Ferguson Shooting re:Audio tape

I have one of those. About the size of a 10mm round. He could have a Springfield Armory Service Model XD. There are several guns that fire that cartridge.

.40 cal IS 10mm. :) It's sorta the difference between a standard .45 and a +P .45. I rmemeber when it first came on the market. The first 10mm were all hot loads, too hot in fact, so they came out with a 'calmer' version ala the .40S&W.
That's BS..there is no way to prove where or when that was..hell..they could say that was from the grassy knoll in dallas...but I understand your need to defend negroes...

Lucky for Delta4Embassy they haven't targeted homosexual jews...THEN he'd have some concrete opinions, I estimate.

the recording flies in the face of witness accounts

that said there was one shot

followed by several others

It's all irrelevant.
There is no way to verify when, where that was recorded..more distractions..CNN is invalid as a source.
That's BS..there is no way to prove where or when that was..hell..they could say that was from the grassy knoll in dallas...but I understand your need to defend negroes...

Lucky for Delta4Embassy they haven't targeted homosexual jews...THEN he'd have some concrete opinions, I estimate.

(looks all around)

Anyone know what he's responding to? :)

The first 2 lines are about this audio.

The last 2 are referring to you.

The sentence below is a direct question to you.

What is the black/white demographic where you live?
That's BS..there is no way to prove where or when that was..hell..they could say that was from the grassy knoll in dallas...but I understand your need to defend negroes...

Lucky for Delta4Embassy they haven't targeted homosexual jews...THEN he'd have some concrete opinions, I estimate.

the recording flies in the face of witness accounts

that said there was one shot

followed by several others

It's all irrelevant.
There is no way to verify when, where that was recorded..more distractions..CNN is invalid as a source.

they maybe able to time stamp off the dudes computer

since he was recording porn

other then that is meant to be more "media evidence" never meant to be used in court
That's BS..there is no way to prove where or when that was..hell..they could say that was from the grassy knoll in dallas...but I understand your need to defend negroes...

Lucky for Delta4Embassy they haven't targeted homosexual jews...THEN he'd have some concrete opinions, I estimate.

the recording flies in the face of witness accounts

that said there was one shot

followed by several others

It's all irrelevant.
There is no way to verify when, where that was recorded..more distractions..CNN is invalid as a source.
CNN spent half a day covering some fake witness that claims he saw everything. Said that the cop just shot MB in cold blood. We never heard from him again, and yet CNN acted like he was legit.
Been a while but isn't the 226 a 9mm?
Been a while but isn't the 226 a 9mm?

several calibers

I have the US Navy Seal version in 9mm. It is a fine weapon almost in par with my Kimber


they maybe able to time stamp off the dudes computer

since he was recording porn

other then that is meant to be more "media evidence" never meant to be used in court

Can set your computer's time manually and fake a timestamp. Used to do that to get free shareware :) But they gave the tape to the FBI to take a look at. Dunno what's come from that, only broke late last night. But they'll be able to get a lot more from it then we have siumply listening to it. Like validate it's authenticity and such.

Since it sounded like the guy who made the tape was cybering, they can prolly cross-reference whatever site he used for that and compare timestamps with his login times like.
That's BS..there is no way to prove where or when that was..hell..they could say that was from the grassy knoll in dallas...but I understand your need to defend negroes...

Lucky for Delta4Embassy they haven't targeted homosexual jews...THEN he'd have some concrete opinions, I estimate.

the recording flies in the face of witness accounts

that said there was one shot

followed by several others

It's all irrelevant.
There is no way to verify when, where that was recorded..more distractions..CNN is invalid as a source.
CNN spent half a day covering some fake witness that claims he saw everything. Said that the cop just shot MB in cold blood. We never heard from him again, and yet CNN acted like he was legit.

the term is "media evidence" never meant to make it into a court of law
Why I was saying the Ferguson PD needed tor elease everything they had. Absent anything else, the media's gonna cover and hype whatever they do have. And since by and large the only stuff out there was condemning the officer, that's how the coverage played out. Now that some other stuff is coming out it's being covered too making it look more reasonable. But none of it is evidence. Only get evidence in a trial. This is all just armchair qb'ing.
Sounds like some guy was getting a blowjob while someone was playing GTA in the next room. That could've been recorded years ago... on another continent for all anyone here (or in the courtroom) knows.
Sounds like some guy was getting a blowjob while someone was playing GTA in the next room. That could've been recorded years ago... on another continent for all anyone here (or in the courtroom) knows.
...but for people who "need" for it to be "evidence", it is evidence.
I am certain the audio can be verified...where he lives vs... the vicinity of the incident, and the time of this audio can be verified as well from the service provider....and probably through the the person he was cybering or whatever.... with as well.

I know nothing about guns and all those shot sounds mean nothing to me that I could use to come to any kind of conclusion on what happened.

However....based on what we know, this man spending the money to hire a lawyer to turn the tape over....is probably not just looking for 15 minutes of fame...unless he's looking for a job in porn or in to voyeurism....So I think it would be premature to shoot the messenger on this....at least not until the audio is proven a fake....and my read is that it doesn't appear to be a fake....
I am certain the audio can be verified...where he lives vs... the vicinity of the incident, and the time of this audio can be verified as well from the service provider....and probably through the the person he was cybering with as well.

I know nothing about guns and all those shot sounds mean nothing to me that I could use to come to any kind of conclusion on what happened.

However....based on what we know, this man spending the money to hire a lawyer to turn the tape over....is probably not just looking for 15 minutes of fame...unless he's looking for a job in porn or in to voyeurism....So I think it would be premature to shoot the messenger on this....at least not until the audio is proven a fake....and my read is that it doesn't appear to be a fake....

LMAO..you think he hired that lawyer? Really? You think that tape is useful as "evidence"?

I am certain the audio can be verified...where he lives vs... the vicinity of the incident, and the time of this audio can be verified as well from the service provider....and probably through the the person he was cybering with as well.

I know nothing about guns and all those shot sounds mean nothing to me that I could use to come to any kind of conclusion on what happened.

However....based on what we know, this man spending the money to hire a lawyer to turn the tape over....is probably not just looking for 15 minutes of fame...unless he's looking for a job in porn or in to voyeurism....So I think it would be premature to shoot the messenger on this....at least not until the audio is proven a fake....and my read is that it doesn't appear to be a fake....

LMAO..you think he hired that lawyer? Really? You think that tape is useful as "evidence"?

Like I said....I don't know if the audio on the gun shots can tell anyone anything, at all? I am more than retarded when it comes to guns....if my husband was not at work or my father were around, they could probably have an opinion....but I would be foolish to espouse one....

Yes, as it stands now, and what we do know, I do think the audio can Easily be verified....and could be used as evidence if it does determine something of importance for either side.
Sounds like some guy was getting a blowjob while someone was playing GTA in the next room. That could've been recorded years ago... on another continent for all anyone here (or in the courtroom) knows.

Heard it 3 times last night. To me it sounded a bit odd. Most handgun shots sound like a very quick pop. But with this you could make out the noise of the slide, and yet the guy cybering or whatever didn't react. So I wonder if they amplified the gunshot sound from being faint and in the background, which made it sound weird and artificial.

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