Fetterman gets relaxed Senate dress code

I wouldn't go the grocery store dressed like Fettterman, Democrats are just making America look like a joke.
You idolize a fat guy in ill-fitting suits and ties that go down to his pants zipper, who sprays himself orange and teases his "hair" into a bird's nest.

You were saying?
Never mind Fetterman's dress code

What they have relaxed .....or rather downloaded, is the mind code, of some of the cretins in the Senate.

CHIQUITA BANANA TROPICAL REPUBLIC! or what it used to be called the US

Aging Senators Show Up To Work In Their Hospital Gowns After Dress Code Relaxed
POLITICS·Sep 18, 2023 · BabylonBee.com
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WASHINGTON, D.C. — Following a change in the Senate's informal dress code, aging senators were excited to show up to work Monday in their hospital gowns.
"This is awkward," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnel said when he noticed dozens of senators wearing the same exact thing. "One of us has got to change."
Officially, loosening the Senate's informal dress code was motivated by a need to accommodate Sen John Fetterman's famous hoodie and sweatpants. However, sources confirm Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer had an ulterior motive — he prefers the comfort and convenience of a hospital gown.
"I wear the gown under my normal clothes so I can change into them quickly. Like a superhero," Schumer said. "But now I can drop the facade and just be me. It's loose-fitting so you can have easy access to my backside to administer vaccines, suppositories, and other medications. It's great!"
Bernie Sanders confirmed that the new dress code allows him to live a truth he previously hid from the world. "The gown is open in the back. It's very breezy, which I like," he said. "Ooooo, I feel it now."
Sen Lindsey Graham, however, bucked the hospital gown trend by dressing in drag. "It's time for Lindsey Graham 3.0!" he said. "Fabuloooouuuus!"
At publishing time, the policy had been quickly reversed after Rand Paul showed up in his buffalo hat.
Fetterman is far more qualified than Boebart could dream off.. Personally I would dress different but Fewtterman know his people and they have no problem with his representation..
Look up his record as mayor...............no show for many meetings....
He’s still living rent free, eh?
In the building his sister bought him................... :biggrin:

Did Fetterman buy his own house?

John Fetterman bought his house for a dollar from his sister, and receives rent money from his mom and dad. Doctor Oz has had a real job. John Fetterman's only job appears to be trying to release convicted murderers onto the streets.”Sep 23, 2022
I'd like to see on Repub Senator make a point and wear a T-shirt with "Let's Go Brandon" on it.
6`8" Fetterman would stomp the little pussy into the ground. :)
I didn`t know that the kiddies haven`t outgrown the Brandon goofiness. I gave them too much credit. Lesson learned.
In true Braddock, Pa attire, Festerman brings the Walmart persona to the US Senate. Guess a Senator's salary is too low for a Men's Warehouse suit.


And in true Democrat fashion: "casual dress for me, not for thee"

The underpaid staffers still have to pony up for the dress clothes, naturally.
Important issues that need to be addressed – such as avoiding a government shutdown – and Republicans waste time whining about a dress code.

Republicans are incapable of responsible governance.
Curious that the Dems / Marxists are whining about important issues, issues like their sinking to the lowest common denominator with slobs like Fetterman.

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