FFS! Now we got Harvey Weinstein and his treatment of Women. And the elected returning money. FFS!


Bill Oreally, Donald Trump, Harvey, on and on and on......The irony here.....if these guys didn't harass half these white chic's, most would still be pimpin a local burger joint for tip money!! Fuck affirmative action, what puts most ww on the map and road to success....are powerful horney white men....own it ladies...you too Mika...only you need to thank daddy!!

As opposed to some of the black males stellar behavior towards women? Which rapper was that that pulled a woman from the audience and assaulted her onstage? Or some of the sports figures with histories of violence towards women. Or just the black males that have fully checked out and refuse responsibility for the children they fathered?
Crappy behavior towards women isn't confined to white males.
Congress should haul in all the studio heads to testify, along with the actresses who’ve been complaining, and maybe some of the child actors who’ve suffered abuse. Because that’s what we do when an industry betrays the public trust, right?
Triggered--for every white crime you bring up--the blacks commit more per capita
so, you are really showing how hateful and racist you are, while also bringing out the fact that blacks commit more crime per capita

Bill Oreally, Donald Trump, Harvey, on and on and on......The irony here.....if these guys didn't harass half these white chic's, most would still be pimpin a local burger joint for tip money!! Fuck affirmative action, what puts most ww on the map and road to success....are powerful horney white men....own it ladies...you too Mika...only you need to thank daddy!!

As opposed to some of the black males stellar behavior towards women? Which rapper was that that pulled a woman from the audience and assaulted her onstage? Or some of the sports figures with histories of violence towards women. Or just the black males that have fully checked out and refuse responsibility for the children they fathered?
Crappy behavior towards women isn't confined to white males.
they just arrested Nelly for rape--
Which one did Bill Cosby take his cue from?
Dude your barkin up the wrong tree....never liked Bill Cosby, Bill Clinton or Buffalo Bill.......he's another white man's nigga. But to answer your question, he got his cue from yet another ww looking for a easy way to success....pills vs panties.
triggered--they just arrested Nelly for rape...how come you didn't bring that up?? o yes, because you are a racist calling others racist --that's a hypocrite
so all of your anti-white posts from now on are WORTHLESS
we :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: at them
Sexual assault is not race-specific, except to triggered.

Maybe she's a racist?


Bill Oreally, Donald Trump, Harvey, on and on and on......The irony here.....if these guys didn't harass half these white chic's, most would still be pimpin a local burger joint for tip money!! Fuck affirmative action, what puts most ww on the map and road to success....are powerful horney white men....own it ladies...you too Mika...only you need to thank daddy!!
I believe women should be more honest, simply for the sake of morals.
What's your point? That he was a player...well duh!

The Great Orange Douche is 10x worse than Bubba. Three times married and cheating on all three wives.

Really you so-called conservative and christian godly morons. You sick in the head folks made an issue over Bubba and his affairs. But when it comes to the Great
Orange Douche, seems you/they/them are ALL okay with it now. And The Douche claims to be a godly man. You know that Great Orange Douche statement, 'women must be punished' for having an abortion.And the best-unsaid part was. The men walk FREE unpunished! Where are these men? Like, step up here dude Douches. Say to the girl, have the baby, I will pay the bills and you give it to me and you're free of it. Or
I will buy the thangs
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Bill Oreally, Donald Trump, Harvey, on and on and on......The irony here.....if these guys didn't harass half these white chic's, most would still be pimpin a local burger joint for tip money!! Fuck affirmative action, what puts most ww on the map and road to success....are powerful horney white men....own it ladies...you too Mika...only you need to thank daddy!!

Bill Oreally, Donald Trump, Harvey, on and on and on......The irony here.....if these guys didn't harass half these white chic's, most would still be pimpin a local burger joint for tip money!! Fuck affirmative action, what puts most ww on the map and road to success....are powerful horney white men....own it ladies...you too Mika...only you need to thank daddy!!

What Hollywood Really Thinks About the Harvey Weinstein Scandal.
On the heels of Thursday’s bombshell New York Times exposé, which details numerous accusations of sexual harassment and other too-nauseating-to-even-contemplate abuses of power and station by Weinstein Company co-chairman Harvey Weinstein, the hard-charging, Oscar-winning studio mogul has become toxic in Hollywood. His public dressing-down has drawn the tweeted opprobrium of (among others) Rose McGowanand Ashley Judd — actresses who reportedly personally endured Weinstein’s sexual misconduct — and now, as a direct result, the Academy Award rainmaker is getting mentioned almost invariably in the same breath as Roger Ailes and Bill Cosby around town.

Taking a leave of absence from TWC a day ahead of an emergency board of directors
meeting scheduled for Friday evening, Weinstein’s continuing ability to lead the company he co-founded with brother Bob in 2005 remains a subject of intense debate for studio executives, producers, talent agents, and filmmakers.
What Hollywood Really Thinks About the Harvey Weinstein Scandal

:eek-52::eusa_think:Really, What's wrong with men here? Here with Harvey, like the Great Orange Douche will payoff these girls. I guess this is more of MAGA!? Men first, Female are here to be used and abused.:nono:...

Btw. Some girls are playing these rich people for the money are providing them services.
Like our current Great Orange Douche here. IT paid top dollars for IT's 3rd serving
ex-Hooker, that made it to be a Hooker FLOTUS!:uhh:
When is Hollywood going to help with our current social dilemma. Damsels in distress should have gone out of style along with chastity belts and shining suits of armor.

Everybody likes full body massage with happy ending; except free chics, when they have an ulterior motive and claim they don't have a work ethic to dig.
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Yeah, it isn't like Bill Cosby did anything wrong, or is he white too?
The guys guilty as hell......guilty of wasting good nukie pills on easy lay ww.

Really, cosby had the money to fund a personal sex slave camp. I guess the thrill of a real rape is not
the same as roleplay? But, there is a 1% sex service industry for these people.
Say like 'Eyes Wide Shut' (1999)
Outrage over ad for drug-friendly sex holiday on private island | Daily Mail Online

Or better.. Sex Island with Jeffrey Edward Epstein. The Douche and Bubba playground.
triggered--they just arrested Nelly for rape...how come you didn't bring that up?? o yes, because you are a racist calling others racist --that's a hypocrite
so all of your anti-white posts from now on are WORTHLESS
we :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: at them
Nelly who? I'm 60 plus years old, enlighten me

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