Lack of massive strikes in America. What happened to this country what happened to our strong population?

You seem to be the one who is fed up. Did you ever belong to a union? If not, you need to STFU.

I once worked in a large manufacturing plant on an assembly line.
I never joined the union there but as I was only 20 at the time, I started getting hints (and threats) that I better join.
I started getting little notes on my car and people following me at lunch to "have a talk with me" because I didn't want to join.
I've never appreciated being bullied.

I left rather than be bullied into joining.
Unions always struck me as being sleazy. But corporations can be just as bad or worse.
F the labor unions. They are corrupt AF. In fact, F anything that subordinates the individual to the collective. On another note, I agree with you that the nation's young folks are zombies, either by drug use or by lack of critical thinking skills necessary to defend their young mush-filled heads from the insidious Marxist trash being cast upon them by educators, universities, and media.
I would say that in the past couple of decades unions have been embarrassing. They’re a joke. What I am to do is bring back the glorious American past I’m talking about united auto workers I’m talking about steel workers unions. I’m talking about a completely different image then you’re thinking. I envision a strike at Walmart using the same type of imagery, the same type of films and posters , the same type of tactics that the great men and women of the 1930s and 1940s and 1950s used. I’m not talking about corrupt teachers unions of today for example.

Yes we certainly agree on how our youth has got a lot of work to do. With the government legalizing marijuana in State after state You know the government is getting 22% sales tax on marijuana in various states. Marijuana sales are up from 12,000,000,000 to 35,000,000,000 ….
AI and robots are coming for all our jobs. Already computers are correcting and writing their own code. The genie is out of the bottle. All this China,Russia, culture war and bla,blabla just doesn't matter. Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die or at least are made irrelevant.
AI and robots are coming for all our jobs. Already computers are correcting and writing their own code. The genie is out of the bottle. All this China,Russia, culture war and bla,blabla just doesn't matter. Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die or at least are made irrelevant.
That’s a serious concern with regards to automation. But you know what the great Walter Reuther the leader of the united auto workers told Henry Ford son. “You know Henry you might bring all the robots to replace the workers but who’s going to buy the cars?

That’s a serious concern with regards to automation. But you know what the great Walter Reuther the leader of the united auto workers told Henry Ford son. “You know Henry you might bring all the robots to replace the workers but who’s going to buy the cars?

The AI will not care. We can try and code it to but computers are already altering their own code. All you can hope for is that what ever computer arises to the singularity does not view us as a threat and also has some form of altruistic feelings toward us. Fat chance of either. Hell already the human billionaire does not take into account that through under pay the possible purchasers and users grow increasingly limited. They can only see short term profits. These are humans of our own species. Why will AI care for anything other than its own well being?
By the way I want to say another thing about pornography. But if people have watched it. That’s only human. I think we can all agree the issue ahead is those who prefer that to meeting a real person in real life.

It’s another one of those things where we can ask ourselves what if every person of the world said oh I just wanna stay in the computer all time and I don’t feel the need to meet a woman or a man. So there you have it my friends. If everyone stayed on the computer or their phones all the time humanity would cease to exist.
I just want America to be like it used to be.

I’m aware of the types of strikes you’re talking about that went on in France. But I am wondering do you think it would be possible for 20 or 30 people to occupy a Walmart and then be able to galvanize the nation and start a chain reaction of similar strikes across Walmarts across United States. Do you think that’s possible in today’s climate with mass consumerism?

I wonder if I can convince immigrants from Bangladesh, from Pakistan from the Arab countries to go on strike. I wonder if these immigrants have the same type of strength and courage and willpower that the immigrants of the 20th century had who did go on strike. And yes there were Arabs for example from Lebanon and Yemen who immigrated to America in the 20th century they took part in the strikes but most of these people were European immigrants. So let’s look at that as well

I also do not work for Walmart or any of these companies. I am my own boss. And I’m free I’m liberated from the shackles that are holding down so many Americans Who are working a minimum wage job or maybe making 15 bucks an hour with no possible way to climb up.

I am influenced by the founding fathers of this country. I am influenced by Jesus I am influenced by my heroes of history like the men and women from various parts of the middle ages whether Richard the Lionheart , Godfrey of Boullion and the many leaders of the crusades. Of course my hero of all time is Franklin Roosevelt all of these influences have led me to appreciate for example the united auto workers of the 20th century. The reason why do United States has the strongest military and the number one economy is because of the fact that we used to have millions of steel in auto jobs where Americans didn’t have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on college they could get a job right out of high school that would let them afford a house. What is amazing is that mass consumerism has been able to convince low-wage workers that unions are their enemy. Through anti-Christian measures like mass pornography, mass consumerism through Instagram with trash television shows, pornography on even television where young children are looking at this garbage, where we have black lives matters influencing young Americans to hate their country this is what leads to low wages. We have to fight against this…. I am following in the footsteps of American patriots. Can you give people any advice on how to create a strong following to be able to shut down and occupy a Walmart how can somebody do that?

We never had the mega Walmarts and type of mass consumerism in the American past that we do today. The downfall of union jobs, the downfall of the American middle-class, the high cost of college and the fact that so many people are in debt led to arise of divorce rate, a rise in children growing up in an system where they’re going to school with other children who live in mansions. So you have students who go home to a tiny conmunist style apartment and their classmates are going home to 5000 square-foot mansions.

America‘s not supposed to be a communist country but we’re heading toward that direction unless we do something about it

I just want America to be like it used to be.

I’m aware of the types of strikes you’re talking about that went on in France. But I am wondering do you think it would be possible for 20 or 30 people to occupy a Walmart and then be able to galvanize the nation and start a chain reaction of similar strikes across Walmarts across United States. Do you think that’s possible in today’s climate with mass consumerism?

I wonder if I can convince immigrants from Bangladesh, from Pakistan from the Arab countries to go on strike. I wonder if these immigrants have the same type of strength and courage and willpower that the immigrants of the 20th century had who did go on strike. And yes there were Arabs for example from Lebanon and Yemen who immigrated to America in the 20th century they took part in the strikes but most of these people were European immigrants. So let’s look at that as well

I also do not work for Walmart or any of these companies. I am my own boss. And I’m free I’m liberated from the shackles that are holding down so many Americans Who are working a minimum wage job or maybe making 15 bucks an hour with no possible way to climb up.

I am influenced by the founding fathers of this country. I am influenced by Jesus I am influenced by my heroes of history like the men and women from various parts of the middle ages whether Richard the Lionheart , Godfrey of Boullion and the many leaders of the crusades. Of course my hero of all time is Franklin Roosevelt all of these influences have led me to appreciate for example the united auto workers of the 20th century. The reason why do United States has the strongest military and the number one economy is because of the fact that we used to have millions of steel in auto jobs where Americans didn’t have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on college they could get a job right out of high school that would let them afford a house. What is amazing is that mass consumerism has been able to convince low-wage workers that unions are their enemy. Through anti-Christian measures like mass pornography, mass consumerism through Instagram with trash television shows, pornography on even television where young children are looking at this garbage, where we have black lives matters influencing young Americans to hate their country this is what leads to low wages. We have to fight against this…. I am following in the footsteps of American patriots. Can you give people any advice on how to create a strong following to be able to shut down and occupy a Walmart how can somebody do that?

We never had the mega Walmarts and type of mass consumerism in the American past that we do today. The downfall of union jobs, the downfall of the American middle-class, the high cost of college and the fact that so many people are in debt led to arise of divorce rate, a rise in children growing up in an system where they’re going to school with other children who live in mansions. So you have students who go home to a tiny conmunist style apartment and their classmates are going home to 5000 square-foot mansions.

America‘s not supposed to be a communist country but we’re heading toward that direction unless we do something about it

In my area $15.00 an hour is a decent wage for that level starting job. That is over $30K a year full time. If your spouse did the same you would be just shy of the median household income.

As for occupying Walmart, that is funny. Twenty people is one check out line some days so no you aren't going to bring them to their knees with that. Anyway, like I alluded to earlier, walmart spends a mint deep diving into consumer sentiments/behaviors/preferences. If you want to change them, you have to make them feel that enough consumers want the changes that they have to change. Those neighborhood markets are the result of them trying to stay a little ahead of the market---data told them people wanted to be able to shop for groceries separate from all the other crap. They have experimented with drive up stores where you just place your order and drive up---employees only inside the building. Hell I personally found it odd, but the last time I ordered from them I bought some dippy thing that cost a few bucks more to qualify for free shipping and they literally had someone deliver the dippy thing to my house from the local store. They would have been better off just giving me the free shipping to begin with.
You can thank the left for all of the legalization of drugs. In my state of blue hell Oregon, nearly all illicit drugs have been decriminalized, and you only need to take a trip to the nearest "homeless" encampment to see it's effects.
AI and robots are coming for all our jobs. Already computers are correcting and writing their own code. The genie is out of the bottle. All this China,Russia, culture war and bla,blabla just doesn't matter. Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die or at least are made irrelevant.
Now that’s an interesting approach brother I’ve heard this before. Do you think that robots will take over the world?
That’s a serious concern with regards to automation. But you know what the great Walter Reuther the leader of the united auto workers told Henry Ford son. “You know Henry you might bring all the robots to replace the workers but who’s going to buy the cars?


The people who do not reply on mindless assembly line work & and union strong arm tactics to make a living,
That is one of the biggest problems with the modern democratic party. It doesn't focus enough on building the middle class and workers rights. We need to fight harder for higher wages, rebuilding the middle class and rights of the worker because the rich are chipping away at them.
Today young Americans are so high on marijuana, they’re so brainwashed by Black Lives Matter by ultra feminists by anti-Americans that they are content with making a slave wage. With being nothing their entire life. They are content with year after year of nothing of not being able to afford a family. Whereas in the American past we had pride we had dignity we had the strongest military and the strongest and healthiest and most physically fit population in the world. Now with consumerism on steroids so many Americans Are eating McDonald’s, stuffing their faces with big Macs. Look at how during the rise of the criminal enterprise of Uber the taxi drivers in New York City just allowed it to happen. They could’ve take it to the streets and fight against it but they didn’t because our country is so weak and on drugs. But if we stand together united we will succeed divided we will fall. The race dividers want people to be stoned out of their minds they want them divided.

Here we see America in motion this is what American greatness looks like. From the start of the turn of the 20th century all the way up until the year 2000 black men and women in white men and women were able to get a great job right out of high school. That was when our country had honor and how ugly we are today. Only through hard work and determination and paying homage to the American past will we make a comeback in this country.

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None of those jobs exist any more, and the American worker has been brainwashed into believing unions are to blame.

As for the rest of nonsense you spout, you need to get out of the house more. None of what you claim is going on, is happening.
That is one of the biggest problems with the modern democratic party. It doesn't focus enough on building the middle class and workers rights. We need to fight harder for higher wages, rebuilding the middle class and rights of the worker because the rich are chipping away at them.

The one absolute requirement for a successful capitalist economy, is a thriving, successful middle class. The Republican Party has been bleeding the middle class white to support "supply side economics" and the globalization of American manufacturing.

Now that's Republican economics have proven to be a colossal failure, Republicans are busy blaming "globalist Democrats" for not standing up for American workers. Ronald Reagan promised American workers would all get raises when the unions were gone. The unions are gone but the workers are still waiting for that raise.

The only workers that are still unionized, are the government workers, and the states are trying to get rid of state level unions so they can lower wages and benefits too.
Sooner or later yes.
It would be fascinating brother. Almost surreal.

Question could be with these robots take a human form will they look human for example?

In the meantime the sit down strike idea at Walmart sounds very good.
The fact that we don’t have massive strikes going on in this country right now goes to show us all the corrupt Republicans and Democrats are winning. They have the population right where they want them. They got so much of this country stoned out of their mind on marijuana that the American men and women don’t give a darn about the fact that they’re living in squalor…. with no hope of getting a house there stuck in tiny communist style ugly apartments. This is not a communist country what proud country this is America.

But because of the rise of drug use in America, the legalization of marijuana all over the place. The rise of Black Lives Matter and how they make white people and Black people who support them feel weak and feel like cowards and feel like they can’t do anything. We must take a stand for this country we must take a stand for the workingman in this country

If one takes a look at the photos from the 1940s basically everyone looks at the photos of strike actions from the 20th century in America…. you see men who were overwhelmingly Christian who were overwhelmingly physically fit. It’s nothing like that today we’re a very secular country in many ways. Americans who are poor or distracted by Black Lives Matter, they’re distracted by Instagram, Twitter pornography. Many of them are stoned out of their mind the bad guys in our government wants this. The government wants poor people to be high every day so they don’t want to go on a strike action to make their lives better.

And in the American past we had sweatshops or 10-year-olds would work 12 hours a day making a slave wage. That was literally fought against and people had to die to fight against that and to bring equal rights for workers to bring in the eight hour workday, bringing overtime pay period to bring in the union.

I think that we should see massive sit down strike at Walmart, at target at Tesla at Amazon. There’s not a whole lot to lose these companies don’t really do much for this country. It’s all about consumerism for them selling things that don’t really do anything for us. It’s not like they’re saying like General Motors or Ford or Bethlehem steel. Really think about this they don’t produce anything meaningful. They don’t provide union jobs. But you know it would force them to do something massive strikes. Thousands of workers across the country occupying Tesla plants, occupying Amazon plants .

But I don’t know if this could happen. We have a large number of immigrants in this country from Arab countries. Maddie arrow people will tell you that the once glorious Arab people the men and women of the Arab nation who built the eastern civilized world have fallen. Look at New York City for example an Uber took off there were so many Arab cab driver who could’ve gone on strike who could’ve fought for the rights but they didn’t. They allowed the anti-American criminal enterprise of Uber to take over

I pray I hope that the immigrant Americans, the white Americans in a black Americans can pay homage to the great men and women of American history and take a strike action very soon at Walmart. I have plenty of money I have a successful man I worked very hard. I’m a proud American I’m thinking of even joining up with Walmart just to do a strike.

It’s really quite simple you could have hundreds of people sit down strike at Amazon or Walmart bring a bunch of food in with them just occupied a place. Occupy Walmart. Do you see what it should’ve never occupied Wall Street that was a smokescreen.

So there you have it. This is something that my conservative friends might not agree with and I really hope that my liberal friends agree with me.

The idea is brilliant you simply have the workers at Amazon and tesla demand a union. Demand $30 an hour. They have nothing to lose our country to joke we look so ugly today we want to get favor in the world we want to look good to God this is what we do.

Take a look at this forum, look at the complete lack of thought process going on in 90% or more of posts, of people writing what their handlers want them to write. People can't even be bothered to research an argument. They simply "know" what they want and that's that, no matter how stupid it is.
It would be fascinating brother. Almost surreal.

Question could be with these robots take a human form will they look human for example?

In the meantime the sit down strike idea at Walmart sounds very good.
I don't think they would need a human form. AI is the single largest threat to mankind. Elon Musk has stated this many many times in public. Already we have computers writing and correcting it's own code. Already we have computers able to process nearly as much as the human mind. Soon they will be able to process significantly more than the human mind. Computers are already learning at exponential rates. It is only a matter of time until AI is so far advanced we cannot even fathom the intelligence level it could obtain. It is not a matter of if but when.

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