Fetuses cannot breathe

So since a fetus at 20 weeks can live outside the womb ( more like 16 weeks) you have no problem establishing that as the cut off for when abortions can be carried out?

Hey...I'd be very cool with that...I'm a first trimester kind of guy, but if you want to go another month to put this topic to bed? I'm with you!

Wait....is this in all cases? Because in the case of rape and incest, I'm a little more lenient...and in the case of the health of the mother... I say it's Mom's choice no matter how late.....seniority, ya know?
fetuses cannot breathe

just because an aborted fetus moves it does not mean it is breathing. It cannot breath on it's own because it's lungs are not developed enough to breath. That is why premature babies oaf put on ventilators until their lungs are developed. It moves and appear to breath because it is taking in oxygen by way of the umbilical cord. It moves long before it is viable out side the womb. “it" is not a living being until it takes it first breath. Improper disposal of a human fetus is illegal.

when does life began?

new international version (©2011)
gen 2;7....."then the lord god formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being"

who knows better than the creator of man when life begins? :confused:

and btw it's called metaphor..the breath of life starts as soon as the fetus starts to develop.. that is the divine breath of life

Now wait a second.... fundamentalists want to go by literal verse on everything. When did the rules change on this?

Just because an aborted fetus moves it does not mean it is breathing. It cannot breath on it's own because it's lungs are not developed enough to breath. That is why premature babies oaf put on ventilators until their lungs are developed. It moves and appear to breath because it is taking in oxygen by way of the umbilical cord. It moves long before it is viable out side the womb. “It" is not a living being until it takes it first breath. Improper disposal of a human fetus is illegal.

When does life began?

New International Version (©2011)
Gen 2;7....."Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being"

Who knows better than the creator of man when life begins? :confused:

It may try to breathe, but as the lungs are not developed, it may not. guess that is why some doctors let it die, because they think there is no way it could have taken a breath - but what if it did?
And the left continues to ignore science.

I love this. Look, eventually fetal viability will be pushed back to fertilization. That is, the zygote will be "collectible" for implantation in another woman or - further along - in an artificial uterus. We can do the first already, although not with guaranteed results on each try.

The second option is coming, I'm sure there are various medical/chemical/biological specialists working on the underlying technologies. The question becomes price: Who's going to pay for all this? Prospective parents can work out surrogate contracts with women, with varying results. The case law is moving forward on that.

Artificial uterus? I think early on it's going to be like the Mandatory Criminal Sentencing movement back when - the Reagan years? Everyone wanted to get tough on crime, them wussy judges weren't lopping off enough heads, & so schedules of sentences were worked up for various crimes, especially drug-related. Fast forward, & the prisons - state & federal - are bulging @ the seams, we're #1 in percentage of incarcerated population in the Industrialized World, & so on.

Just as no one wants to vote the money to run the prisons in an orderly manner - forget rehab, that's too expensive, no time, no budget, no personnel. I don't see the voters suddenly rushing to spread out the costs of an artifical uterus, the personnel, support, & so on.

For the immediate future, it's going to be Bio. 101 for bring children into the World. 'Course, those pesky Asian mini-tigers will probably charge ahead on the technology - they have the engineers, they're investing heavily in biotech, they don't mind working hard & getting their hands dirty. Yep, coupla decades, the Jet Set will be vacationing off to Singapore to decant their babies. Hmm, What do you get the curette that has everything? ...
When do Progressives develop a heart...or a brain? Ever?

What has always struck me as the strangest contradictions in the heart, mind and soul of a true progressive is exemplified in Mike Farrell (from MASH for the young among us).

Here's a man that is completely pro abortion but who has dedicated his life fighting the death penalty for murderers.

Farrell has campaigned for life for those that have committed the most heinous acts yet has not a worry about the deaths of millions of innocents in abortion mills.

I've never understood this position of progressives; and frankly I'm glad that I don't.

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