Ferguson Shooting re:Audio tape

Who can keep talking when there's a barrage of gunfire outside of his window? He was certainly involved in his chat!

When in South SF I hit the deck at one nearby gunshot fearing more. By the time ya hear it, if not bleeding it's missed ya travelling faster than sound. I definitely woulda interupted an online chat hearing what's on tha tape. As would most people. No one's that desensitized. :)
Nah. I can understand people becoming numb to the sound of low-flying aircraft, but not to the possibility that a small piece of hot metal could come through the window and hit you or a loved one, leaving either of you dead or seriously wounded.
Nah. I can understand people becoming numb to the sound of low-flying aircraft, but not to the possibility that a small piece of hot metal could come through the window and hit you or a loved one, leaving either of you dead or seriously wounded.

Low-flying aircraft's a bad analogy...I still react hearing a jet because of 9/11. I've actually talked with some counsellors about PTSD after all of that.
Rather than cogitate questionable "evidence" that surfaces daily, I'll wait to hear what the grand jury says and evaluate the evidence that they verified. Anyone with a recording device and a bit of ingenuity can produce an audio and claim it was made in real time at the scene.

BTW, some recording devices use automatic gain control to prevent overdriving of amplifiers. The detection of an sudden loud noise ( a spike in the volume) can trigger adjustments in the devices sensitivity which affects the accuracy of the recording. This is one reason that the best live concert performances of "The War of 1812" include a real cannon being fired.
As I'd hoped, someone had audio of the shooting (ok allegedly.) And as I expected, the officer shot in rapid-fire fashion as indicated on the tape. I'd figured that when seeing the autopsy results and noting the hit pattern on Mr. Brown's arm. The pause in the shooting audio being hyped up isn't surprising either. It's indicative of the officer either losing track of how many rounds he'd fired and reloading to be safe then resuming fire, or more likely, noticing his target isn't falling down correcting, taking a deep breath and continuing to fire.

While emptying your clip, reloading, and emptying another might seem excessive to laypeople, it's actually what officers are taught to do. My thinking is once he began to fire on Mr. Brown he reverted to his training model and did exactly as he'd been trained to do. Whether he reloaded or not is moot. Whether he paused and corrected and resumed fire is moot. He behaved as he'd been trained and the justification to use lethal force doesn't change or cease because you pause in the exercise of it.

While some are describing the audio as 'damning' I think it simply further vindicates the officer.
it is excessive and they shouldn't be taught to do it. they have been taught to kill anybody after shots are fired so as not to have him as a witness any longer.I suppose.
Average police officer isn't a weapons expert. They're trained only in the most charitable sense to use a handgun. So the 'spray and pray' method is the best option for them. It's not ideal, but given the alternatives, it's the prefered one. If we could afford to send em all to Gunsite we would.
That's BS..there is no way to prove where or when that was..hell..they could say that was from the grassy knoll in dallas...but I understand your need to defend negroes...

Lucky for Delta4Embassy they haven't targeted homosexual jews...THEN he'd have some concrete opinions, I estimate.

(looks all around)

Anyone know what he's responding to? :)

The first 2 lines are about this audio.

The last 2 are referring to you.

The sentence below is a direct question to you.

What is the black/white demographic where you live?

According to the 2000 United States census, Springfield, Missouri's White population dominates the city at 91.69%, whereas African-Americans trail at 3.27%. Although to be fair, he has listed his [geographical] location quite clearly.
That's BS..there is no way to prove where or when that was..hell..they could say that was from the grassy knoll in dallas...but I understand your need to defend negroes...

Lucky for Delta4Embassy they haven't targeted homosexual jews...THEN he'd have some concrete opinions, I estimate.

(looks all around)

Anyone know what he's responding to? :)

The first 2 lines are about this audio.

The last 2 are referring to you.

The sentence below is a direct question to you.

What is the black/white demographic where you live?

According to the 2000 United States census, Springfield, Missouri's White population dominates the city at 91.69%, whereas African-Americans trail at 3.27%. Although to be fair, he has listed his [geographical] location quite clearly.

VERY revealing, isn't it?

Those with no proximity to negro crime always perceive themselves as experts on white racism and race relations....as they sit in their 91% white enclaves and frown and cluck about evilwhitebigotredneckstormfrontnaziracists...
Assuming that the recording is validated by independent time stamps then it raises some questions.

The sound pattern is 6 shots, pause, then 4 shots.

Brown was hit by 6 shots that all came from the front.

Given that the gun probably held at least 10 rounds, possibly more, there was no need for a reload.

Doubtful that this will be played for the grand jury if it hasn't yet been authenticated.
This morning CNN started playing it again. The host began the segment by asking viewers to disregard the man speaking in the audio.

Yeah, disregard that man in the sex chatroom ! :lol:
Assuming that the recording is validated by independent time stamps then it raises some questions.

The sound pattern is 6 shots, pause, then 4 shots.

Brown was hit by 6 shots that all came from the front.

Given that the gun probably held at least 10 rounds, possibly more, there was no need for a reload.

Doubtful that this will be played for the grand jury if it hasn't yet been authenticated.
CNN has a penchant for chasing false leads.

I wouldn't trust a thing they put out because they don't vet their sources before they broadcast whatever they have to say. CNN is so heavy into advocacy that their objectivity is gone. They spread so much false information that it's embarrassing.
Rather than cogitate questionable "evidence" that surfaces daily, I'll wait to hear what the grand jury says and evaluate the evidence that they verified. Anyone with a recording device and a bit of ingenuity can produce an audio and claim it was made in real time at the scene.

BTW, some recording devices use automatic gain control to prevent overdriving of amplifiers. The detection of an sudden loud noise ( a spike in the volume) can trigger adjustments in the devices sensitivity which affects the accuracy of the recording. This is one reason that the best live concert performances of "The War of 1812" include a real cannon being fired.

Yes, bits & pieces of slanted "evidence" add up to -0-.
Rather than cogitate questionable "evidence" that surfaces daily, I'll wait to hear what the grand jury says and evaluate the evidence that they verified. Anyone with a recording device and a bit of ingenuity can produce an audio and claim it was made in real time at the scene.

BTW, some recording devices use automatic gain control to prevent overdriving of amplifiers. The detection of an sudden loud noise ( a spike in the volume) can trigger adjustments in the devices sensitivity which affects the accuracy of the recording. This is one reason that the best live concert performances of "The War of 1812" include a real cannon being fired.

Yes, bits & pieces of slanted "evidence" add up to -0-.

most of it is called media evidence

has great value on trying to sway the public

but has little or no use in the court room
That tape has no value...

......There's no way to prove it is what it is professed to be...doesn't help either argeument..
Could have been using headphones and not heard it but the computer mic still recorded it.

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