Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”

They don't bother me because I do not permit that..
The point I'm attempting to convey is your mistake is letting them bother you. That is the failure.
I wouldnt expect them to bother you because you either agree with them passively or actively. You are mistaken if you think they bother me. Its fun for me to make them literally chase their tails. The only thing that is even a distraction is when you are trying to have a legitimate conversation with someone intelligent. its like feeding time at the zoo by the monkey cages.
I find his ignorant and bigoted statements repulsive. I choose not respond. That is what I refer to as "not letting it bother me".
By responding, you may think you are having fun, but really..I've seen your angry responses.
Your cross to bear.
There in lies your problem. You ignore their idiocy but you feel you need to correct me on mine. I wonder why that is?

My comments and replies may be mean but they are not angry. They are manufactured to produce maximum stress in the cave monkeys brain.

Why would we be stressed?
You've come right out and said blacks need help to compete,so what do I have to fear from a group of people you claim as incompetent?
Your stressed because you personally are at the bottom of the food chain. If you actually were able to live without welfare you would be fighting with other non educated whites for a few spots in the white quota. You absoulutely would cry if your boss was a Black guy. I see the stress in your replies. Who do you think you are fooling?

It's pretty sad when you have to make up scenarios in your head so you'll feel better about your lot in life.
I bet it's rough dealing with insecurities that run that deep.
I wouldnt expect them to bother you because you either agree with them passively or actively. You are mistaken if you think they bother me. Its fun for me to make them literally chase their tails. The only thing that is even a distraction is when you are trying to have a legitimate conversation with someone intelligent. its like feeding time at the zoo by the monkey cages.
I find his ignorant and bigoted statements repulsive. I choose not respond. That is what I refer to as "not letting it bother me".
By responding, you may think you are having fun, but really..I've seen your angry responses.
Your cross to bear.
There in lies your problem. You ignore their idiocy but you feel you need to correct me on mine. I wonder why that is?

My comments and replies may be mean but they are not angry. They are manufactured to produce maximum stress in the cave monkeys brain.

Why would we be stressed?
You've come right out and said blacks need help to compete,so what do I have to fear from a group of people you claim as incompetent?
Your stressed because you personally are at the bottom of the food chain. If you actually were able to live without welfare you would be fighting with other non educated whites for a few spots in the white quota. You absoulutely would cry if your boss was a Black guy. I see the stress in your replies. Who do you think you are fooling?

It's pretty sad when you have to make up scenarios in your head so you'll feel better about your lot in life.
I bet it's rough dealing with insecurities that run that deep.
I wouldnt know about that though you sound like you are dealing with it as we speak.
I find his ignorant and bigoted statements repulsive. I choose not respond. That is what I refer to as "not letting it bother me".
By responding, you may think you are having fun, but really..I've seen your angry responses.
Your cross to bear.
There in lies your problem. You ignore their idiocy but you feel you need to correct me on mine. I wonder why that is?

My comments and replies may be mean but they are not angry. They are manufactured to produce maximum stress in the cave monkeys brain.

Why would we be stressed?
You've come right out and said blacks need help to compete,so what do I have to fear from a group of people you claim as incompetent?
Your stressed because you personally are at the bottom of the food chain. If you actually were able to live without welfare you would be fighting with other non educated whites for a few spots in the white quota. You absoulutely would cry if your boss was a Black guy. I see the stress in your replies. Who do you think you are fooling?

It's pretty sad when you have to make up scenarios in your head so you'll feel better about your lot in life.
I bet it's rough dealing with insecurities that run that deep.
I wouldnt know about that though you sound like you are dealing with it as we speak.

I'm not the one crying like a little bitch about how unfairly I'm being treated.
Typical attributes of the loser....blame everyone else for your failures.
So whats it like living the life of a full time victim?
I want to see that Ferguson bunch come on down to Texas and proclaim they're going to "bust some cracker heads." And then actually try and follow through with it...
You would piss yourself. Who do you think you are fooling? :lol:

Come on down asslips.....
You come up here sissy. I dont have time to waste flying somewhere to play with inbred racists that would only turn red and pee in thier pants if I confronted them.
Ahh..the internet tough guy thingy. Is that supposed to scare anyone?
You may have a BA in engineering. You may draw a handsome paycheck every week or two, but you'll always be a loser. You're loser because you are miserable. You are angry that not everyone agrees with your twisted racist point of view. You are a loser because you see yourself a victim of alleged white racism.
You view all white people as racists. You said so yourself. "ignorant white inbreds"...."white boy"...
It's been a learning experience.
Ya know what's really cool? Is that the black people I associate with would turn their backs and walk away from someone who thinks and believes as you do.
I'm not the one that tried to be the tuff guy. Your feral chimp is the one that wants Black people to come to Texas so he can prove how tuff he is. I dont draw paychecks anymore. I draw profits. Unfortunately for you I am not a good candidate for brainwashing. You are funny with your insistence I am a loser though. All white people are not racist. I know quite a few white women that love me and other Black men like me. I dont see myself as a victim. I see myself as a force of nature. Thats why you are addressing me. You wish you could have me passive and intimidated. Sorry clown. Wrong era. You know whats really funny? I'd bet money some of those Black people you think would turn their backs on me think the same way I do.
Sure you did. You stated "come up here sissy"..Need I state more.
You are the Conrad Dobler of USMB. You make statements then state you did not mean what you stated. Typical.
I am my own person. I lay no claim to any other poster.
Hey genius. Everyone draws a paycheck.
I'm addressing you because you are a force of nature? Dude, you are a legend in your own mind.
And please show me where I stated you should be passive and intimidated.
I was hoping you'd actually admit all along that you were not a Caucasian hating bigot.
What a waste.
And of course you FAIL when you decided it was time for name calling.
Always a loser argument when the liberal starts hurling insults.
We're done.
You would piss yourself. Who do you think you are fooling? :lol:

Come on down asslips.....
You come up here sissy. I dont have time to waste flying somewhere to play with inbred racists that would only turn red and pee in thier pants if I confronted them.
Ahh..the internet tough guy thingy. Is that supposed to scare anyone?
You may have a BA in engineering. You may draw a handsome paycheck every week or two, but you'll always be a loser. You're loser because you are miserable. You are angry that not everyone agrees with your twisted racist point of view. You are a loser because you see yourself a victim of alleged white racism.
You view all white people as racists. You said so yourself. "ignorant white inbreds"...."white boy"...
It's been a learning experience.
Ya know what's really cool? Is that the black people I associate with would turn their backs and walk away from someone who thinks and believes as you do.
I'm not the one that tried to be the tuff guy. Your feral chimp is the one that wants Black people to come to Texas so he can prove how tuff he is. I dont draw paychecks anymore. I draw profits. Unfortunately for you I am not a good candidate for brainwashing. You are funny with your insistence I am a loser though. All white people are not racist. I know quite a few white women that love me and other Black men like me. I dont see myself as a victim. I see myself as a force of nature. Thats why you are addressing me. You wish you could have me passive and intimidated. Sorry clown. Wrong era. You know whats really funny? I'd bet money some of those Black people you think would turn their backs on me think the same way I do.
Sure you did. You stated "come up here sissy"..Need I state more.
You are the Conrad Dobler of USMB. You make statements then state you did not mean what you stated. Typical.
I am my own person. I lay no claim to any other poster.
Hey genius. Everyone draws a paycheck.
I'm addressing you because you are a force of nature? Dude, you are a legend in your own mind.
And please show me where I stated you should be passive and intimidated.
I was hoping you'd actually admit all along that you were not a Caucasian hating bigot.
What a waste.
And of course you FAIL when you decided it was time for name calling.
Always a loser argument when the liberal starts hurling insults.
We're done.

Good post. Right on the money, too.
5 points for the Conrad Dobler mention. We had him on our team late in his career.

Movie has happy ending if you play it in reverse.:eusa_dance:
No blacks alive and none of their parents were slaves. Blacks have been blaming their laziness, immoral behavior, lack of education and lawlessness on slavery long enough. Grow the fuck up and take responsibility Blacks are over represented between 2 and 6 times on welfare rolls, in lack of a high school diploma, in out of wedlock children, violent crimes, robbery, and prison population.

A slave owner that died over 100 years ago didn't cause that. Your fucked up culture did.

So why did your fucked up culture result in more whites being on welfare than any other race? You have the every reason to succeed but you still have whites on welfare. What happened?
I bet you struggle with math often.

BA in engineering says you lose that bet. I dream in 3 different numbering systems. I sub net computer networks in the binary numbering system. I identify devices on the computer network by the hexadecimal numbering systems. Lastly I count the money I make using the decimal number system. Now explain to me why there are more white people on welfare?
If you cant understand why there are more people in the US on welfare that are white, then youre pretty fucking dumb. Apparently you dont understand percentages.
No blacks alive and none of their parents were slaves. Blacks have been blaming their laziness, immoral behavior, lack of education and lawlessness on slavery long enough. Grow the fuck up and take responsibility Blacks are over represented between 2 and 6 times on welfare rolls, in lack of a high school diploma, in out of wedlock children, violent crimes, robbery, and prison population.

A slave owner that died over 100 years ago didn't cause that. Your fucked up culture did.

So why did your fucked up culture result in more whites being on welfare than any other race? You have the every reason to succeed but you still have whites on welfare. What happened?
I bet you struggle with math often.

BA in engineering says you lose that bet. I dream in 3 different numbering systems. I sub net computer networks in the binary numbering system. I identify devices on the computer network by the hexadecimal numbering systems. Lastly I count the money I make using the decimal number system. Now explain to me why there are more white people on welfare?
If you cant understand why there are more people in the US on welfare that are white, then youre pretty fucking dumb. Apparently you dont understand percentages.

If you think deflecting around the fact that whites comprise the largest number of people on every type of public assistance and other people aren't misled by your attempt to deflect from that fact by mentioning percentages, you're very fucking dumb!!!
White people are the majority in this country. Therefore we also pay more into the welfare state but receive diminished returns due to disproportionate amounts of negro dysfunction draining the system.
No blacks alive and none of their parents were slaves. Blacks have been blaming their laziness, immoral behavior, lack of education and lawlessness on slavery long enough. Grow the fuck up and take responsibility Blacks are over represented between 2 and 6 times on welfare rolls, in lack of a high school diploma, in out of wedlock children, violent crimes, robbery, and prison population.

A slave owner that died over 100 years ago didn't cause that. Your fucked up culture did.

So why did your fucked up culture result in more whites being on welfare than any other race? You have the every reason to succeed but you still have whites on welfare. What happened?
I bet you struggle with math often.

BA in engineering says you lose that bet. I dream in 3 different numbering systems. I sub net computer networks in the binary numbering system. I identify devices on the computer network by the hexadecimal numbering systems. Lastly I count the money I make using the decimal number system. Now explain to me why there are more white people on welfare?
If you cant understand why there are more people in the US on welfare that are white, then youre pretty fucking dumb. Apparently you dont understand percentages.

If you think deflecting around the fact that whites comprise the largest number of people on every type of public assistance and other people aren't misled by your attempt to deflect from that fact by mentioning percentages, you're very fucking dumb!!!
I dont know what sort of public assistance programs China has in place, but id be willing to bet that chinese people are the majority of the recipients. If you can figure out why that would be, then you will know why more white people are on welfare than any other group, even though its just barely more than black people. This isnt rocket science. How about you display as small amount of intellectual honesty and talk about the percentage of the white community on it and the percentage of the black community on it. You wont do that though, because you arent honest and you have no desire to be honest.
No blacks alive and none of their parents were slaves. Blacks have been blaming their laziness, immoral behavior, lack of education and lawlessness on slavery long enough. Grow the fuck up and take responsibility Blacks are over represented between 2 and 6 times on welfare rolls, in lack of a high school diploma, in out of wedlock children, violent crimes, robbery, and prison population.

A slave owner that died over 100 years ago didn't cause that. Your fucked up culture did.

So why did your fucked up culture result in more whites being on welfare than any other race? You have the every reason to succeed but you still have whites on welfare. What happened?
I bet you struggle with math often.

BA in engineering says you lose that bet. I dream in 3 different numbering systems. I sub net computer networks in the binary numbering system. I identify devices on the computer network by the hexadecimal numbering systems. Lastly I count the money I make using the decimal number system. Now explain to me why there are more white people on welfare?
If you cant understand why there are more people in the US on welfare that are white, then youre pretty fucking dumb. Apparently you dont understand percentages.

If you think deflecting around the fact that whites comprise the largest number of people on every type of public assistance and other people aren't misled by your attempt to deflect from that fact by mentioning percentages, you're very fucking dumb!!!

So you really dont understand percentages?
I guess I've been giving you to much credit.
I thought you were just acting stupid.
So why did your fucked up culture result in more whites being on welfare than any other race? You have the every reason to succeed but you still have whites on welfare. What happened?
I bet you struggle with math often.

BA in engineering says you lose that bet. I dream in 3 different numbering systems. I sub net computer networks in the binary numbering system. I identify devices on the computer network by the hexadecimal numbering systems. Lastly I count the money I make using the decimal number system. Now explain to me why there are more white people on welfare?
If you cant understand why there are more people in the US on welfare that are white, then youre pretty fucking dumb. Apparently you dont understand percentages.

If you think deflecting around the fact that whites comprise the largest number of people on every type of public assistance and other people aren't misled by your attempt to deflect from that fact by mentioning percentages, you're very fucking dumb!!!

So you really dont understand percentages?
I guess I've been giving you to much credit.
I thought you were just acting stupid.

Oh, he understands..he just hates the cold, hard truth and will desperately try to dodge and deflect..
I bet you struggle with math often.

BA in engineering says you lose that bet. I dream in 3 different numbering systems. I sub net computer networks in the binary numbering system. I identify devices on the computer network by the hexadecimal numbering systems. Lastly I count the money I make using the decimal number system. Now explain to me why there are more white people on welfare?
If you cant understand why there are more people in the US on welfare that are white, then youre pretty fucking dumb. Apparently you dont understand percentages.

If you think deflecting around the fact that whites comprise the largest number of people on every type of public assistance and other people aren't misled by your attempt to deflect from that fact by mentioning percentages, you're very fucking dumb!!!

So you really dont understand percentages?
I guess I've been giving you to much credit.
I thought you were just acting stupid.

Oh, he understands..he just hates the cold, hard truth and will desperately try to dodge and deflect..

Yep. He has to know that denying the obvious only makes him and blacks in general appear stupid. Thus perpetuating that which he tries to deny.
White people are the majority in this country. Therefore we also pay more into the welfare state but receive diminished returns due to disproportionate amounts of negro dysfunction draining the system.

Census: Minority babies are now majority in United States :ack-1:

Census Minority babies are now majority in United States - The Washington Post

Expect the welfare roles to expand even more. Ain't diversity wonderful.......

the dwelling crackers in jesusland population is going down and so welfare will be going down
I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the many great contributions of the Black community and their culture to our society.
Their peaceful and generous nature make them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture.

Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people.

Real Estate values are fueled by the influx of African Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nurturing of these communities, a further example of all they have achieved by their enthusiasm for self improvement through hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature.

Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer, as a nation.

Presently enriching the cities of Spokane WA, Chicago IL, Philadelphia PA, Washington D.C., St. Louis MO, New Orleans LA, Los Angeles CA, Flint MI, Baltimore MD, Pontiac MI, Gary Ind., Newark NJ, Cleveland OH, Atlanta GA, Richmond VA, Memphis Tn, Birmingham AL, Camden NJ, Detroit; and let's not forget Ferguson. Mo.
Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”
by Aurelius • October 11, 2014
Calls to respond violently to supposed police-repression is reaching a fevered-pitch in the St. Louis and Ferguson areas. Just a few days ago, a Ferguson protest leader promised to take “anger” and “rage” out on innocents. Tonight, supporters of the protesters in Ferguson are calling for violence, particularly against people who are not African American.

On social media sites, protesters are pushing an agenda of violence. During a live video on ustream yesterday, members called for their “brothers” to “break some cracker skulls:”

Ferguson Protesters 8220 Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls 8221 and 8220 Kill the White Crackers 8221 PUNDIT PRESS

These animals want war.

Wow another rightwing whitey shitting in their pants thread
You would piss yourself. Who do you think you are fooling? :lol:

Come on down asslips.....
You come up here sissy. I dont have time to waste flying somewhere to play with inbred racists that would only turn red and pee in thier pants if I confronted them.
Ahh..the internet tough guy thingy. Is that supposed to scare anyone?
You may have a BA in engineering. You may draw a handsome paycheck every week or two, but you'll always be a loser. You're loser because you are miserable. You are angry that not everyone agrees with your twisted racist point of view. You are a loser because you see yourself a victim of alleged white racism.
You view all white people as racists. You said so yourself. "ignorant white inbreds"...."white boy"...
It's been a learning experience.
Ya know what's really cool? Is that the black people I associate with would turn their backs and walk away from someone who thinks and believes as you do.
I'm not the one that tried to be the tuff guy. Your feral chimp is the one that wants Black people to come to Texas so he can prove how tuff he is. I dont draw paychecks anymore. I draw profits. Unfortunately for you I am not a good candidate for brainwashing. You are funny with your insistence I am a loser though. All white people are not racist. I know quite a few white women that love me and other Black men like me. I dont see myself as a victim. I see myself as a force of nature. Thats why you are addressing me. You wish you could have me passive and intimidated. Sorry clown. Wrong era. You know whats really funny? I'd bet money some of those Black people you think would turn their backs on me think the same way I do.
Sure you did. You stated "come up here sissy"..Need I state more.
You are the Conrad Dobler of USMB. You make statements then state you did not mean what you stated. Typical.
I am my own person. I lay no claim to any other poster.
Hey genius. Everyone draws a paycheck.
I'm addressing you because you are a force of nature? Dude, you are a legend in your own mind.
And please show me where I stated you should be passive and intimidated.
I was hoping you'd actually admit all along that you were not a Caucasian hating bigot.
What a waste.
And of course you FAIL when you decided it was time for name calling.
Always a loser argument when the liberal starts hurling insults.
We're done.
You neglected to mention your ape friend made the threat first. I was responding to him. So yes you need to state more.
You are the Barney of USMB. You sing songs to try and entertain the local monkeys.
I never said you laid claim to another poster. I said before you step to me about my posts check your feral simians. If you dont like that too bad.
No everyone doesnt draw a paycheck moron. I draw profits not paychecks.
You must be intimidated because I am a force of nature. Look at you whining about me challenging a racist.
I could care less what you hope I would admit. Why would I care what you think I am?
You were done the moment you tried to check me instead of checking the simian.
No blacks alive and none of their parents were slaves. Blacks have been blaming their laziness, immoral behavior, lack of education and lawlessness on slavery long enough. Grow the fuck up and take responsibility Blacks are over represented between 2 and 6 times on welfare rolls, in lack of a high school diploma, in out of wedlock children, violent crimes, robbery, and prison population.

A slave owner that died over 100 years ago didn't cause that. Your fucked up culture did.

So why did your fucked up culture result in more whites being on welfare than any other race? You have the every reason to succeed but you still have whites on welfare. What happened?
I bet you struggle with math often.

BA in engineering says you lose that bet. I dream in 3 different numbering systems. I sub net computer networks in the binary numbering system. I identify devices on the computer network by the hexadecimal numbering systems. Lastly I count the money I make using the decimal number system. Now explain to me why there are more white people on welfare?
If you cant understand why there are more people in the US on welfare that are white, then youre pretty fucking dumb. Apparently you dont understand percentages.
White people are the majority in this country. Therefore we also pay more into the welfare state but receive diminished returns due to disproportionate amounts of negro dysfunction draining the system.
But you are still the typical welfare recipient. You can dress it up anyway you like but you are the largest group on welfare.

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