Field of Metal: Death/Democracy


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a modern warfare paranoia vignette inspired by the films Wolverine: Origins and Enemy at the Gates.

Signing off,


The savage and primal hero Wolverine was contending with the villainous beast-like terrorist known as Sabretooth. Wolverine and Sabretooth used to be friends when they were younger but as they grew up and developed their mutant superpowers (acquired from unnatural genetics-experiments performed on them in secret by the U.S. government), they became rivals...and enemies. Wolverine believed in channelling his anti-government rage to protect the meek and defend democracy whenever humanly possible. Sabretooth was on the other hand a brute and an anarchist and was very proud of his anti-social 'stance.' The Wolverine-Sabretooth standoff was nothing more and nothing less than pure tragedy.


Wolverine (real name Logan) had a friend on Earth --- a sacred and loyal dog named Order. Order followed Wolverine around wherever he went, but when Order realized Wolverine was destined to deal with Sabretooth on the proverbial apocalyptic battleground known as Meggido, he knew Wolverine may depart from Earth in this terrible struggle. Order kept a place in his heart for his dear friend Wolverine by marking a tombstone in a special cemetery and declaring it as Wolverine's 'place.' Order refused to lose Wolverine to the horrors of modern warfare. After all, Wolverine was a democracy-defender and prowled around trying to stomp out anti-federalism terrorism; Sabretooth was the ultimate devil-incarnate. What else could Order do?


Well, unfortunately, Order's premonition was not too far off. Wolverine did indeed have to contend with Sabretooth at Meggido and the outcome would determine much of the course of the modern Israel-Palestine conflict (especially since Sabretooth wanted to exploit political confusion to fan the flames of terrorism and create even more confusion). Wolverine did not die, but he lost one arm and required scientists to generate him a brand-new organic arm. Sabretooth did not die either, but he scurried off in defeat (Wolverine won the fight!) and vowed never to return again (much to Wolverine's relief!). Wolverine ran home to his dear friend and dog Order. Order jumped up to greet him, and Wolverine (smoking his signature-cigar) told his friend, "War is Satanic...and very modern."



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