Fetterman checks himself into Walter Reed for ‘clinical depression’

Articles say he had a long history of depression. Did the voters know this before electing him? A person cannot effectively do their job under these conditions anymore than a person suffering dementia can be expected to become president of the United States
We do seem to be having a run of mentally compromised politicians lately -----
If people can predict when they go into into maniac spirals why should we treat a maniac senator as a freaking victim when he should have been honest enough to bow out of the race and democrats should have been honest enough to withdraw support.
Wow, you're really that stupid. Read what I wrote, dummy.
Democrats used the Biden approach with Fetterman. They nominated an incoherent, incapable yes man, hid him in the basement and let the biased media run the campaign. The fact that the Democrat party has no concern with their candidates capabilities or health probably has something to do with their respective downfalls. Either that or they're both just too damn stupid to do a job.
McCormick was an unknown millionaire. Democrats could have said anything they wanted about him. Democrat money poured in and McConnell didn't care.
McCormick was actually from Pennsylvania. At the end of the day that likely made the difference.
Not for long ---- a Dem is governor of Pennsylvania, so they'll just switch Dems out, if they have to. Boy, I'll bet Shapiro is taking a lot of calls from hopefuls today.
Gisele Barreto Fetterman can be appointed for the remainder of her husbands term until reelection.

The Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution (1913) established direct election of senators, as well as a means of filling vacant Senate seats. If a vacancy occurs due to a senator's death, resignation, or expulsion, the Seventeenth Amendment allows state legislatures to empower the governor to appoint a replacement to complete the term or to hold office until a special election can take place. There are a few exceptions to this rule. Some states require a special election to fill a vacancy. A few states require the governor to appoint a replacement of the same political party as the previous incumbent. The date when a senator appointed to fill a vacancy is succeeded by a senator elected to fill the remainder of the term depends on a number of factors.

I think Fetterman is having personal issues realizing, physically, he can't perform in hos elected role as Senator.
So when is Uncle Fester going to resign now? If this were a Republican the demos would be screaming "resign now" constantly the moment he checked into the hospital. This is his second time going into some medical situation. Time to step aside. I know it'll be a democrat replacement but at least common sense wins there.
Yes I’ve read them. Nothing burgers. Publicity stunt
Must be why Congressman Clay Higgins asked Twitter execs if they had counsel.

You ladies and gentlemen interfered with the United States of America 2020 presidential election, knowingly and willingly," he said. "This is the investigation part, later comes the arrest part."


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