Lack of massive strikes in America. What happened to this country what happened to our strong population?


What union are you with?
The people who do not reply on mindless assembly line work & and union strong arm tactics to make a living,
Blm and the far left use violence and terror….big corporations and big tech also use strong arm tactics toward employees that want to unionize. That is a crime against humanity truly .

The UAW gave millions of Americans jobs with benefits.. and they could afford to send their kids to college.

Im on the right side of history. Again without unions we would have sweat shops

my friend a big Union guy from GM told me the problem in Amazon is a lot of the workers are Arabs, Bangladeshis and immigrants( maybe some are illegal) and would be terrified to join a union and would rat out a potential Union organizer. And it is criminal it is against Islam.

You’re talking about bad unions which are rare
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Blm and the far left use violence and terror….big corporations and big tech also use strong arm tactics toward employees that want to unionize. That is a crime against humanity truly .

The UAW gave the millions of Americans jobs benefits and the kids and their kids to college.

Im on the right side of history. Again without unions we would have sweat shops

You’re talking about bad unions which are rare
Reagan was well within his rights and authority to shitcan each and every one of the PATCO strikers because they disobeyed a lawful order to return to work. Air traffic controllers, as well as other Federal essential personnel are bound by the Hatch Act which PROHIBITS striking. Much in the same way, statewide and locally, they are bound by the Taylor Law (New York).
Greyhound had two vicious and deadly strikes. One in 1983, and the other in 1990. After the 1990 strike, Greyhound never recovered. Is that the vision you have?
Reagan was well within his rights and authority to shitcan each and every one of the PATCO strikers because they disobeyed a lawful order to return to work. Air traffic controllers, as well as other Federal essential personnel are bound by the Hatch Act which PROHIBITS striking. Much in the same way, statewide and locally, they are bound by the Taylor Law (New York).
Greyhound had two vicious and deadly strikes. One in 1983, and the other in 1990. After the 1990 strike, Greyhound never recovered. Is that the vision you have?
Those are bad unions. I’m talking about the united auto workers….. they gave millions of Americans great jobs. They gave us dignity they helped us win World War II , they’re all about strength.

I have a different vision than what you might be imagining. Im on your side
Those are bad unions. I’m talking about the united auto workers….. they gave millions of Americans great jobs. They gave us dignity they helped us win World War II , they’re all about strength.

I have a different vision than what you might be imagining. Im on your side
Ahh the fucking UAW. Just as corrupt as the rest of them.
Back in the day if one crossed a pickket line they would Probably have their legs broken. That was when our country had integrity. Thousands of Americans were making a slave wage and they took to the streets to protest and form pickket lines

Back then the corporations tried to use strikebreakers which included immigrants who didn’t know any better…. but they were rightfully put in their place and they learned their lesson. Strike breakers are the ugliest site in American history

Part of the problem today is much of the population is very weak.. ..high on drugs and content with the far left enslaving them…. We have to stand up for patriotism and we will.

America will win
Ahh the fucking UAW. Just as corrupt as the rest of them.
Not in the 20th Century my brother

They gave millions of people jobs those are the statistics.

I don’t have the vision you’re thinking of. So we’re on the same side the side of patriotism, Christianity The Crusaders stand up for what is right.. Just like Richard the Lionheart would
Back in the day at one crossed a pick up line they will have your head smashed in. Probably at their legs broken. That was one of our country head on her for integrity. Thousands of Americans were making a slave wage and they took to the streets the protest informed pickket lines

Back then the corporations tried to use strikebreakers which included immigrants who didn’t know any better but they were rightfully put in their place and they learn their lesson

Part of the problem today is much of the population is very weak.. ..high on drugs and content with the far left enslaving them…. We have to stand up for patriotism and we will.

America will win

Who is "we"?

And your utopia of every job being union and making $35 an hour will result in prices akyrocketing.

Oh, and what the UAW did was stabilize the market for their employees and allow a moron to sit on an assemblyline doing brainless work, to make $35 and $40 and hour with great benefits and the promise of a pension.
Not in the 20th Century my brother

They gave millions of people jobs those are the statistics.

I don’t have the vision you’re thinking of. So we’re on the same side the side of patriotism, Christianity The Crusaders stand up for what is right.. Just like Richard the Lionheart would

The Crusaders? Really? Talking about employment and unions, and somehow you end up in religious war territory?
Democrats corrupted the private sector unions. stole money and they fell apart. Now Democrats are corrupting public sector unions.
A "scab" is a derogatory term used to describe a strike breaker. The term is actually an old English insult, and has been in use to describe a despicable person since at least 1590. In the 1700s, someone who refused to join a labor union was called a scab, and by 1806, the word had reached its modern usage. More temperate labor activists and unions use the term “strike breaker” to refer to a scab, but the word is often used in speeches and literature which are designed to fire up the strikers.
Whenever workers refuse to work in order to gain concessions, it is called a strike. Strikes were an important part of the early labor movement, which agitated for safer working conditions, better pay, and more reasonable hours. These early strikes were often brutally put down, and workers had a choice between going back to work and starving. Labor unions attempted to help with this by organizing workers who paid dues which could be used to support them during a strike. A single scab could greatly weaken the cause of the union.
In response to more organized labor, companies started to recruit people who were willing to break the strike. These people might be existing employees or outside contractors. By crossing the picket line of strikers marching and holding signs for better working conditions, the scab hurts the cause of the workers. For this reason, the term “scab” started to become widespread, as a scab was someone who behaved dishonorably in 18th century culture, and retaliation against scabs could sometimes be brutal.
Parkin asks whether "the 78% of Unison members who voted against striking or did not vote at all are “scabs”" or "the 70% of ATL members who voted against striking or did not vote at all are “scabs”," but this is a strawman argument. There is a significant difference between arguing that strike action isn't right in given circumstances or voting to that effect and actively crossing a picket line. The former is simply putting across a point of view. The latter is an active betrayal of ongoing action, allowing the boss to continue production despite the strike and thus taking their side. Moreover, there is a whole world of difference between voting against an action and advising members to walk through picket lines when disputes are ongoing, as Voice does.
Praise God


private sector local unions

You have the legal right to organize a union in your workplace.

This right is guaranteed by the federal National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), the New York State Constitution and, if you are a public employee, by the New York State Taylor Law. It’s illegal for your employer to require you to discuss your feelings about forming a union or to discipline you in any way for exercising your right to join a union.

When the media and blm can convince Americans unions are the enemy …we are completely screwed. Something bad is going on in the country with the democrats they hate white people and America and don’t care about the middle class…. The bad guys in Government has your people right where they want you they got you talking about race LGBT stuff…..

I mean right democrats …who gives a shit how ugly our country is and how many people are living in the shit hole apartments. Fellow Democrats we need you all ! Stop hating America, stop supporting BLM …. support unions
AI and robots are coming for all our jobs. Already computers are correcting and writing their own code. The genie is out of the bottle. All this China,Russia, culture war and bla,blabla just doesn't matter. Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die or at least are made irrelevant.

VR is a bigger threat to civilization than AI given the growing trend toward "safe spaces" from man caves to silent discos and everything in between.
Blm is against police unions thus they are the enemy of the working man.

Nys correction officers Union is strong. My 62 year old poker friend stands by them …she is a tough lady and deserves her pension.

Where are you people. This is your greatest cause if you claim to be a Democrat you need to speak up. The world needs you
The paid shills for the DNC have decided they need to take a break to recover from all the ass beatings they suffer here they are consulting with their handlers what new lies to post,how Biden is doing a great job running the country and the like. :laughing0301: :abgg2q.jpg: :clap:
Back in the day if one crossed a pickket line they would Probably have their legs broken. That was when our country had integrity. Thousands of Americans were making a slave wage and they took to the streets to protest and form pickket lines

Back then the corporations tried to use strikebreakers which included immigrants who didn’t know any better…. but they were rightfully put in their place and they learned their lesson. Strike breakers are the ugliest site in American history

Part of the problem today is much of the population is very weak.. ..high on drugs and content with the far left enslaving them…. We have to stand up for patriotism and we will.

America will win
Go break some legs, tough guy.

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