Fight for Freedom of Speech on Campuses


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
DOJ backs Freedom of Speech lawsuit against University of Michigan

“The University’s policies prohibit speech that any listener finds ‘bothersome’ or ‘hurtful’ — an overbroad, vague, and subjective standard that is a paradigmatic example of the chilling of free expression prohibited by the First Amendment,” the statement of interest read.

In a statement, acting Associate Attorney General Jesse Panuccio said freedom of speech and expression “are under attack” on college campuses.

“This Justice Department, under the leadership of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, is committed to promoting and defending Americans’ first freedom at public universities,” Mr. Panuccio said.

One student quoted in the lawsuit said free speech is permitted on campus only “if your ideals align with those the University imposed on us.”

Trump administration says University of Michigan ‘Bias Response Team’ is unconstitutional

Orwell was trying to warn us about today's PC Left Wing knuttjobs
DOJ backs Freedom of Speech lawsuit against University of Michigan

“The University’s policies prohibit speech that any listener finds ‘bothersome’ or ‘hurtful’ — an overbroad, vague, and subjective standard that is a paradigmatic example of the chilling of free expression prohibited by the First Amendment,” the statement of interest read.

In a statement, acting Associate Attorney General Jesse Panuccio said freedom of speech and expression “are under attack” on college campuses.

“This Justice Department, under the leadership of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, is committed to promoting and defending Americans’ first freedom at public universities,” Mr. Panuccio said.

One student quoted in the lawsuit said free speech is permitted on campus only “if your ideals align with those the University imposed on us.”

Trump administration says University of Michigan ‘Bias Response Team’ is unconstitutional

Orwell was trying to warn us about today's PC Left Wing knuttjobs
Did Orwell warn you when it was the pc right nut jobs that did it for the last several thousand years?

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