Fewer Americans Than Ever Trust The Mainstream Media

What`s the point of taking polls where a large percentage of the population believe the election was stolen from tramp? The opinions of morons are unimportant.
Half the voters are Republican and a majority of them believe the election was stolen. They believe it because they have seen evidence of fraud on UTube and TV and in post election audits, not because DJ Trump says so. Before his law license was suspended, Rudy Giuliani showed people lots of election fraud over and over in Pennsylvania and Michigan. Of course, the damn UTube has removed all that to try and hide it but we still remember what we saw.
Fewer Americans Than Ever Before Trust The Mainstream Media

The ones with the lowest credibility according to polls are CNN, MSNBC, The NY Times and The Washington Post. The LA Times is also not very credible.
It's funny, in a post yesterday I mentioned the same thing with the same cast of usual suspects and why it's just the far-left loons that pay them any mind.

I'll give the LA Times their props on one thing, they stuck with the company they hired that showed Trump winning over FRHC pretty much through the entire process when all the other major rags/usual suspects said she had it in the bag.
That's not news...that's hindsight.
Knowing who to trust has everything to do with personal honest hindsight. Admitting to yourself when you were misled is more crucial than anything else. If you can't do that then you will be blindsided by bullshit every time.
You can trust them to give you information, just don't trust them to supply you with a rational opinion, at least not while things are developing. It's not rocket surgery. When you quit being a reactionary to what comes out of your screen you will quit being controlled by what you watch. Just waiting a little while, even a day, before you form a solid opinion on something makes all the difference.
I generally wait days before I solidify a position. Thank you very much. I just don’t trust people who lie to me or sensationalize their stories. You seem okay with it.
Half the voters are Republican and a majority of them believe the election was stolen. They believe it because they have seen evidence of fraud on UTube and TV and in post election audits, not because DJ Trump says so. Before his law license was suspended, Rudy Giuliani showed people lots of election fraud over and over in Pennsylvania and Michigan. Of course, the damn UTube has removed all that to try and hide it but we still remember what we saw.
They have evidence that they`re not taking to a judge. Why is that? There are Trump appointed judges that might not laugh at them. Never mind, they threw the clowns out of their courtrooms too.
Newspapers today are a parody of what newspapers once were.

Broadcast "news"? Fortunate the business exists since people aren't reading books and without BN think of all the fiction writers who be suckling the public teat!
The media reports the news.
THE FUCK THEY DO, BUTTHOLE. I just watched two hours of Sunday morning world news and all they talked about were insipid topics dancing around the Covid issue without one question investigating or doubting the contrast between what Joe SAID he would do last year and what he is actually DOING now, or not doing, not one question why with all this awareness and preparedness that Trump wasn't privy to at this late date, that still Biden couldn't keep Omicron out of here for no more than a week! From Africa! Not one question about Biddum's effect on the border, immigration, traffic, crime, inflation, Covid, food prices, energy, the 14,000 still in Afghanistan, NOTHING. It was nothing but TIME FILL, buttkiss, filling up time all the while painting Joe much as they tried to paint Obumma when in office--- as mere spectators watching the events of the world unfold, whereas with them, Trump, like the Sun was the CAUSE of everything, and not one of these fuckers even has the temerity to invite Joe onto the show to answer direct questions, unlike Trump who was on a show EVERY WEEK and was expected to have the answer from beginning to end on everything.

I don't know what I watched today, but it wasn't the news. It was more like a dog and pony show of misdirection. They didn't even ask any good or right questions about Covid. The media as we know it is no better than Pravda making up stories to legitimize and support their party.
I generally wait days before I solidify a position. Thank you very much. I just don’t trust people who lie to me or sensationalize their stories. You seem okay with it.
Then just read your news like I do. That way you are not distracted by all the crap they use to fill up 24 hours of airtime everyday.
THE FUCK THEY DO, BUTTHOLE. I just watched two hours of Sunday morning world news and all they talked about were insipid topics dancing around the Covid issue without one question investigating or doubting the contrast between what Joe SAID he would do last year and what he is actually DOING now, or not doing, not one question why with all this awareness and preparedness that Trump wasn't privy to at this late date, that still Biden couldn't keep Omicron out of here for no more than a week! From Africa! Not one question about Biddum's effect on the border, immigration, traffic, crime, inflation, Covid, food prices, energy, the 14,000 still in Afghanistan, NOTHING. It was nothing but TIME FILL, buttkiss, filling up time all the while painting Joe much as they tried to paint Obumma when in office--- as mere spectators watching the events of the world unfold, whereas with them, Trump, like the Sun was the CAUSE of everything, and not one of these fuckers even has the temerity to invite Joe onto the show to answer direct questions, unlike Trump who was on a show EVERY WEEK and was expected to have the answer from beginning to end on everything.

I don't know what I watched today, but it wasn't the news. It was more like a dog and pony show of misdirection. They didn't even ask any good or right questions about Covid. The media as we know it is no better than Pravda making up stories to legitimize and support their party.
Uh, well, the pandemic is news, whether you like it or not. And if you didn't like what you saw, you are free to change the channel. Sorry, but I see Biden getting a lot of criticism, some of it deserved, some of it unwarranted. But he is the guy at the top. He's taken a lot of lumps from everyone. I get it that you want to blame the guy with a "D" next to his name. But the truth is, the seeds of inflation, food prices, and even some of the energy price fluctuations had their roots in the last administration.

I'm curious, what questions about COVID would you like answered?..you know beyond the tired conspiracy theories, the fear mongering, the lies and misinformation, and constant need to find scapegoats? Biden is doing everything he said he would and more. Unless you'd like to see a gun held to the head of everyone who refuses to get vaccinated, then it won't do much good. Biden could no more keep the variant out of the US than Trump could have done preventing the virus from making it to our shores in the first place. The response to the virus is the difference in both men. Biden took/takes it seriously. Trump did not.
Uh, well, the pandemic is news, whether you like it or not.
Um, well, the pandemic is NOT news, if all you are doing is talking about it pushing an agenda while ignoring the important points and questions that need asked!

And if you didn't like what you saw, you are free to change the channel.
I did, to the RAV news channel! 😁 Still, if you don't check out the leftwing MSM, you don't know what a total blanket of BULL they are putting out hoping enough of us bite.

Sorry, but I see Biden getting a lot of criticism, some of it deserved, some of it unwarranted.
He isn't getting a TENTH, a HUNDREDTH the criticism he deserves, that he WOULD be getting if he were Trump. Exact same actions, just change the names and faces to see the Left do a 90/10 backpedal spin-about on their news coverage angle!
Um, well, the pandemic is NOT news, if all you are doing is talking about it pushing an agenda while ignoring the important points and questions that need asked!

I did, to the RAV news channel! 😁 Still, if you don't check out the leftwing MSM, you don't know what a total blanket of BULL they are putting out hoping enough of us bite.

He isn't getting a TENTH, a HUNDREDTH the criticism he deserves, that he WOULD be getting if he were Trump. Exact same actions, just change the names and faces to see the Left do a 90/10 backpedal spin-about on their news coverage angle!
Again, what questions would you like to ask?
The RAV channel?
Don't know what reality you live in but he's getting a shit ton of criticism.
Fewer Americans Than Ever Before Trust The Mainstream Media

The ones with the lowest credibility according to polls are CNN, MSNBC, The NY Times and The Washington Post. The LA Times is also not very credible.
Trust has been ebbing for decades but the media literally cut their own throats in their efforts to take Trump down. They dropped all pretenses at unbiased, honest coverage. They are so over, that small-time independents like Tim Pool, Joe Rogan, and a few others, draw more of an audience than CNN or MSNBC. Legacy media has gone the way of the Dodo.
Fewer Americans trust period. Look at the ratings of any institution or group. Epidemic ignorance is the issue.
Everyone that doesn't know the truth like YOU do, huh, Cletus?
So when the media is caught lying or twisting the truth to fit their agenda, we still need to trust them?

That may work in your world but when people lie to me, I tend not to trust them until they earn my trust back.

I long for the real liberals that used to be around, they said trust no one and question everything, those people no longer exist. Sad, that was an appealing trait of real liberals.
Men like Daniel Patrick Moynihan would not recognize the Democrat party of today and Reagan would want to puke over what the RNC has become.
Turn your TVs off for a month, shut your socials down for a month. See what it does to your mind and train of thought. I will do it every so often not usually a month but a couple of few weeks here n there. It helps you find your values without influence
No trust the government

No trust the Press

No trust the FBI

No trust the CIA

No trust the military

This country is fucked.
It`s the med
Trust has been ebbing for decades but the media literally cut their own throats in their efforts to take Trump down. They dropped all pretenses at unbiased, honest coverage. They are so over, that small-time independents like Tim Pool, Joe Rogan, and a few others, draw more of an audience than CNN or MSNBC. Legacy media has gone the way of the Dod
It`s the media`s fault that Trump was caught red handed trying to shake down a foreign leader in his scheme to rig the election for himself? The media also blamed Trump for his MAGA riot when everyone knew it was Pelosi who invited the violent loons to D.C.

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