Fetterman Sues To Allow Un-Dated / Mis-Dated Votes To Count Then Warns Vote Counting Could Take Days


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Fetterman and Democrats are already attempting to rig the election and give themselves all the time they need to see how many votes Fetterman is behind then produce enough for him to miraculously come from behind and win.

Does everyone see what the underlying message is here?

Democrats assume that stupid and incompetent voters are virtually all Democrats. If ballots are defective, THEY NEED TO BE COUNTED!

If they actually thought what they say all the time about R's being stupid, they would be trying to BLOCK improper ballots, envelopes, etc.
If Oz falls below a 2% lead over this cretin he hasn't a chance in hell of winning, he should win by much higher percentages than that but he will not as most of Pennsylvania is now solidly enslaved to the fascist democrats, particularly Philly, he cannot fall below that 2% margin because they will just shut the drapes in those nakedly corrupt districts and just continue on counting ballots until the manufacture the result they want!
Found more ballots.jpg
Fetterman and Democrats are already attempting to rig the election and give themselves all the time they need to see how many votes Fetterman is behind then produce enough for him to miraculously come from behind and win.

The only people who want to do that are people seeking to steal an election via voter fraud.
Fetterman and Democrats are already attempting to rig the election and give themselves all the time they need to see how many votes Fetterman is behind then produce enough for him to miraculously come from behind and win.

I don't mean to make fun of voters on the other side but democrats seem to be awfully stupid when it comes to dating or misdating vote ballots. You never hear of Republican voters doing this. More reason to vote in person if you want your vote counted, unless you have people like Fetterman on your side.
Count the mail in ballots as they arrive. Waiting a week to count all the mail ins is total bullshit.

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