Fewer people own more guns

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
A decreasing number of American gun owners own two-thirds of the nation's guns and as many as one-third of the guns on the planet -- even though they account for less than 1% of the world's population, according to a CNN analysis of gun ownership data.
There's a surprising decline in U.S. households with guns, study finds - The Globe and Mail
The share of U.S. households with guns has declined over the past four decades, a national survey shows, with some of the most surprising drops in the South and the Western mountain states, where guns are deeply embedded in the culture.

The gun ownership rate has fallen across a broad cross section of households since the early 1970s, according to data from the U.S. General Social Survey, a public opinion survey conducted every two years that asks a sample of American adults if they have guns at home, among other questions.
Chart of the Day: Gun Ownership is on a 30-Year Decline | Mother Jones
Paul Waldman, in the final installment of his epic series about guns and the NRA (nickel summary: the gun lobby isn't as influential as you think), provides us with a surprising chart. For the last 30 years, it turns out, gun ownership has dropped steadily. Today, only about 30% of households own a gun. Most of this is due to demographics. Apparently there was a big spurt in gun ownership in the generation born between 1920 and 1960, and then the spurt went away. Cohorts born in later years all own guns at substantially lower levels.


IOW, "gun nutters", are a very real phenomenon. The wacko idea of owning guns so one is able to take over the government or fight off the government is "dead" serious to these folx.

Now, if they would just stay home, caressing their guns and dreaming of insurrection, and let the rest of us go about our lives, that would be fine.

(Anyone who wants to dispute the source(s), please, don't whine - Just post PROOF.)
The Myth Of NRA Dominance Part IV: The Declining Role Of Guns In American Society | ThinkProgress
The following is the fourth of a multi-part series by Paul Waldman, Contributing Editor at The American Prospect, on the National Rifle Association’s exaggerated role in American politics.

In the first three installments in this series (read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3), I discussed the myth of the NRA’s power: how its money, endorsements, and vaunted organizing ability don’t provide anything like the electoral victories so many believe. In this final installment, I address the contemporary status of guns in America. For all the cultural weight and mythology about firearms, the truth is that gun ownership has undergone a long and steady decline. Demographic shifts suggest that in the future, that decline will only continue and perhaps accelerate. And as contentious as the gun issue often appears, there is widespread agreement that gun ownership can and should be limited in various ways. Though a majority of Americans believe in a broad right to own guns, they also support universal background checks, permit requirements, and measures to keep guns out of the hands of potentially dangerous people.
So what are you trying to tell us Komrade? Rich people own all the guns so America need "Gun Re-Distribution"? :confused:

For? or Against? WHAT?

Quit looking for boogey-mans to pretend-shoot at. It makes you look like a reactionary loon looking for an excuse to go buy some more guns.

Oh, wait ...
So we're supposed to hate the evil 1%ers that own the wealth AND the 1%ers that own guns.

Got it!


For? or Against? WHAT?

Quit looking for boogey-mans to pretend-shoot at. It makes you look like a reactionary loon looking for an excuse to go buy some more guns.

Oh, wait ...

Originally Posted by American Communist
So what are you trying to tell us Komrade? Rich people own all the guns so America need "Gun Re-Distribution"?
Originally Posted by Luddly Neddite
Oh good GAWD.

You people really nutz.


Try not to make up shit. Just READ WHAT I WROTE.

LOL They don't get it. One of the things that is really disturbing about pro-gun people, at least as shown on this message board, is that they are not all that bright. Very disturbing.
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So we're supposed to hate the evil 1%ers that own the wealth AND the 1%ers that own guns.

Got it!


Yet another knee jerker making up a pile of shit.

Can even one nutter manage an intelligent response to these articles?


For? or Against? WHAT?

Quit looking for boogey-mans to pretend-shoot at. It makes you look like a reactionary loon looking for an excuse to go buy some more guns.

Oh, wait ...

Originally Posted by American Communist
So what are you trying to tell us Komrade? Rich people own all the guns so America need "Gun Re-Distribution"?
Originally Posted by Luddly Neddite
Oh good GAWD.

You people really nutz.


Try not to make up shit. Just READ WHAT I WROTE.

LOL They don't get it. One of the things that is really disturbing about pro-gun people, at least as shown on this message board, is that they are not all that bright. Very disturbing.

Having shown themselves as exactly that, they won't be posting any more idiotic lies in this thread.


For? or Against? WHAT?

Quit looking for boogey-mans to pretend-shoot at. It makes you look like a reactionary loon looking for an excuse to go buy some more guns.

Oh, wait ...

Originally Posted by American Communist
So what are you trying to tell us Komrade? Rich people own all the guns so America need "Gun Re-Distribution"?
Originally Posted by Luddly Neddite
Oh good GAWD.

You people really nutz.


Try not to make up shit. Just READ WHAT I WROTE.

LOL They don't get it. One of the things that is really disturbing about pro-gun people, at least as shown on this message board, is that they are not all that bright. Very disturbing.

He moron, American Communist isn't pro gun.

You aren't very bright.

For? or Against? WHAT?

Quit looking for boogey-mans to pretend-shoot at. It makes you look like a reactionary loon looking for an excuse to go buy some more guns.

Oh, wait ...

Originally Posted by American Communist
So what are you trying to tell us Komrade? Rich people own all the guns so America need "Gun Re-Distribution"?
Originally Posted by Luddly Neddite
Oh good GAWD.

You people really nutz.


Try not to make up shit. Just READ WHAT I WROTE.

LOL They don't get it. One of the things that is really disturbing about pro-gun people, at least as shown on this message board, is that they are not all that bright. Very disturbing.

Hmmm ... I let the nutters do exactly what they're doing in the news and in our communities. They're making so much noise screaming that the sky is falling, that we're not hearing what this article is saying -

Maybe there are a lot of "gun nuts" on this board but there really are relatively few out in the real world. We need to work at not letting them drown out the sanity.

For? or Against? WHAT?

Quit looking for boogey-mans to pretend-shoot at. It makes you look like a reactionary loon looking for an excuse to go buy some more guns.

Oh, wait ...

Originally Posted by Luddly Neddite
Oh good GAWD.

You people really nutz.


Try not to make up shit. Just READ WHAT I WROTE.

LOL They don't get it. One of the things that is really disturbing about pro-gun people, at least as shown on this message board, is that they are not all that bright. Very disturbing.

He moron, American Communist isn't pro gun.

You aren't very bright.

Your post, name calling, being demeaning--that indicates not only your lack of intelligence, your lack of perception, but also your lack of any kind of decency in discussion. The quality and level of your posts resemble those of an angry teenager or adolescent . I don't know anything about American Communist. I am new to these boards. Only someone not very bright would assume I should know his political leanings. What I do know is that he missed the point of the original post, which is what I was commenting on. You missed the point of the original post, you missed the point of my post, and all you seem to be able to do is mouth off and name call. You really are not in any position, intellectually, to ascertain someone else's level of intelligence.
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LOL They don't get it. One of the things that is really disturbing about pro-gun people, at least as shown on this message board, is that they are not all that bright. Very disturbing.

He moron, American Communist isn't pro gun.

You aren't very bright.

Your post, name calling, being demeaning--that indicates not only your lack of intelligence, your lack of perception, but also your lack of any kind of decency in discussion. The quality and level of your posts resemble those of an angry teenager or adolescent . I don't know anything about American Communist. I am new to these boards. Only someone not very bright would assume I should know his political leanings. What I do know is that he missed the point of the original post, which is what I was commenting on. You missed the point of the original post, you missed the point of my post, and all you seem to be able to do is mouth off and name call. You really are not in any position, intellectually, to ascertain someone else's level of intelligence.

Damn, I guess you can dish it out but can't take it yourself.

Not really surprising.
If lefties didn't have strawman arguments, they'd have nothing to say.

It really is funny... not in a good way... they go for decades without a peep about an issue then... suddenly.... (as if on command)... it becomes a big fucken deal.

It's almost like someone is feeding their thoughts.

Nah, couldn't be.

He moron, American Communist isn't pro gun.

You aren't very bright.

Your post, name calling, being demeaning--that indicates not only your lack of intelligence, your lack of perception, but also your lack of any kind of decency in discussion. The quality and level of your posts resemble those of an angry teenager or adolescent . I don't know anything about American Communist. I am new to these boards. Only someone not very bright would assume I should know his political leanings. What I do know is that he missed the point of the original post, which is what I was commenting on. You missed the point of the original post, you missed the point of my post, and all you seem to be able to do is mouth off and name call. You really are not in any position, intellectually, to ascertain someone else's level of intelligence.

Damn, I guess you can dish it out but can't take it yourself.

Not really surprising.

"Lefties" "dumbass" "moron"

This name calling ^^ is from 3 of your 4 posts in this thead. I 'dished out' nothing remotely like that. Again, your posting resembles an angry adolescent who does not know enough to have some common decency in a discussion. Again, your assumption that I should know the political leanings of every poster on these forums shows an immature intellectual level. Again, you completely missed the point of the OP and the point of my post, which indicates a lack of intellectual maturity. I'm not 'dishing out' anything. I am making a very reasonable observation: something you clearly are not able to do.
Last edited:
Your post, name calling, being demeaning--that indicates not only your lack of intelligence, your lack of perception, but also your lack of any kind of decency in discussion. The quality and level of your posts resemble those of an angry teenager or adolescent . I don't know anything about American Communist. I am new to these boards. Only someone not very bright would assume I should know his political leanings. What I do know is that he missed the point of the original post, which is what I was commenting on. You missed the point of the original post, you missed the point of my post, and all you seem to be able to do is mouth off and name call. You really are not in any position, intellectually, to ascertain someone else's level of intelligence.

Damn, I guess you can dish it out but can't take it yourself.

Not really surprising.

"Lefties" "dumbass" "moron"

This name calling ^^ is from 3 of your 4 posts in this thead. I 'dished out' nothing remotely like that. Again, your posting resembles an angry adolescent who does not know enough to have some common decency in a discussion. Again, your assumption that I should know the political leanings of every poster on these forums shows an immature intellectual level. Again, you completely missed the point of the OP and the point of my post, which, again, indicates a lack of intellectual maturity. I'm not 'dishing out' anything. I am making a very reasonable observation: something you clearly are not able to do.

Burned you didn't I? Twice even!
If lefties didn't have strawman arguments, they'd have nothing to say.

It really is funny... not in a good way... they go for decades without a peep about an issue then... suddenly.... (as if on command)... it becomes a big fucken deal.

It's almost like someone is feeding their thoughts. Nah, couldn't be.


Unlike the 'righties' whose daily mega doses of Faux News create their reality, which they go on to regurgitate ad infinitum. When do the 'righties' start actually thinking for themselves, including not using every opportunity under the sun to name call and try to demean with ridiculous labels?
Damn, I guess you can dish it out but can't take it yourself.

Not really surprising.

"Lefties" "dumbass" "moron"

This name calling ^^ is from 3 of your 4 posts in this thead. I 'dished out' nothing remotely like that. Again, your posting resembles an angry adolescent who does not know enough to have some common decency in a discussion. Again, your assumption that I should know the political leanings of every poster on these forums shows an immature intellectual level. Again, you completely missed the point of the OP and the point of my post, which, again, indicates a lack of intellectual maturity. I'm not 'dishing out' anything. I am making a very reasonable observation: something you clearly are not able to do.

Burned you didn't I? Twice even!

You really, really do not get it. Poor thing. Must be gruesome to have to live inside your brain.

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