"Fighting racism is a Christian Value "

Why the ones who call themselves conservative are thr least compasionate towards others, wouldnt jesus have helped the refugees? The dreamers? Thr immigrants?
Why is it highly likely a racist and a bigot can be conservative more than. A liberal who doesn't even believe in god.
Why the ones who call themselves conservative are thr least compasionate towards others, wouldnt jesus have helped the refugees? The dreamers? Thr immigrants?
Why is it highly likely a racist and a bigot can be conservative more than. A liberal who doesn't even believe in god.
I wonder what Martin Luther would have made of todays super churches. I think that he would have recognised them straight away.
The Church has a duty to speak out on racism,diversity and inclusion. But many "churches" are there to serve their pastors and not God.
Why the ones who call themselves conservative are thr least compasionate towards others, wouldnt jesus have helped the refugees? The dreamers? Thr immigrants?
Why is it highly likely a racist and a bigot can be conservative more than. A liberal who doesn't even believe in god.
Jesus would say " Obey Caesar's law. Modern times: "Follow the Constitution."
Why the ones who call themselves conservative are thr least compasionate towards others, wouldnt jesus have helped the refugees? The dreamers? Thr immigrants?
Why is it highly likely a racist and a bigot can be conservative more than. A liberal who doesn't even believe in god.
I wonder what Martin Luther would have made of todays super churches. I think that he would have recognised them straight away.
The Church has a duty to speak out on racism,diversity and inclusion. But many "churches" are there to serve their pastors and not God.

Ask MLK Jr's family. Several support President Trump.

Alveda King, MLK’s niece: ‘I voted for Mr. Trump’
On King day, Trump meets with Martin Luther King III
Why the ones who call themselves conservative are thr least compasionate towards others, wouldnt jesus have helped the refugees? The dreamers? Thr immigrants?
Why is it highly likely a racist and a bigot can be conservative more than. A liberal who doesn't even believe in god.
Jesus would say " Obey Caesar's law. Modern times: "Follow the Constitution."
Jesus would tell us the seek the destruction of every unjust law and institution in a peaceful manner...obvious you don't have an adult grasp of Christianity.
Why the ones who call themselves conservative are thr least compasionate towards others, wouldnt jesus have helped the refugees? The dreamers? Thr immigrants?
Why is it highly likely a racist and a bigot can be conservative more than. A liberal who doesn't even believe in god.
I wonder what Martin Luther would have made of todays super churches. I think that he would have recognised them straight away.
The Church has a duty to speak out on racism,diversity and inclusion. But many "churches" are there to serve their pastors and not God.

Ask MLK Jr's family. Several support President Trump.

Alveda King, MLK’s niece: ‘I voted for Mr. Trump’
On King day, Trump meets with Martin Luther King III
It takes her awhile to reach factually correct conclusions...
Her abject failure at the voting booth will take some time for her to digest.

Even Alveda Admits Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was Not A Republican
Well, as of October 2013, Alveda King has retracted her claim, saying, in part:
"I have few regrets in my life. At the top of the list is the demise of two children in my womb, and one miscarriage. Next to that, I regret having said to a group of peers that my Uncle M. L. (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) was a Republican. I said that without having all the facts. My Grandfather, Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr. was a registered Republican. Uncle M. L. was an independent, who in his own words tended to vote Democrat. I assumed that since Granddaddy was a Republican, Uncle M. L. was too.”
Even Alveda Admits Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was Not A Republican
Speaking out against racism is certainly a good thing. The problem arises when one side of an argument calls the other side racist just to end the any further discussion. It's more than amusing to watch white middle class yuppie larva tell black Trump supporters that they're racist. At this point the term racist has lost all meaning.
The problem is liberals and homos defining "racism" and "christianity."

They are least qualified to define either.
It absolutely is a Christian Value. The problem is that the left labels everything they don't like as racist. We as Christians need to fight racism sure, but the left wing nutters don't get to decide who we fight.
It absolutely is a Christian Value. The problem is that the left labels everything they don't like as racist. We as Christians need to fight racism sure, but the left wing nutters don't get to decide who we fight.
'Fighting racism' is a terrible joke. It is ghost chasing. Racism is in people's minds and we can see just looking at the racial situation in this country today that 'fighting racism' and trying to shame people for having racist thoughts only makes those thoughts stronger and those who harbor such thoughts louder.

Who cares if someone is racist? As long as they don't commit violence against others because of those thoughts...it really shouldn't matter what someone thinks about another race.
Fighting racism sure seems like a Christian value, yeah.

Screaming RACIST every few minutes to avoid honest conversation and leverage political advantage probably isn't.
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Fighting 'racism' is not a value at all. It's ghost hunting.
Hello ghost.
You're a clown.
Ah! Recognition!! Love the compliment! :thup:
I have no issue with admitting I am racist. So why do you feel the need to point it out?
Sometimes I just enjoy kicking over slime covered rocks to see what's under them.
Fighting 'racism' is not a value at all. It's ghost hunting.
Hello ghost.
You're a clown.
Ah! Recognition!! Love the compliment! :thup:
I have no issue with admitting I am racist. So why do you feel the need to point it out?
Sometimes I just enjoy kicking over slime covered rocks to see what's under them.
That's not what you are doing though, at least not in my case. I openly state my prejudices on this board every day. There is nothing under this rock, what you see is what you get.
Ah! Recognition!! Love the compliment! :thup:
I have no issue with admitting I am racist. So why do you feel the need to point it out?
Sometimes I just enjoy kicking over slime covered rocks to see what's under them.
That's not what you are doing though, at least not in my case. I openly state my prejudices on this board every day. There is nothing under this rock, what you see is what you get.
Oh, then I guess I'm just following the slime trail. :thup:

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