Fetterman gets relaxed Senate dress code

Fetterman has degrees from UConn and Harvard.
Boebert, which you can`t even spell, has a GED which is worthless. Anyone could have done her work.
Why are credentials relevant? Fetterman can have a Phd, and he still can't articulate ... he's suffered multiple strokes and is now .. pretty much retarded.

Tell us .. why do credentials for a retarded person matter?
In true Braddock, Pa attire, Festerman brings the Walmart persona to the US Senate. Guess a Senator's salary is too low for a Men's Warehouse suit.


Good for him. I would dress that way every day if I could.
You haven't had a President that was not retarded in 30 years.
Except Biden .. who can't unilaterally speak off script ... unlike Trump, Obama, Bush and Clinton.

Regardless .. are you agreeing that credentials for Fetterman mean nothing with articulation, thought and voting on legislation .. or .. is it a problem on all three fronts.
That guy is a disgrace. He is just more white trash that wear pajama pants and slippers when they go out to eat or go out in public period, the ones that wear worn out sweat pants on planes, and people who just in general walk around in goodwill and Walmart clothes as if it's completely normal to dress like you have 0 class or desire to look nice.

I miss when people had at least some pride in how they looked. Shit like this is just another sign our morals, values and standards are on the downhill slide.
Senate democrats are willing to change 200 years of respect and tradition to allow some slob to shop at K-Mart? WTF?
Except all of those congressmen / women can speak and articulate thought .. unlike retarded Fetterman. Uh .. g-g-g-g-ood--nnn-ite. Boerbert has a GED and is much more professional, articulate and well-rounded .
Fetterman is far more qualified than Boebart could dream off.. Personally I would dress different but Fewtterman know his people and they have no problem with his representation... They know how he dressed before they elected him and he won by 5%...
Maybe they care more about the character of a man than the clothes on his back... I know you will find it hard to discover Pennsylvanians are not so shallow...
Fetterman is far more qualified than Boebart could dream off.. Personally I would dress different but Fewtterman know his people and they have no problem with his representation... They know how he dressed before they elected him and he won by 5%...
Maybe they care more about the character of a man than the clothes on his back... I know you will find it hard to discover Pennsylvanians are not so shallow...

Fetterman is a retard .. who can't articulate thought or think coherently .. are you defending his inability to do this? It doesn't matter if he is smarter than Einstein .. if you can't articulate thought .. you're not retarded and not qualified.

Why are educational degrees even a consideration ..
Fetterman has degrees from UConn and Harvard.
Boebert, which you can`t even spell, has a GED which is worthless. Anyone could have done her work.
Fetterman is the real privilege. Progs use that word like it is water on a race of people. Except for themselves as they never give up any position they have. The Senate is supposed to be more refined for politicians. He makes the worse in the House look like European royalty from the Victorian era.
He probably can't tie a tie properly. Hell he can't even speak correctly

He doesn't know how to wear a suit, that's for sure. Looks like he is going to a parole hearing or graduating from an AA program with ill fitting clothes.

President Trump is a big guy just like Fetterman is, but is always put together when he makes a public appearance. You can disagree with Trump's rhetoric, but no one can have complaints about how he dresses.

Maybe The Donald and Jared Kushner can give Sen. Fetterman a makeover, they can call it "Straight Eye for the Lib Guy".
He has the freedom to dress like he wants to, and the freedom from a dress code. That last thingy is one of my pet peeves.

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