserable. I cannot feature that.
They don't bother me because I do not permit that..
The point I'm attempting to convey is your mistake is letting them bother you. That is the failure.
I wouldnt expect them to bother you because you either agree with them passively or actively. You are mistaken if you think they bother me. Its fun for me to make them literally chase their tails. The only thing that is even a distraction is when you are trying to have a legitimate conversation with someone intelligent. its like feeding time at the zoo by the monkey cages.
I find his ignorant and bigoted statements repulsive. I choose not respond. That is what I refer to as "not letting it bother me".
By responding, you may think you are having fun, but really..I've seen your angry responses.
Your cross to bear.
There in lies your problem. You ignore their idiocy but you feel you need to correct me on mine. I wonder why that is?

My comments and replies may be mean but they are not angry. They are manufactured to produce maximum stress in the cave monkeys brain.

Why would we be stressed?
You've come right out and said blacks need help to compete,so what do I have to fear from a group of people you claim as incompetent?
Your stressed because you personally are at the bottom of the food chain. If you actually were able to live without welfare you would be fighting with other non educated whites for a few spots in the white quota. You absoulutely would cry if your boss was a Black guy. I see the stress in your replies. Who do you think you are fooling?
Here come the juvenile responses. Ascleppias is out of gas.
Go on. Start with the insults and other vile nonsense.
I bet you struggle with math often.

BA in engineering says you lose that bet. I dream in 3 different numbering systems. I sub net computer networks in the binary numbering system. I identify devices on the computer network by the hexadecimal numbering systems. Lastly I count the money I make using the decimal number system. Now explain to me why there are more white people on welfare?
If you cant understand why there are more people in the US on welfare that are white, then youre pretty fucking dumb. Apparently you dont understand percentages.

If you think deflecting around the fact that whites comprise the largest number of people on every type of public assistance and other people aren't misled by your attempt to deflect from that fact by mentioning percentages, you're very fucking dumb!!!
Ahh, The raw numbers argument. Nice try.
By proportion of the population, blacks make up a much higher percentage of public assistance recipients than Caucasians.
This ends the discussion
Aww the percentage argument. Justification for white welfare recipients.
I was spot on...Tit for tat. That is the best you've got.
Yer done. You have no argument.
Come on down asslips.....
You come up here sissy. I dont have time to waste flying somewhere to play with inbred racists that would only turn red and pee in thier pants if I confronted them.
Ahh..the internet tough guy thingy. Is that supposed to scare anyone?
You may have a BA in engineering. You may draw a handsome paycheck every week or two, but you'll always be a loser. You're loser because you are miserable. You are angry that not everyone agrees with your twisted racist point of view. You are a loser because you see yourself a victim of alleged white racism.
You view all white people as racists. You said so yourself. "ignorant white inbreds"...."white boy"...
It's been a learning experience.
Ya know what's really cool? Is that the black people I associate with would turn their backs and walk away from someone who thinks and believes as you do.
I'm not the one that tried to be the tuff guy. Your feral chimp is the one that wants Black people to come to Texas so he can prove how tuff he is. I dont draw paychecks anymore. I draw profits. Unfortunately for you I am not a good candidate for brainwashing. You are funny with your insistence I am a loser though. All white people are not racist. I know quite a few white women that love me and other Black men like me. I dont see myself as a victim. I see myself as a force of nature. Thats why you are addressing me. You wish you could have me passive and intimidated. Sorry clown. Wrong era. You know whats really funny? I'd bet money some of those Black people you think would turn their backs on me think the same way I do.
Sure you did. You stated "come up here sissy"..Need I state more.
You are the Conrad Dobler of USMB. You make statements then state you did not mean what you stated. Typical.
I am my own person. I lay no claim to any other poster.
Hey genius. Everyone draws a paycheck.
I'm addressing you because you are a force of nature? Dude, you are a legend in your own mind.
And please show me where I stated you should be passive and intimidated.
I was hoping you'd actually admit all along that you were not a Caucasian hating bigot.
What a waste.
And of course you FAIL when you decided it was time for name calling.
Always a loser argument when the liberal starts hurling insults.
We're done.

Wow you really overestimate Schlep's intellectual powers if you think he knows who Dobler is, or is able to finish reading that post.

The guy is a straight up moron.

Is this the thread where he said that he makes more than 250 thou a year, and that's why he knows that plumbers aren't skilled? And that he repairs his own plumbing?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, omg forget Dobler, he's

HA HA!!!! THat's funny.
Yeah, asclepias is a full of rage black guy and he's not a bit afraid to tell anyone who will listen that he hates white people. That's HIS problem.
I would like to find out where his business is located and then go our to inform all of his white customers that "your vendor hates you"
Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”
by Aurelius • October 11, 2014
Calls to respond violently to supposed police-repression is reaching a fevered-pitch in the St. Louis and Ferguson areas. Just a few days ago, a Ferguson protest leader promised to take “anger” and “rage” out on innocents. Tonight, supporters of the protesters in Ferguson are calling for violence, particularly against people who are not African American.

On social media sites, protesters are pushing an agenda of violence. During a live video on ustream yesterday, members called for their “brothers” to “break some cracker skulls:”

Ferguson Protesters 8220 Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls 8221 and 8220 Kill the White Crackers 8221 PUNDIT PRESS

These animals want war.
Here's some they can break:

You come up here sissy. I dont have time to waste flying somewhere to play with inbred racists that would only turn red and pee in thier pants if I confronted them.
Ahh..the internet tough guy thingy. Is that supposed to scare anyone?
You may have a BA in engineering. You may draw a handsome paycheck every week or two, but you'll always be a loser. You're loser because you are miserable. You are angry that not everyone agrees with your twisted racist point of view. You are a loser because you see yourself a victim of alleged white racism.
You view all white people as racists. You said so yourself. "ignorant white inbreds"...."white boy"...
It's been a learning experience.
Ya know what's really cool? Is that the black people I associate with would turn their backs and walk away from someone who thinks and believes as you do.
I'm not the one that tried to be the tuff guy. Your feral chimp is the one that wants Black people to come to Texas so he can prove how tuff he is. I dont draw paychecks anymore. I draw profits. Unfortunately for you I am not a good candidate for brainwashing. You are funny with your insistence I am a loser though. All white people are not racist. I know quite a few white women that love me and other Black men like me. I dont see myself as a victim. I see myself as a force of nature. Thats why you are addressing me. You wish you could have me passive and intimidated. Sorry clown. Wrong era. You know whats really funny? I'd bet money some of those Black people you think would turn their backs on me think the same way I do.
Sure you did. You stated "come up here sissy"..Need I state more.
You are the Conrad Dobler of USMB. You make statements then state you did not mean what you stated. Typical.
I am my own person. I lay no claim to any other poster.
Hey genius. Everyone draws a paycheck.
I'm addressing you because you are a force of nature? Dude, you are a legend in your own mind.
And please show me where I stated you should be passive and intimidated.
I was hoping you'd actually admit all along that you were not a Caucasian hating bigot.
What a waste.
And of course you FAIL when you decided it was time for name calling.
Always a loser argument when the liberal starts hurling insults.
We're done.

Wow you really overestimate Schlep's intellectual powers if you think he knows who Dobler is, or is able to finish reading that post.

The guy is a straight up moron.

Is this the thread where he said that he makes more than 250 thou a year, and that's why he knows that plumbers aren't skilled? And that he repairs his own plumbing?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, omg forget Dobler, he's

HA HA!!!! THat's funny.
Yeah, asclepias is a full of rage black guy and he's not a bit afraid to tell anyone who will listen that he hates white people. That's HIS problem.
I would like to find out where his business is located and then go our to inform all of his white customers that "your vendor hates you"
He doesn't own any business. Hes a compulsive liar.
White people are the majority in this country. Therefore we also pay more into the welfare state but receive diminished returns due to disproportionate amounts of negro dysfunction draining the system.

Census: Minority babies are now majority in United States :ack-1:

Census Minority babies are now majority in United States - The Washington Post

Expect the welfare roles to expand even more. Ain't diversity wonderful.......

the dwelling crackers in jesusland population is going down and so welfare will be going down
What this has to do with anything is a mystery. Coming from you, non sequiturs are par for the course.
Yer a fuckin idiot. You always have been nothing but an insipid vapid agitator here. You suck sideways.
You should go to the nearest freeway and play in traffic.
Hey assclap! Just for shits and giggles, can you come up with stats to support your oft repeated claim that there are more whites on welfare than blacks?

I found this:
Welfare Demographics
Percent of recipients who are white38.8 %
Percent of recipients who are black39.8 %
Percent of recipients who are Hispanic15.7 %
Percent of recipients who are Asian2.4 %
Percent of recipients who are Other3.3 %

That must have been really bothering you. I dont think your chart reflects corporate welfare. These are just a few with most being owned by white people.

The Corporations versus the American People Battleground is the Fiscal Cliff The Economic Populist

You've gone insane
I didnt ask for an apology. You cant apologize for something you didnt do. I said if you hate AA so much and you think its evil why are you not fighting to roll back the gains white people acquired while oppressing blacks via slavery and Jim Crow? 350 years of white AA. Sorry guy but your fake outrage doenst pass the bullshit test.

I dont have an HR office. I dont work for anyone but myself.
Busted again....gains whites had from 350 years of white AA
And you now state I had nothing to do with previous policy...
So tell me oh great one, which white people are we talking about who should "give up the gains" they've made?
I don't "hate" AA. I always thought in theory it was a good idea. But when it became a political tool in the hands of ambitious elected office holders, it became a bludgeon.
AA was being used to promote a political agenda.
And how in the hell can anyone living today fight that which happened in past?

Busted again? What is it you think you are catching me in? :lol:

You personally dont have any power or relevance. i'm talking about the racist system that is in place and owned by whites in general. When I say "you" dont get confused. I dont know you. I'm talking about whites in general. Stop whining about AA if you are not going to give reparations. Especially since white women benefit the most from it. If you thought AA was a good idea in theory what were your reasons for it? Thats not consistent with your denial whites benefited from 350 years of white AA. You can fight what happened in the past by teaching the feral members of your race to shut up when a Black man is explaining how life is for a Black man. If you want true discussion you need to curb your dogs. There cant be any peace until there is understanding.

You dont have to refer to me as great one. I'm not that full of myself.
Ahh, come on now.....Don't try the "hey it wasn't me" nonsense.
Power or relevance? HUH?
Here's a newsflash...That racist system you claim to exist, doesn't.
"Stop whining about AA if you are not going to give reparations....
OK, reparations....FUCKING forget it. Not gonna happen. and no one owes you a God Damned thing.
Now, show me where I whined about AA...Classic.
In theory, AA could have been a wonderful program that LIFTED those into jobs and classrooms that normally would not have been in them.
The practice by which AA was implemented was flawed in that instead of opening doors for the target audience, closed doors for those who were qualified to be in them. At that point AA was changed to a quota system for political purposes.
The Bakke case at U Cal Davis is a perfect example. Bakke argued he as a qualified candidate for a seat in the University was excluded based on a quota system that allowed not for a certain number of shall we say "disadvantaged" candidates, but in fact excluded whites once a certain number of white students was attained.
The University argued ( unsuccessfully) that the goal of their admittance policy was to achieve a representative number of each demographic group in the State of California. A nearly impossible task BTW, however that was not the purpose of any AA meaning. The purpose was to include. AA together with the university's admittance policy was used to exclude those who were not members of the protected classes. The California State Supreme Court struck down the law permitting racial quotas and set asides. The ruling was made deliberately narrow as to apply only to the U of California system.
This is representative of my objection to AA.
Another example.
A friend with which I grew up applied to the U of Pennsylvania. An Ivy league school. In his original application he neglected to reveal that he had a 1/8th Hispanic heritage. He reapplied with the corrected information and was subsequently accepted.
And finally, another friend of mine whop was originally hired into the Steamfitters union in New York City. Once he worked for a mandated period of time, he was told to go to the union office to apply for his "book". He found out that because of a union policy that the apprentice program was under AA and at that time the quota for Whites was filled.
He had to wait almost a year before a slot opened.
Any normal person would see this as alarming and unjust.
I see nothing alarming or unjust about any of your examples so I must not be normal. Whites had AA for 350 years with no quotas. How do you suppose the inequities are going to be rectified unless you either implement AA and disadvantage some whites or pay reparations? I'd really like to hear your theory on how that stolen time can be handed back to Black and other people of color here in the US to build the legacies that whites had 350 years to do..
First lets get off the 350 years nonsense. Narrow it down to the beginning of the industrial revolution, shall we?
These made up numbers to be used in cheap arguments and 10 second political soundbites and other "whine fests" are boring. And untrue..
Now, the problem is these programs go after the wrong people. Those that prevented equality are no longer with us. Those living in the present have committed no crime. They have no ties to them. This idea of reparations and racial set asides is illogical and unjust.
Your response "I see nothing unjust" is not a genuine response. It is one of anger and hate,. You are pissed off at white people. You have a chip on your shoulder. You cheer lead for things such as AA because you see them being used to "get even" and here is the statement YOU made which confirms that. "How do you suppose the inequities are going to be rectified unless you either implement AA and disadvantage some whites or pay reparations?" ..Yeah well it doesn't work that way.
Let's just say for a moment there was a court which would have to be not of this planet made a ruling that black people were to be given ( I love that one..."GIMME") money for reparations....Who do you think would implement such a thing? Who would be put in charge of collecting it? And who would pay it? If you think you are going to somehow be handed a "white people check", you're living in a fucking parallel universe. First, it would NEVER happen. Second if it did, well I'd not want to be the one who makes that announcement.
Your side has played it's last hand on this issue. In places all over the country racial quotas are being struck down by the courts. Even in democrat thick blue states.
The inequities are gone. Go to any city government employment office. Government employment is THE place for racial quotas. Even labor unions have them. slowly these are being dropped as time passes because they are no longer needed.
Your argument is specious at best. Illogical to its core.
Here you are claiming to be a success in business and you are miserable. I cannot feature that.
Despite your plea to disregard the 350 years we simply cannot do this just because it makes you uncomfortable. We have to deal with facts and I am actually being conservative in my numbers. Your contention that AA "goes after" the wrong people is a reflection of your insecurity. AA is not meant to "go after" anyone. It is designed to correct the current inequities and the head start gifted to white males due to the 350 years of white AA. The fact that you feel threatened about current AA confirms my suspicion that you are a low wage earner that would be affected by AA and therefore you would dearly love to see it die so you can continue having a head start since you are not intelligent or hardworking enough to succeed on your own.

In regards to reparations, we need only look at the cases of reparations that have occurred already in the US. The same people responsible for organizing those cases or a future case are already in place. Even if they were not in place inconvenience is not a tenable argument against reparations. If we can use our tax money for an over bloated military we can send out back wages to the descendants of slaves. Your argument is puerile in nature befitting someone of a simplistic and whiny outlook on life.
BA in engineering says you lose that bet. I dream in 3 different numbering systems. I sub net computer networks in the binary numbering system. I identify devices on the computer network by the hexadecimal numbering systems. Lastly I count the money I make using the decimal number system. Now explain to me why there are more white people on welfare?
If you cant understand why there are more people in the US on welfare that are white, then youre pretty fucking dumb. Apparently you dont understand percentages.

If you think deflecting around the fact that whites comprise the largest number of people on every type of public assistance and other people aren't misled by your attempt to deflect from that fact by mentioning percentages, you're very fucking dumb!!!
Ahh, The raw numbers argument. Nice try.
By proportion of the population, blacks make up a much higher percentage of public assistance recipients than Caucasians.
This ends the discussion
Aww the percentage argument. Justification for white welfare recipients.
I was spot on...Tit for tat. That is the best you've got.
Yer done. You have no argument.
No thats the best you have. I just used the same line. Didnt you recognize it from the prior post?
Hey assclap! Just for shits and giggles, can you come up with stats to support your oft repeated claim that there are more whites on welfare than blacks?

I found this:
Welfare Demographics
Percent of recipients who are white38.8 %
Percent of recipients who are black39.8 %
Percent of recipients who are Hispanic15.7 %
Percent of recipients who are Asian2.4 %
Percent of recipients who are Other3.3 %

That must have been really bothering you. I dont think your chart reflects corporate welfare. These are just a few with most being owned by white people.

The Corporations versus the American People Battleground is the Fiscal Cliff The Economic Populist

You've gone insane
Is that your very best rebuttal? Sorry but I cannot accept that.
I wouldnt expect them to bother you because you either agree with them passively or actively. You are mistaken if you think they bother me. Its fun for me to make them literally chase their tails. The only thing that is even a distraction is when you are trying to have a legitimate conversation with someone intelligent. its like feeding time at the zoo by the monkey cages.
I find his ignorant and bigoted statements repulsive. I choose not respond. That is what I refer to as "not letting it bother me".
By responding, you may think you are having fun, but really..I've seen your angry responses.
Your cross to bear.
There in lies your problem. You ignore their idiocy but you feel you need to correct me on mine. I wonder why that is?

My comments and replies may be mean but they are not angry. They are manufactured to produce maximum stress in the cave monkeys brain.

Why would we be stressed?
You've come right out and said blacks need help to compete,so what do I have to fear from a group of people you claim as incompetent?
Your stressed because you personally are at the bottom of the food chain. If you actually were able to live without welfare you would be fighting with other non educated whites for a few spots in the white quota. You absoulutely would cry if your boss was a Black guy. I see the stress in your replies. Who do you think you are fooling?
Here come the juvenile responses. Ascleppias is out of gas.
Go on. Start with the insults and other vile nonsense.
You guys started the juvenile responses. I'm just returning them and doing a better job. You say something stupid or racist and I will roast you. Glad to see you understand that.

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