FFS! Now we got Harvey Weinstein and his treatment of Women. And the elected returning money. FFS!

The draft dodger lost his civil case and got disbarred, big time, then went on to fuck kids in Haiti

Show me where Bill Clinton was convicted in a criminal case? The Great Orange Douche has lost 100's and 100's of civil cases.
Was a 3 or 5-time foot bone spur draft dodger, I think, at least. Three times married, and will again. IS a sex predator as well. And the Douche went to sex island as well, many times.
So why did you vote Orange Douche? As Hillary has the cleaner record over these men.
Wait, so you see no problem with a president abusing his position of power in order to make a 20 year old intern give him blow job IN THE OVAL OFFICE while he's sticking a cigar up her vagina?

Then he goes in front of the cameras and claims to not have sex with her, while Hillary throws all kinds of nasty disgusting epithets at the abused woman. "Women's rights" champion that she is.

Seriously. You Lefties are morally bankrupt ideologues, it's better you shut up when it comes to these kinds of things.

Was it illegal? Was it underage? Bill got tagged for lying about it. Which was not required to be investigated in the first place, their LEGAL BY LAW SEX. and did nothing to better American lives, investigating that sex they had or not. Just wasted time chasing the BS issue. The Great Orange Douche LIES 50 times a day, ABOUT REAL ISSUES!.
SO You think that was the first BJ around the oval office? Only weak people would hang their whining issues on this BJ.
He got impeached, you moron. You have nothing against Trump but macho talk and fake news from the crooked media.

Dang!? You're somewhat smart. As seen below.


He did get to to to to the/that 50% mark in an impeachment. Sadly it failed in the Senate. So some asshole repuggers took a vote that did nothing. Can't say the same for Nixon who was a pussy anal republican who RAN! Like they all do.


Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton are the only two presidents to have been successfully impeached by the House of Representatives, and both were later acquitted by the Senate. So, NO they were never winners. OOPS! There Goes Another Repugger BS point!
Did Andrew Johnson shove a cigar up a woman's pussycat who was old enough to be his daughter? And did Andrew Johnson's wife attack the woman with profanity, conspiracy theories, lies, and epithets? Just wondering.

This is why you clowns lost the election. You assumed people didn't see through your lies and hypocrisy.
Meh, he's a Democratic big wig, so he gets a pass for sexism, racism, intolerance, violence, etc. exactly what the left is guilty of, but accuses of the right for.

You give Trump a pass for the same thing. You have no credibility on this issue nor does any other Trump supporter. All of you ignored Trump's harassment of women.
Really? Which woman has Trump harassed, idiot. I haven't seen any charges, have you?

What rock have you been under?

These women have accused Trump of sexual harassment - CNNPolitics
Meh, he's a Democratic big wig, so he gets a pass for sexism, racism, intolerance, violence, etc. exactly what the left is guilty of, but accuses of the right for.

You give Trump a pass for the same thing. You have no credibility on this issue nor does any other Trump supporter. All of you ignored Trump's harassment of women.
Really? Which woman has Trump harassed, idiot. I haven't seen any charges, have you?

What rock have you been under?

These women have accused Trump of sexual harassment - CNNPolitics
Trumped up allegations and lies by Leftie oppo reasearch to take Trump down... how many actually materialed? Non zero zip nada. Had Trump really done something they would have brought it up 30 years ago when it happened.

So you have no problem that a pervert Democratic president violates the sanctity of the Oval Office by turning it into his personal harem, and then trying to destroy the women he violates in the Oval Office. Got it. Yet another example of Democrats being for "women's rights". Ha ha ha.
CNN Fake News Politics? Ha ha ha ho ho ho. They have ZERO credibilty.
CNN Fake News Politics? Ha ha ha ho ho ho. They have ZERO credibilty.

Again. The cowardly 'fake news' spew card. Like that's a winning card.
Try harder with your BS 'fake news' spew. The reason you're saying it. Is because you have no facts to back up your BS fantasies in your mind melon. That support your views on the way you want things to be in this world. Like cowards always do, they play the BS, lying about the facts con-man game. Like the Great Orange Douche does 50 times a day. YES! You can't deal with the realities of the real world. And hang with the moron devotees to fake gods in the sky. And the land sewer king called The Great Orange Douche. Gee. You're the type that would suck in all the flinging ordures from a panel of 12 orangutans on CRACK as real news.



and last..
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You see, that's why you guys got humiliated in the last election. Morons like you fell for the fake news propaganda "numbers" that "there's no way Trump would win". All those fake polls and fake numbers and continuous lies were nothing but puff.
any lawsuits, that he lost?

Did Bill Clinton lose a criminal case over his sex services?
The draft dodger lost his civil case and got disbarred, big time, then went on to fuck kids in Haiti

Show me where Bill Clinton was convicted in a criminal case? The Great Orange Douche has lost 100's and 100's of civil cases.
Was a 3 or 5-time foot bone spur draft dodger, I think, at least. Three times married, and will again. IS a sex predator as well. And the Douche went to sex island as well, many times.
So why did you vote Orange Douche? As Hillary has the cleaner record over these men.
Wait, so you see no problem with a president abusing his position of power in order to make a 20 year old intern give him blow job IN THE OVAL OFFICE while he's sticking a cigar up her vagina?

Then he goes in front of the cameras and claims to not have sex with her, while Hillary throws all kinds of nasty disgusting epithets at the abused woman. "Women's rights" champion that she is.

Seriously. You Lefties are morally bankrupt ideologues, it's better you shut up when it comes to these kinds of things.

Was it illegal? Was it underage? Bill got tagged for lying about it. Which was not required to be investigated in the first place, their LEGAL BY LAW SEX. and did nothing to better American lives, investigating that sex they had or not. Just wasted time chasing the BS issue. The Great Orange Douche LIES 50 times a day, ABOUT REAL ISSUES!.
SO You think that was the first BJ around the oval office? Only weak people would hang their whining issues on this BJ.
lying under oath and to all America on TV--nice
Did Bill Clinton lose a criminal case over his sex services?
The draft dodger lost his civil case and got disbarred, big time, then went on to fuck kids in Haiti

Show me where Bill Clinton was convicted in a criminal case? The Great Orange Douche has lost 100's and 100's of civil cases.
Was a 3 or 5-time foot bone spur draft dodger, I think, at least. Three times married, and will again. IS a sex predator as well. And the Douche went to sex island as well, many times.
So why did you vote Orange Douche? As Hillary has the cleaner record over these men.
Wait, so you see no problem with a president abusing his position of power in order to make a 20 year old intern give him blow job IN THE OVAL OFFICE while he's sticking a cigar up her vagina?

Then he goes in front of the cameras and claims to not have sex with her, while Hillary throws all kinds of nasty disgusting epithets at the abused woman. "Women's rights" champion that she is.

Seriously. You Lefties are morally bankrupt ideologues, it's better you shut up when it comes to these kinds of things.

Was it illegal? Was it underage? Bill got tagged for lying about it. Which was not required to be investigated in the first place, their LEGAL BY LAW SEX. and did nothing to better American lives, investigating that sex they had or not. Just wasted time chasing the BS issue. The Great Orange Douche LIES 50 times a day, ABOUT REAL ISSUES!.
SO You think that was the first BJ around the oval office? Only weak people would hang their whining issues on this BJ.
lying under oath and to all America on TV--nice
Again, when you're a Democrat, anything goes.
What Hollywood Really Thinks About the Harvey Weinstein Scandal.
On the heels of Thursday’s bombshell New York Times exposé, which details numerous accusations of sexual harassment and other too-nauseating-to-even-contemplate abuses of power and station by Weinstein Company co-chairman Harvey Weinstein, the hard-charging, Oscar-winning studio mogul has become toxic in Hollywood. His public dressing-down has drawn the tweeted opprobrium of (among others) Rose McGowanand Ashley Judd — actresses who reportedly personally endured Weinstein’s sexual misconduct — and now, as a direct result, the Academy Award rainmaker is getting mentioned almost invariably in the same breath as Roger Ailes and Bill Cosby around town.

Taking a leave of absence from TWC a day ahead of an emergency board of directors
meeting scheduled for Friday evening, Weinstein’s continuing ability to lead the company he co-founded with brother Bob in 2005 remains a subject of intense debate for studio executives, producers, talent agents, and filmmakers.
What Hollywood Really Thinks About the Harvey Weinstein Scandal

:eek-52::eusa_think:Really, What's wrong with men here? Here with Harvey, like the Great Orange Douche will payoff these girls. I guess this is more of MAGA!? Men first, Female are here to be used and abused.:nono:...

Btw. Some girls are playing these rich people for the money are providing them services.
Like our current Great Orange Douche here. IT paid top dollars for IT's 3rd serving
ex-Hooker, that made it to be a Hooker FLOTUS!:uhh:

Sounds like Donald Trump.
Slick Willy comes to mind is the ultimate double standard, not only is he a pedophile, rapist and sex trafficker. He’s a piece of shit
STILL WHINGING OVER A LEGAL BJ! As the great Orange Douche is the same. with over 30 plus settlements and claims against the small handed orange douche, for sex assaults to a rape claim for the ex-wife.
Did you forget that Bill Clinton lied under oath, and the long list of accusers for sexual assault? Yes you did.

Well, The Great Orange Douche has more.
The women who have accused Donald Trump

Trump’s accusers, clockwise from top left: Summer Zervos, Kristin Anderson, Jessica Leeds, Rachel Crooks, Mindy McGillivray, Karena Virginia, Jessica Drake, Cathy Heller, Jill Harth, Temple Taggart McDowell, Cassandra Searles, Natasha Stoynoff. That be 12!
STILL WHINGING OVER A LEGAL BJ! As the great Orange Douche is the same. with over 30 plus settlements and claims against the small handed orange douche, for sex assaults to a rape claim for the ex-wife.
Did you forget that Bill Clinton lied under oath, and the long list of accusers for sexual assault? Yes you did.

Well, The Great Orange Douche has more.
The women who have accused Donald Trump

Trump’s accusers, clockwise from top left: Summer Zervos, Kristin Anderson, Jessica Leeds, Rachel Crooks, Mindy McGillivray, Karena Virginia, Jessica Drake, Cathy Heller, Jill Harth, Temple Taggart McDowell, Cassandra Searles, Natasha Stoynoff. (Photos: Ringo H.W. Chiu/AP, ABC News, Julie Jacobson/AP, Linkedin, AP Video, Richard Drew/AP, Jonathon Ziegler/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images, Michael Stewart/WireImage/Getty Images, NBC, Twitter, Molly Redden/The Guardian, Ronen Tivony/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
Lineup of leftist hack liars proven to be false, drudged by the fake news media before the election. As we saw the American people did not fall for it. What makes you morons think Americans are going to fall for this garbage, if it didn't work in the past.

Bill Oreally, Donald Trump, Harvey, on and on and on......The irony here.....if these guys didn't harass half these white chic's, most would still be pimpin a local burger joint for tip money!! Fuck affirmative action, what puts most ww on the map and road to success....are powerful horney white men....own it ladies...you too Mika...only you need to thank daddy!!

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