Ferguson Shooting re:Audio tape

CNN = Circus Not News

The tape is useless, real or not.
Waiting for Rev. Al to lead 'DD' into the studio on a leash and get her to give her 'expert' opinion.

They'll have to print her instructions..she don't beez reedin cursive and sheit...cursive beez racist
The real racists are the ones who pretend Blacks have the same baseline IQ as Whites therefore the reason Blacks can not seem to ever behave themselves is b/c of 'Whitey' is keeping them down.
It is a documented fact that Black boys in kindergarten and up can not be taught b/c they can not will not behave themselves.
The reason is clear: These Black children do not have the ability to sit still and learn. They suffer from genetic endemic HPD and generally 10-15 lower IQs than other races. The fact that their parents grew up having the same issues is strike three. The fact that these kids are fed a diet of sugar/salt and fat is strike four. The fact that the Blacks look to the likes of race whores like Rev. Al. to do their thinking for them is strike five.
When the day comes when the Black community is willing to address these facts that will be the day they can make the necessary changes needed to resolve these issues.
CNN = Circus Not News

The tape is useless, real or not.
Waiting for Rev. Al to lead 'DD' into the studio on a leash and get her to give her 'expert' opinion.

They'll have to print her instructions..she don't beez reedin cursive and sheit...cursive beez racist
The real racists are the ones who pretend Blacks have the same baseline IQ as Whites therefore the reason Blacks can not seem to ever behave themselves is b/c of 'Whitey' is keeping them down.
It is a documented fact that Black boys in kindergarten and up can not be taught b/c they can not will not behave themselves.
The reason is clear: These Black children do not have the ability to sit still and learn. They suffer from genetic endemic HPD and generally 10-15 lower IQs than other races. The fact that their parents grew up having the same issues is strike three. The fact that these kids are fed a diet of sugar/salt and fat is strike four. The fact that the Blacks look to the likes of race whores like Rev. Al. to do their thinking for them is strike five.
When the day comes when the Black community is willing to address these facts that will be the day they can make the necessary changes needed to resolve these issues.

All true.
however it isn't going to "change". The last 50 + years of white sacrifice to artificially advance them proves that.
No matter what we do, it's never enough.
We've wasted billions and billions of dollars trying to "help" them in school and look what we have to show for it.
We've wasted trillions on every kind of "minority entitlements" they can concoct.
What do we have to show for it?

The two cultures are never going to co exist happily.
Think serbs-croats, jews-arabs, protestants-catholics (ireland), sunnis-shiites.

Cultural differences can't be "fixed" by funneling more tax money to the ones who complain loudest.
For LIBs it's "everyone deserves a trophy". That flies in the face of the evolution of the species. And that is why the fantasy never ever works no matter how much 'Maker-Bucks' are thrown down the toilet.
What will be interesting to watch over the next decade is as the 'Makers' are being continuously/relentlessly squeezed harder and harder just to pay their own bills the impulse to 'look after those who can't' will become less and less.
A few decades ago all anyone needed to do was pack a lunch bucket and they could, if they choose to, 'move-on-up'. Bigger house. Newer cars. College funds no problem. Family vacations. You name it.
Not so much now.
The Blacks keep holding their hands out and the Whites/Asians are becoming less and less inclined to put their hard earned money in them. The 'free-shit' spigot is getting turned off.
Once BOBO waddles back to the sewer he crawled out of and a REP House/Senate/Oval Office are back watch how all of a sudden the Blacks will have a 'come to Jesus moment' and start seriously trying to solve their own problems. Because they won't have BOBO to hold their hands.
Social Darwinism.
For LIBs it's "everyone deserves a trophy". That flies in the face of the evolution of the species. And that is why the fantasy never ever works no matter how much 'Maker-Bucks' are thrown down the toilet.
What will be interesting to watch over the next decade is as the 'Makers' are being continuously/relentlessly squeezed harder and harder just to pay their own bills the impulse to 'look after those who can't' will become less and less.
A few decades ago all anyone needed to do was pack a lunch bucket and they could, if they choose to, 'move-on-up'. Bigger house. Newer cars. College funds no problem. Family vacations. You name it.
Not so much now.
The Blacks keep holding their hands out and the Whites/Asians are becoming less and less inclined to put their hard earned money in them. The 'free-shit' spigot is getting turned off.
Once BOBO waddles back to the sewer he crawled out of and a REP House/Senate/Oval Office are back watch how all of a sudden the Blacks will have a 'come to Jesus moment' and start seriously trying to solve their own problems. Because they won't have BOBO to hold their hands.
Social Darwinism.
Have a cookie.
For LIBs it's "everyone deserves a trophy". That flies in the face of the evolution of the species. And that is why the fantasy never ever works no matter how much 'Maker-Bucks' are thrown down the toilet.
What will be interesting to watch over the next decade is as the 'Makers' are being continuously/relentlessly squeezed harder and harder just to pay their own bills the impulse to 'look after those who can't' will become less and less.
A few decades ago all anyone needed to do was pack a lunch bucket and they could, if they choose to, 'move-on-up'. Bigger house. Newer cars. College funds no problem. Family vacations. You name it.
Not so much now.
The Blacks keep holding their hands out and the Whites/Asians are becoming less and less inclined to put their hard earned money in them. The 'free-shit' spigot is getting turned off.
Once BOBO waddles back to the sewer he crawled out of and a REP House/Senate/Oval Office are back watch how all of a sudden the Blacks will have a 'come to Jesus moment' and start seriously trying to solve their own problems. Because they won't have BOBO to hold their hands.
Social Darwinism.
Have a cookie.
Ya and it will be one I purchased with my own hard earned money. Who paid for yours pal?
For LIBs it's "everyone deserves a trophy". That flies in the face of the evolution of the species. And that is why the fantasy never ever works no matter how much 'Maker-Bucks' are thrown down the toilet.
What will be interesting to watch over the next decade is as the 'Makers' are being continuously/relentlessly squeezed harder and harder just to pay their own bills the impulse to 'look after those who can't' will become less and less.
A few decades ago all anyone needed to do was pack a lunch bucket and they could, if they choose to, 'move-on-up'. Bigger house. Newer cars. College funds no problem. Family vacations. You name it.
Not so much now.
The Blacks keep holding their hands out and the Whites/Asians are becoming less and less inclined to put their hard earned money in them. The 'free-shit' spigot is getting turned off.
Once BOBO waddles back to the sewer he crawled out of and a REP House/Senate/Oval Office are back watch how all of a sudden the Blacks will have a 'come to Jesus moment' and start seriously trying to solve their own problems. Because they won't have BOBO to hold their hands.
Social Darwinism.
Have a cookie.
Ya and it will be one I purchased with my own hard earned money. Who paid for yours pal?
Me and I made it too :thup:
Total bull shit.
When the FBI has completed their exhaustive tests which will take weeks then we will know the truth.
That's right. CNN and AP have"confirmed the audio as legitimate".
Where is the link?
You are the one who is full of shit!

CNN: Glide Video Service Company says audio captured about time of Michael Brown shooting.

"A company whose video chat service allegedly captured audio of Michael Brown's shooting said Thursday the recording was created at about the time the Missouri teenager was killed this month. The revelation from the company, Glide, appears to bolster a man's claim that he inadvertently recorded audio of gunfire at the time a police officer shot and killed the 18-year-old Brown in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson on August 9.

The video was created at 12:02:14 p.m. that day, Glide said. That's around the time that police say Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson shot an unarmed Brown."
Total bull shit.
When the FBI has completed their exhaustive tests which will take weeks then we will know the truth.
That's right. CNN and AP have"confirmed the audio as legitimate".
Where is the link?
You are the one who is full of shit!

CNN: Glide Video Service Company says audio captured about time of Michael Brown shooting.

"A company whose video chat service allegedly captured audio of Michael Brown's shooting said Thursday the recording was created at about the time the Missouri teenager was killed this month. The revelation from the company, Glide, appears to bolster a man's claim that he inadvertently recorded audio of gunfire at the time a police officer shot and killed the 18-year-old Brown in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson on August 9.

The video was created at 12:02:14 p.m. that day, Glide said. That's around the time that police say Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson shot an unarmed Brown."
As I said, let me know when the FBI confirms that the tape is legitimate. I don't give two hoots what CNN and AP say. Neither should you.
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Assuming that the recording is validated by independent time stamps then it raises some questions.

The sound pattern is 6 shots, pause, then 4 shots.

Brown was hit by 6 shots that all came from the front.

Given that the gun probably held at least 10 rounds, possibly more, there was no need for a reload.

Doubtful that this will be played for the grand jury if it hasn't yet been authenticated.
CNN has a penchant for chasing false leads.

I wouldn't trust a thing they put out because they don't vet their sources before they broadcast whatever they have to say. CNN is so heavy into advocacy that their objectivity is gone. They spread so much false information that it's embarrassing.

when looking at the photos of the scene

the bullet that was dug out of the wall of a building

was not down range (from the officer past big MIke)

but rather from the squad car where the two had been fighting


Which means that the officer started shooting at Brown which explains why he ran away. Unarmed people usually flee when people are shooting at them. It would also indicate that Brown was no longer any threat to Wilson so continuing to shoot at him while he was fleeing now has to be demonstrated to be SOP under those circumstances.
No, the first round was an AD (Accidental Discharge).

After Brown started to leave the scene Wilson got out and told him to freeze, Brown turned around and began taunting the officer and tried to run him over. He got shot for it.

Who has made the determination that it was an AD?

Who has alleged that Brown "began taunting the officer"?

Who has alleged that Brown "tried to run him [Wilson] over"?

I think the term is "Multiple Eye-Witnesses".

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