Fetterman checks himself into Walter Reed for ‘clinical depression’

Actually ----- you make me think. It's becoming clear, sadly, that Fetterman is a LOT like George Santos in that his campaign lied thru their teeth about him. They lied thru their teeth about how he was doing after that stroke, and it is obvious now, between the gazumpteen special disability tactics they are using for him on the Senate floor and now the fainting spell and then checking into the hospital, that he's not doing great.

I'm not from Pennsylvania and didn't vote in that election, but I thought Fetterman might do all right --- so many stroke victims do indeed recover quite a lot of functions, or all. Okay, he's not recovering as well as some do. Given how Feinstein just goes on and on despite a lot of loss of function, I wonder if Fetterman just needs to get used to some disability.

I am expecting him to resign, but I'm the world's worst predictor.
Well Feinstein is (thankfully) going to retire…I was afraid we were heading into another Strom Thurmond era. I think there have been a lot of attacks on Fetterman that might not be deserved. Being open about depression or any mental illness, or a stroke is certainly dangerous, tbe sharks are circling. However, he was voted in, and he wasn’t like Santos.
Any who claims the Dems did not take advantage and abuse Fetterman is stupid, lying, or just a really really bad person.

You assholes wanted to 25th Trump…even made him take a cognitive test…but you put in Fetterman.
He should set down and let there be a special election with two normal candidates
Thank you for showing the world you know nothing about depression. Yes, people can predict when they go into depressive spirals. That was sarcasm since you're probably too stupid to get it. But I understand. You have a mind prone to conspiracy theories due to both your ignorance and inability to think logically.
If people can predict when they go into into maniac spirals why should we treat a maniac senator as a freaking victim when he should have been honest enough to bow out of the race and democrats should have been honest enough to withdraw support.
Self admitted for SEVERE clinical depression. You people will vote for ANYONE
Fetterman wasn't depressed before, during the election! (At least, he may have been, but his campaign does seem to have been hiding some things from the voters.)

Well, this is sad and very understandable all around. His staff hoped he would recover, and so many do recover, that was okay. Well, he recovered pretty well, but not all the way, as we know. And whatever that fainting spell was last week, I'm betting it was more serious than they realized because now he's in the hospital. I doubt these were unrelated incidents. He may pull out of it.
Usually happens to people who steal elections. That or dementia!
How did Fetterman steal an election, basetard?

At least Fetterman is getting help. Which brings me to your sorry ass who needs a good shrink.

You & that orange MAL blob.
ex-Rep Patrick Kennedy suffers from alcohol abuse and depression, he is Ted Kennedy's son, so this happens all the time with politicians, then again: he is Ted Kennedy's son lol

Thank you, Trump, for interfering in this race and convincing your flock to nominate an out-of-state carpetbagger who couldn't defeat a man suffering with a stroke.

Fetterman wasn't depressed before, during the election! (At least, he may have been, but his campaign does seem to have been hiding some things from the voters.)

Well, this is sad and very understandable all around. His staff hoped he would recover, and so many do recover, that was okay. Well, he recovered pretty well, but not all the way, as we know. And whatever that fainting spell was last week, I'm betting it was more serious than they realized because now he's in the hospital. I doubt these were unrelated incidents. He may pull out of it.
Articles say he had a long history of depression. Did the voters know this before electing him? A person cannot effectively do their job under these conditions anymore than a person suffering dementia can be expected to become president of the United States

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