
why not? lest ye ferget - the good people of PA know him.

it's only been 5 months since his stroke. he's mending AND continues to progress. this is not permanent, but thanx for yer discrimination.
I didn't realize you were his neurologist.

It unfortunate for him that he had a stroke. It's unfortunate that he hasnt had enough time to recover. He should have bowed out of the race to recover and run again if/when that happens.

"After six months, improvements are possible but will be much slower. Most stroke patients reach a relatively steady state at this point. For some, this means a full recovery. Others will have ongoing impairments, also called chronic stroke disease."

How long should we expect the people of PA to endure a Senator who is compromised? This is who Fetterman is now for the most part. While it's unfortunate it is also the truth.
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why not? lest ye ferget - the good people of PA know him.

it's only been 5 months since his stroke. he's mending AND continues to progress. this is not permanent, but thanx for yer discrimination.

Yeah, the people of Braddock are wondering what happened to the money he got for redevelopment of the town.

The town LOST 40 percent of its population under his mayorship.

A sure sign that you are popular.

he's nothing but a slick snake oil salesman. no wonder donny endorsed him.

View attachment 718602
Mo Med. 2015 Sep-Oct; 112(5): 332–333.

What’s Wrong With Dr. Oz?​

...During another show, Oz interviewed Dr. Mosaraf Ali, the miracle healer to Sylvester Stallone, Prince Charles of England, and others, regarding his use of iridology. According to this widely debunked, bizarre belief, each part of the iris corresponds to a specific area of the body, and a person’s state of health can be diagnosed by examining particular regions of the iris.4 After expressing his amazement at Dr. Ali’s diagnostic abilities, Oz stated, “I want to applaud Doctor Mosaraf Ali because these are ancient traditions and they have been around for centuries so who am I to dismiss them?”5

Who? Oz is a trained clinician and scientist, someone who can read a scientific article with a critical eye. He is someone who can filter out the noise of the placebo effect or discern the simple carnival tricks of a charlatan. The problem is that most people in his audience cannot.

Some observers of this spectacle have had enough. In 2013, Forbes magazine published a list of Oz’s “Five Wackiest Medical Beliefs.”2

In an influential 2013 article for The New Yorker, Michael Specter asked rhetorically, “Is the most trusted doctor in America doing more harm than good?”6

In 2014, a Senate subcommittee grilled Oz regarding his unfounded claims about miraculous dietary supplements.7 Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill, demonstrating some Show Me State bluntness, scolded Oz: “I don’t know why you need to say this stuff, because you know it’s not true. Why—when you have this amazing megaphone and this amazing ability to communicate—would you cheapen your show by saying things like that?”7 On April 15, 2015, ten prominent physicians sent a letter to Columbia University calling Oz’s faculty position there unacceptable and citing his “egregious lack of integrity.”8

Although the scientific community has turned against Oz, the unfortunate reality is that he is perceived as a scientific authority by millions of people who receive their relationship advice from Dr. Phil and, presumably, their time-travelling advice from Dr. Who.

Simply put, Oz is an entertainer. Many believe he is doing great harm by preventing or delaying proper diagnosis, providing false hope, and encouraging people to waste money on useless treatments. As far as I am concerned, the wackier he gets, the easier it is to logically debunk his claims.
What’s Wrong With Dr. Oz?: Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkle Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs* IS the Wizard of Oz

...But during the show’s run from 2009 to 2021, Oz provided a platform for potentially dangerous products and fringe viewpoints, aimed at millions of viewers, according to medical experts, public health organizations and federal health guidance. Among the treatments that Oz promoted were HCG, garcinia cambogia — an herbal weight-loss product the FDA has said can cause liver damage — and selenium — a trace mineral needed for normal body functioning — for cancer prevention.
“He spouts unproven treatments for things and supposed ways to maintain and regain health,” said Henry I. Miller, one of 10 physicians who in 2015 tried to have Oz removed from the faculty at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. Miller described Oz, in his view, as someone who has been an advocate of “quack cures.”

^^^ THAT ^^^
You have yet to show how he is horrible. Your defense for calling Dr. Oz horrible is filled with words such as "potential, supposed, can cause" and other such nonsense. As I have said, he's not my prime choice, BUT here is what you support.


Published October 12, 2022 12:00pm EDT

10 convicted first-degree murderers John Fetterman helped release from prison

Fetterman positions on crime have come under scrutiny in PA Senate race​

oz was pro choice b4 he wasn't. oz was anti fracking b4 he was for it.

Published October 25, 2022 8:53pm EDT

Fetterman stumbles during debate when questioned about flip-flop on support for fracking

Fetterman said in 2018, 'I don't support fracking, at all'​

By Kyle Morris | Fox News

did covfefe tell you that?

There are currently two sitting Senators who are recovered stroke victims and you'd never know it.

I have friends who had strokes and fully recovered.

Fetterman is young. He has already recovered well and is improving daily
And, when and if Fetterman is fully recovered, he can run on his own miserable record. The cruelty exhibited by his wife loved ones, and followers forcing him to run is sickening. Not at all unlike those surrounding the mentally disabled President Biden. Doesn't the Democrat Party profess that they are the party of compassion, love, and the tender-hearted?
There are currently two sitting Senators who are recovered stroke victims and you'd never know it.

I have friends who had strokes and fully recovered.

Fetterman is young. He has already recovered well and is improving daily

Well, then when he's fully recovered he can run again.

Voting for the man while his cognitive abilities are clearly affected would be a monumentally stupid thing to do...
Bullshit. He's fine

Compared to the adolescent minded people that vote for Democrats he is certainly ”fine”. He leaves much to be desired to us fully functional adults.
Even as a slightly impaired recovering stroke victim he is head and shoulders above that carpetbagger fraud Oz
Come on. Fetterman was a disaster in that debate. Whether you agree with Oz's politics or not you cant honestly say he did more poorly than Fetterman.
Come on. Fetterman was a disaster in that debate. Whether you agree with Oz's politics or not you cant honestly say he did more poorly than Fetterman.
Ya mean the part where Oz said abortion should be between a woman, her doctor, and LOCAL POLITICAL OFFICIALS?
Ya mean the part where Oz said abortion should be between a woman, her doctor, and LOCAL POLITICAL OFFICIALS
That’s not what he said. But even if he did at least he was able to express his ideas. Unlike Fetterman.

“There should not be involvement from the federal government in how states decide their abortion decisions. As a physician, I’ve been in the room when there’s some difficult conversations happening. I don’t want the federal government involved with that at all. I want women, doctors, local political leaders, letting the democracy that’s always allowed our nation to thrive to put the best ideas forward so states can decide for themselves.”

Thats the actual quote. Everyone other than the most partisan hacks understand that he“s saying it’s an issue for the States to decide. But you keep hacking.
“the I want women, doctors, AND LOCAL POLITICAL LEADERS”

Taking about abortion.

Interesting that you have to interpret for him while complaining that Fetterman can’t express himself well enough for you

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