
well, there is this:

John Fetterman ā€˜has no work restrictionsā€™ as he recovers from stroke, PA Senate hopefulā€™s doctor says​

Kevin Breuninger@KEVINWILLIAMB

Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman ā€œhas no work restrictions and can work full duty in public officeā€ as the Democratic Senate candidate recovers from a debilitating stroke, his primary care physician said.

Fetterman ā€œis recovering well from his stroke and his health has continued to improve,ā€ wrote Dr. Clifford Chen of Duquesne, Pennsylvania, in a note shared by the candidateā€™s campaign Wednesday morning.

ā€œHe spoke intelligently without cognitive deficitsā€ during a follow-up visit on Friday, Chen wrote. ā€œOccasionally words he will ā€˜missā€™ which seems like he doesnā€™t hear the word but it is actually not processed properly.ā€

The doctorā€™s assessment came as Fettermanā€™s auditory processing ability has drawn questions about the candidateā€™s health in the late stages of the campaign.

In recent interviews, Fetterman has used a teleprompter to provide live closed captioning in order to fully understand the questions being asked of him. The Democrat will use the same visual aid next week in his one and only debate against Dr. Mehmet Oz, a Republican backed by former President Donald Trump.

ā€œUnfortunately for Dr. Oz, Iā€™m ready to serve and continue to get better every single day,ā€ Fetterman said in a news release.
John Fetterman 'has no work restrictions' as he recovers from stroke, PA Senate hopeful's doctor says

but then again - it's not like the letter claimed that 'if he were elected, he will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the senate ' like donny's physician did.... oh wait, that doctor CONfessed that trump told him to write that.
OK, release his medical records. A letter from his doctor is not going to cut it.

Youā€™re in the cult, buddy.

You are literally sitting here shilling for a braindead clot shot stroke victim and claiming he is mentally fit.

He is dumber than a box of rocks. But you propagandists have to pretend otherwise. I suppose at this point it isnā€™t difficult for you to believe the nonsense you are spewing. I am willing to bet that you also believe in ā€œtrans rightsā€ and believe people can change genders.
Please provide us with some specific reasons you believe that Dr. Oz is horrible.

Well. I suppose we could start with his double talkin jive about being pro 2nd Amendment.

From his campaign web site...

''As a proud gun-owner, Dr. Oz is a firm believer in the Second Amendment and our constitutional right to bear arms for protection. He opposes anti-gun measures like red flag laws and liberal gun grabs. Dr. Oz knows we cannot compromise our ability to protect ourselves.

Dr. Oz believes every law-abiding American citizen should be allowed to buy the gun of their desire...''

From his pre-campaign op-eds, however....

''Reinstitute the assault rifle ban: A national assault weapons ban was signed into law in 1994. It was allowed to expire 10 years later. Since then, approximately 1.3 million assault rifles have been sold each year, along with 8 to 15 billion rounds of ammunition.

The good news is that since the ban expired, on a state-by-state basis, registrations, background checks and progress in licensing have reduced assault-style rifle access for people with criminal records (such as domestic abuse). But national legislation would be good.

Here's more good news: The will of the people is beginning to be heard. Of U.S. voters, 70% support banning high-capacity magazines and 68% support banning all assault-style weapons. Background checks on all gun sales are favored by 88% (69% of NRA members, too!), and 78% favor creating a national database with information about each gun sale. Seventy-eight percent of voters support a mandatory waiting period of three days after a gun purchase before it can be taken home.

''Let's all work together to stop this waste of lives and resources. The New Zealand parliament managed to pass legislation banning most semi-automatic and military-style weapons complete with a buy-back program, in just nine days after a mass shooting that killed 51 at two mosques in Christchurch. Their hope is to get as many of these assault weapons off their streets ASAP. Can we?''

(c)2019 Michael Roizen, M.D. and Mehmet Oz, M.D.

About that New Zealand gun ban that Oz referenced in support of his anti-liberty position...

Of course, that's only one thing. How deep down rabbit hole do you wanna go?
Although many disagree, it is possible to be consistent in supporting a right to bear arms and yet oppose possession of certain types of weapons.

It is not possible, however, to both support and oppose fracking.
Although many disagree, it is possible to be consistent in supporting a right to bear arms and yet oppose possession of certain types of weapons.
He clearly states on his own campaign web site that...

Dr. Oz believes every law-abiding American citizen should be allowed to buy the gun of their desire...''

Not too long ago, in his pre-campaign op-eds, he openly and eagerly contradicted this...

To repeat...

''The New Zealand parliament managed to pass legislation banning most semi-automatic and military-style weapons complete with a buy-back program, in just nine days after a mass shooting that killed 51 at two mosques in Christchurch. Their hope is to get as many of these assault weapons off their streets ASAP. Can we?''

''The good news is that since the ban expired, on a state-by-state basis, registrations, background checks and progress in licensing have reduced assault-style rifle access for people with criminal records (such as domestic abuse). But national legislation would be good.

Here's more good news: The will of the people is beginning to be heard. Of U.S. voters, 70% support banning high-capacity magazines and 68% support banning all assault-style weapons.''

Double talkin jive is double talking jive.

Intellectually honest people don't openly contend that people should be able to buy a weapon of their choice out of one side of their mouth while openly calling for that choice to be removed at the barrel of a government gun out of the other side of their mouth.
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He clearly states on his own campaign web site that...

Dr. Oz believes every law-abiding American citizen should be allowed to buy the gun of their desire...''

Not too long ago in his pre-campaign op-eds he openly and eagerly contracted this view.

To repeat...

''The New Zealand parliament managed to pass legislation banning most semi-automatic and military-style weapons complete with a buy-back program, in just nine days after a mass shooting that killed 51 at two mosques in Christchurch. Their hope is to get as many of these assault weapons off their streets ASAP. Can we?''

''The good news is that since the ban expired, on a state-by-state basis, registrations, background checks and progress in licensing have reduced assault-style rifle access for people with criminal records (such as domestic abuse). But national legislation would be good.

Here's more good news: The will of the people is beginning to be heard. Of U.S. voters, 70% support banning high-capacity magazines and 68% support banning all assault-style weapons.''

Double talkin jive is double talking jive...

Fetterman on consistency: I strongly support that which I oppose and I strongly oppose that which I support.

So, try again later. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£

Fetterman on consistency: I strongly support that which I oppose and I strongly oppose that which I support.

So, try again later. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£

Okay. So you're not really interested in the reality of the situation.

Lesser of two evils it is then. Good luck with that. And here I was thinking that you might have stood for something.

I, for one, will continue to stick with my principles. At the very least, there's honor in that. I'm confident that they align with the intent of the Framers rather than the hurry up and say what you have to say to try to get elected so we can bend em over nice and good later crowd.

At least the commies demonstrate the common courtesy to be consistent in their opposition to the right of an American to buy the gun of their choice.

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Okay. So you're not really interested in the reality of the situation.

Lesser of two evils it is then. Good luck with that. And here I was thinking that you might have stood for something.

I, for one, will continue to stick with my principles. At the very least, there's honor in that. I'm confident that they align with the intent of the Framers rather than the hurry up and say what you have to say to try to get elected so we can bend em over nice and good later crowd.

At least the commies demonstrate the common courtesy to be consistent in their opposition to the right of an American to buy the gun of their choice.

Your analysis is erroneous. And youā€™re a hack.
Your analysis is erroneous. And youā€™re a hack.

Well, as I've mentioned to you every other time you've called me a hack.

The Bull Ring is that way ----------->

I like to learn. So learn me, winger. I'll be in the neighborhood...
Well, as I've mentioned to you every other time you've called me a hack.

The Bull Ring is that way ----------->

I like to learn. So learn me, winger. I'll be in the neighborhood...
And as I keep telling you, post properly and intelligently and I wonā€™t have to spank you in public in any other forum, ya pathetic libtard.
And as I keep telling you, post properly and intelligently and I wonā€™t have to spank you in public in any other forum, ya pathetic libtard.

Heh heh. My man, I don't know what world you live in, but you had way, way too much to dream last night if you think you can ''spank'' me in any area of topical debate. I've read your posts. You're about as consistent as a crooked pecker.

Anyway. Good luck with your gun grab, winger. I'll give you the last word...
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I donā€™t own a gun but I support gun rights. The second Amendment
Heh heh. My man, I don't know what world you live in, but you had too much to dream last night if you think you can spank me in any area of topical debate. I've read your posts. You're about as consistent as a crooked pecker.

Anyway. Good luck with your gun grab, winger. I'll give you the last word...
you couldnā€™t punch your way out of a ripped and drenched paper bag.

Youā€™re less than a flea on an elephantā€™s ass.

Seriously, youā€™re beyond weak. Youā€™re crippled.
Well. I suppose we could start with his double talkin jive about being pro 2nd Amendment.

From his campaign web site...

''As a proud gun-owner, Dr. Oz is a firm believer in the Second Amendment and our constitutional right to bear arms for protection. He opposes anti-gun measures like red flag laws and liberal gun grabs. Dr. Oz knows we cannot compromise our ability to protect ourselves.

Dr. Oz believes every law-abiding American citizen should be allowed to buy the gun of their desire...''

From his pre-campaign op-eds, however....

''Reinstitute the assault rifle ban: A national assault weapons ban was signed into law in 1994. It was allowed to expire 10 years later. Since then, approximately 1.3 million assault rifles have been sold each year, along with 8 to 15 billion rounds of ammunition.

The good news is that since the ban expired, on a state-by-state basis, registrations, background checks and progress in licensing have reduced assault-style rifle access for people with criminal records (such as domestic abuse). But national legislation would be good.

Here's more good news: The will of the people is beginning to be heard. Of U.S. voters, 70% support banning high-capacity magazines and 68% support banning all assault-style weapons. Background checks on all gun sales are favored by 88% (69% of NRA members, too!), and 78% favor creating a national database with information about each gun sale. Seventy-eight percent of voters support a mandatory waiting period of three days after a gun purchase before it can be taken home.

''Let's all work together to stop this waste of lives and resources. The New Zealand parliament managed to pass legislation banning most semi-automatic and military-style weapons complete with a buy-back program, in just nine days after a mass shooting that killed 51 at two mosques in Christchurch. Their hope is to get as many of these assault weapons off their streets ASAP. Can we?''

(c)2019 Michael Roizen, M.D. and Mehmet Oz, M.D.

About that New Zealand gun ban that Oz referenced in support of his anti-liberty position...

Of course, that's only one thing. How deep down rabbit hole do you wanna go?
I'll try again, how does any of that make Dr. Oz horrible? He certainly wouldn't be my first choice but how is he horrible? Go for it!
I'll try again, how does any of that make Dr. Oz horrible? He certainly wouldn't be my first choice but how is he horrible? Go for it!

Well wait a minute. You don't get the luxury of playing twenty questions here without any responsibility of defending your own case. That's not how functional debate works.

There is no ''I'll try again''

I did not in any way avoid your question, so don't pretend that I did. Nor would I. I gave you but one example thus far.

So, if you don't mind, please put at least some remedial effort into telling me what is wrong with my view on his pre-campaign position with regard to the first example I provided.

How does it make him good? How does openly contending that America should follow New Zealand's model of banning high capacity magazines and what he deems ''assault rifles'' make him electable and trustworthy to uphold his oath to protect and defend the constitution?

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Why get all worked up about it . Pennsylvania learned how to steal elections in at least 2020 . What happened to stop the steal since then.
Why get all worked up about it . Pennsylvania learned how to steal elections in at least 2020 . What happened to stop the steal since then.

I'm not getting worked up. I don't even live in PA.

I just think that principles are rather important and that if we're gonna have the discussion, people should have the courage to put their principles where their mouth is and demonstrate and accept responsibility for defending what it actually is that they're really standing for. That's what men do. Especially at a time when the trend seems to indicate a concerted effort by New York liberals to infiltrate the red side of the duopoly and to run and elect these so-called ''lessers of two evils'' because they know they'll tend to vote with progressives/dems in terms of all of the anti-liberty legislation.
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Well wait a minute. You don't get the luxury of playing twenty questions here without any responsibility of defending your own case. That's not how functional debate works.

There is no ''I'll try again''

I did not in any way avoid your question, so don't pretend that I did. Nor would I. I gave you but one example thus far.

So, if you don't mind, please put at least some remedial effort into telling me what is wrong with my view on his pre-campaign position with regard to the first example I provided.

How does it make him good? How does openly contending that America should follow New Zealand's model of banning high capacity magazines and what he deems ''assault rifles'' make him electable and trustworthy to uphold his oath to protect and defend the constitution?

Sorry my good friend. You have yet to explain to us how that makes him horrible. Your words, not mine.
Sorry my good friend. You have yet to explain to us how that makes him horrible. Your words, not mine.

You're clearly not interested in functional debate. I couldn't have been any more clear.

Given that you've side-stepped functional participation in your own invitation for debate yet again, I really see no point in wasting my time any further.

As I said to the other one. Good luck with your gun grabbing. Again, at least the commies are intellectually honest enough to own up to their intent. One can at least respect intellectual honesty.
He showed last night that he is compromised for sure. My point prior to the debate happening was that his reliance on CC if that's all that was wrong with him is no different than a deaf person and we wouldnt nor should we disqualify someone because they are deaf.
...but that isnt whats wrong with him. He said it himself. He said that he thought the words on the screen were mixed around and had misspellings. They werent, as was corroborated by the people who bent over backwards to make sure that everything was perfect. He is severely compromised.

Also, deaf people shouldnt hold seats in positions like these. Sorry, but this job isnt for everyone. You need to perform at a high standard. They are too important.

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