Fetterman gets relaxed Senate dress code


Sheep Dipped Boy Scout
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 12, 2014
Plasticville U.S.A
In true Braddock, Pa attire, Festerman brings the Walmart persona to the US Senate. Guess a Senator's salary is too low for a Men's Warehouse suit.

What an embarrassment to the taxpayers. Fetterman wears a costume to work every day.

His outfit is what he imagines in his grass-addled mind is what working class toughs from steel towns are supposed to be wearing. In actuality, Fetterman never worked a day as a laborer in his life.

Real steelworkers from places like Braddock look nothing like the senator.
He's a white trash redneck, just like Joe Biden.

That's really not true. Senator Fetterman is just pretending to be "white trash", he's actually an Ivy League elitist born into money , and wearing a costume.

His outfit is what he imagines is "typical" for steelworkers, although in real life, the real steelworkers dressed appropriately for whatever they were doing at the time. They didn't dress like bums.
That's really not true. Senator Fetterman is just pretending to be "white trash", he's actually an Ivy League elitist born into money , and wearing a costume.

His outfit is what he imagines is "typical" for steelworkers, although in real life, the real steelworkers dressed appropriately for whatever they were doing at the time. They didn't dress like bums.

Plenty of Ivy League elitists are white trash. I again submit Joe Biden and his entire family.
In true Braddock, Pa attire, Festerman brings the Walmart persona to the US Senate. Guess a Senator's salary is too low for a Men's Warehouse suit.

His parents were funding him for years .. quite the opposite of the individual "supporting the working man..." .. What a trainwreck, and yet another unqualified individual, who can't speak or articulate thought for the Democrats. It just demonstrates how the movie Idiocracy is coming to fruition.
His parents were funding him for years .. quite the opposite of the individual "supporting the working man..." .. What a trainwreck, and yet another unqualified individual, who can't speak or articulate thought for the Democrats. It just demonstrates how the movie Idiocracy is coming to fruition.
From the party that brought us George W. Bush and Donald Trump.
Except all of those congressmen / women can speak and articulate thought .. unlike retarded Fetterman. Uh .. g-g-g-g-ood--nnn-ite. Boerbert has a GED and is much more professional, articulate and well-rounded .
She is a goober, and you know it. She is a perfect example of the lower society in Grand Junction, which is the lowest society in Colorado.

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