Fetterman proposes taxpayer subsidies of Big Labor strikes


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
Uncle Festerman's proposal is free food to those who are out on strike.

Of course, the proposal will go no place fast. It can't as the House is controlled by the Republicans.

So this is obviously just a move for political posturing. Why do libs think that strikes and picket lines are "good " things that the government should encourage? Do they think that this move will encourage more companies to "go union" and surrender to the goombas in the union halls?

Or is this more of just "red meat" for the Far Left masses?

I wonder if Speaker McCarthy will schedule a vote on it? Might be a good idea, because I think most Americans are against this kind of bullshit.

Fetterman doesn't even know where he is. The last time anyone saw Fetterman, he was walking into furniture mumbling "I'm for fracking and.......I'm for fracking and........I'm for fracking" obviously trying to bring back the magic of his debate with Oz.
Uncle Festerman's proposal is free food to those who are out on strike.

Of course, the proposal will go no place fast. It can't as the House is controlled by the Republicans.

So this is obviously just a move for political posturing. Why do libs think that strikes and picket lines are "good " things that the government should encourage? Do they think that this move will encourage more companies to "go union" and surrender to the goombas in the union halls?

Or is this more of just "red meat" for the Far Left masses?

I wonder if Speaker McCarthy will schedule a vote on it? Might be a good idea, because I think most Americans are against this kind of bullshit.

This kind of shit is precisely why congress should not be a full time job/career.
They could conduct most business and votes from home as already proven by covid. Thus the salaries are double what they should be.
Not to mention why do these buffoons think we need new laws passed everyday. The country would run itself much smoother without these nuts gumming up the system with useless shit that we pay them to sit around and debate
The essence of the "right to strike" is that BOTH PARTIES have vital (look up that word) interests in the outcome of the negotiations. The employer could go bankrupt and the workers could figuratively "starve." That criticality ensures that both parties will bargain in good faith. The Government should not put its thumb on the scales.

Fetterman, who has never actually had a real job, does have a point. Unions did a lot to raise the standard of employment for everyone, but then they became corrupt, stupid, and now less than ten percent of private sector workers are union members, and there are at least two major industries with union and non-union segments, and the non-union segments are kicking ass in both (steel and autos).

And this is also a good thread to mention that unions and the right to strike are totally inappropriate for the public sector, where the employer can never go bankrupt and the real party in interest - the taxpayer - has no seat at the table.

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